Set up FIORI notifications

This blog will explain the setup of FIORI notifications. They are sometimes also called FIORI push notifications.

The notifications on the FIORI launchpad are pushed to the end user on the top right part of the screen:

In this case 22 notifications are present.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to generically activate FIORI notifications?
  • Which specific settings do I need to perform to activate notifications for my specific workflow?
  • Hot to test FIORI notificaitons?
  • Where to find more background on FIORI notifications?

Setting up the FIORI notifications

Goto the customizing entry for notification channel configuration. We will set up the scenario for embedded FIORI. If you want to set up notifications for the FIORI gateway as a central step, more activities are required. These are listed at the sap help site.

Start with the Notification Hub RFC destination:

Set the destination to NONE and press execute:

Now set the backend system alias to LOCAL and press execute:

Now goto the menu entry for Manage Notification Providers to activate the desired ones:

Now we will setup the notification channel hub. Goto this customizing actions:

Start with the action Manage SAP System Aliases and map the LOCAL gateway to RFC destination NONE:

Now select the Publish the Notification ODATA Service entry and make sure the service /IWNGW/NOTIFICATION_SRV is published:

If not done, push the button Publish Service Groups, select LOCAL, press button Get Service Groups and search for /IWNGW/NOTIFICATION_SRV:

And publish it.

Now check in Manage WebSocket Endpoint that service NOTIFICATION_PUSH_APC is active:

In the customizing entry Activate and Maintain Push Channels, check that the push channels are properly active, and if not activate it:

Go to transaction SWF_PUSH_NOTIF1 to add the workflow task for push notifications. We will add task TS00008267 (this is used in the generic workflow verification):

Click on the text icon to maintain the text:

Make sure that in the technical job repository SJOBREPO (see blog) that the jobs for deadline monitoring and push notifications are running:

Testing the push notifications

Now you can start the verification workflow in SWU3 (see blog) or start test transaction /IWNGW/BEP_DEMO:

The results can be seen on the FIORI launchpad:

Notification icon not visible on the FIORI launchpad

If the notification is hidden, check the configurations in transactions /UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAP and /UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUST. It can be that an adminstrator has suppressed this function.

Background information

The minimum requirements for FIORI notifications are described in OSS note 2578256 – What is the minimum requirement for Fiori Notification?.

Configuration restrictions are listed in OSS 2729492 – Configuring notifications in Fiori Launchpad and known restrictions.

See this SAP help file on the topic for setup FIORI notifications.

See this SAP help file for notification channel troubleshooting.

See this SAP help file for end user tips & tricks with regards to FIORI notifications.

For custom development of FIORI push notifications, read this SAP blog.

For a very good and extensive full setup description for 1809 FIORI 2.0 description, read this SAP blog.

Formal OSS note for error analysis: 3358966 – Fiori Push Notifications are not created – Help for analysis.

Bug fix notes

SUIM User Information System

SUIM is like a swiss knife for the authorization consultant. It has so many reporting tools it can basically answer any question.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • What are the most useful tools in SUIM?
  • How can I list users that never logged on to the system?
  • How can I list users that are locked, or have password issues?
  • How can I list users with critical authorizations?


The SUIM tool is started with transaction SUIM:

Here you can select the reports from the different categories.

Most useful SUIM reports

In the subsections below you can find the most useful and most used SUIM reports.

Actual user columns are hidden in the examples below for privacy protection.

User with logon data and password change

Query need: to list when users did logon for the last time and when they last changed their password. This query can be very useful when you have to clean up for the yearly license measurement.

In SUIM select this report:

Start screen:

Example result screen:

Check on users with specific authorization value

One of the most used SUIM reports is to list which users have a specific authorization value:

In this example we will lookup users which have rights for debugging (object S_DEVELOP, value DEBUG):

On the result list you can see all users. Select the user you are interested in and select the button In Accordance with Selection to find out which role has the specifically requested authorization object:

Result can be multiple roles as well:

Remark: there are 3 single roles here which contain the object. The 3 roles are in 1 composite role that is assigned. That is why the number on top shows 1 roles and there are 3 detail lines.

Check on most common critical authorizations

SUIM has a nice check program to check on the most common critical authorizations:

You can select the default SAP variant and use display variant to see the list of checks:

Open the checks to see the details:

The result list can have many potential issues:

You again use the button In Accordance with Selection to find out which role is cause of the potential issue.

Be careful with the reporting of the numbers. A lot of managers cannot deal with the high amount reported. 'It is unbelievable that I have 91.493 critical authorization issues in my system!'. Most of the issues are simple to fix and bring the numbers down dramatically. Or some of the items are not relevant in your situation. Always handle the numbers with care.


This is new transaction to show user changes. Read more in this blog.

OSS notes

SUIM is constantly being improved. There are many small bug fix OSS notes. Don’t be scared off by the length of the list. SUIM is a very large function. So it will have many OSS notes.

Bug fix notes to consider:

Number ranges tips & tricks

This blog is about number ranges.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to maintain number ranges?
  • How to transport number ranges?
  • How to clean up old number ranges?
  • How to check if number ranges are full or almost full?
  • Which notes can help me when we have performance issues issues with number ranges?

SNRO number range maintenance

Number ranges can be maintained with transaction SNRO. After starting select the number range to maintain:

Now press the button Interval Editing:

Now you can display or change the intervals or current number:

Transport of number ranges

Number ranges are not directly put into a transport. If you want to transport them, select from the range maintenance screen the menu option Ranges / Transport. You will get this warning screen:

After pressing Yes, the popup for the transport request will come.

Number range fill up check

Program RSNUMHOT can be used to check if any number range is full or is at a certain percentage.

Output example:

For background running read the KBA note 2485249 – How to see the spool results of report RSNUMHOT.

Clearing abandoned number ranges: 3286395 – RSNUMHOT | Critical intervals are reported for abandoned number ranges.

Number range buffer

Using transaction SM56 you can check the number range buffer settings:

See also OSS note 2586414 – NUM: Increase default of number range buffer size.

Number range clean up

If you have an older SAP implementation, the amount of number ranges can go very high. There are many number ranges per year, especially in finance. The result can be that transaction SNRO gets very slow. If this is the case install OSS note 2931837 – NR: Reorganization of interval table. This will bring program NK_IV_REORGANIZE to reorganize the number range table:

Number range issues

Number ranges are know to have issues in 2 areas:

  • Performance (mainly on very large systems): can be seen in SM66 or SM50 with long updates on table NRIV
  • Gaps in number ranges where legal requirements exist

OSS notes to check when having number range issues:

Batch job result distribution

When a batch job finishes, there are use cases where you want to be informed on the results.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How can I mail the spool result of a batch job?
  • How can I mail if the job went ok or not?

Mailing job status

As of version S4HANA 1709 (basis version 7.52), you can mail the batch job result for cancelled jobs, or in all cases when it finishes. In SM37 after job is planned goto change mode of the job and push the E-mail Notification button:

In case of issues check OSS note 2951767 – E-mail notifications are not sent.

Mailing spool result

For mailing spool results use the Spool List Recipient button:

On older systems there might be a cutoff after 1000 lines in the mail. See OSS note 329537 – Spool cut off at 1000 lines when sent to recipient. In case of issues, you can check OSS note 760838 – Spool lists are not sent and 930570 – Problems with sent OTF documents.

Mailing spool result to multiple mail addresses

In transaction SO15 create a distribution list:

Hit the create button to create a distribution list:

Goto the tab Dist. list content to enter the e-mail addresses:

Save the list.

Now you can go to SM37 and change the job:

In the recipient field hit F4 or the selection button and switch to the distribution list. Search the correct one and press ok:

In case somebody by accident deleted a shared distribution list, check OSS note 2477819 – Distribution Lists have been deleted for recovery options.

Bug fixes

Bug fix OSS notes: