SAP API business hub

SAP has collected all their web services and ODATA services on one central page.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to use the SAP API business hub to find an SAP interface for my use case?

SAP API business hub

Start the SAP API business hub by going to the URL

Let’s zoom in to SAP S4HANA:

Now search for Sales Order and select the Sales Order ODATA:

For each method you can zoom into the details:

On the main details tab you can download the API specification, for example in JSON format:

Also it tells you how to build the URL to be called.

A bit below on the same screen is the link to the online documentation:

Which links to the actual helpfile:

SAP reference

SAP reference blog can be found here.

Logical file names

This blog will explain the maintenance of logical file names.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Why use logical file names?
  • How to setup logical paths and logical file names?
  • Which variables can be used in logical file names and logical paths?
  • What is new in transaction SFILE?

Why use logical file name?

The use of a logical file name in any ABAP keeps the location and name name of the file constant from a logical function perspective. The actual implementation of the file location can then be maintained by the basis team. If they want to move files around, they can do so, as long as they also update the logical files. Also this way an ABAP developer does not need to worry in case of any OS switch (for example from Windows to Linux).

The names are the same on development, QA and production system. The basis team can choose to have different file structures on each system. For example by including the system ID in the folder name.

Maintaining logical file path

To maintain logical file names, start transaction FILE:

With new entries, you can add new logical file path.

We will use A2_GLOBALPATH here as example. Select the entry and click on Assignment of physical path to logical path:

Select the operating system to see the details:

Logical file names

Logical file names are also maintained with transaction FILE:

Parameters in naming

The following parameters can be used in the naming conventions:

<OPSYS>Operating system in function module parameter
<INSTANCE>Application Instance
<SYSID>Application name in accordance with system field SY-SYSID.
<DBSYS>Database system in accordance with system field SY-DBSYS
<SAPRL>Release in accordance with system field SY-SAPRL
<HOST>Host name in accordance with system field SY-HOST
<CLIENT>Client in accordance with system field SY-MANDT
<LANGUAGE>Logon language in accordance with system field SY-LANGU
<DATE>Date in accordance with system field SY-DATUM
<YEAR>Year in accordance with system field SY-DATUM, four characters
<SYEAR>Year in accordance with system field SY-DATUM, two characters
<MONTH>Month in accordance with system field SY-DATUM
<DAY>Day in accordance with system field SY-DATUM
<WEEKDAY>Weekday in accordance with system field SY-FDAYW
<TIME>Time in accordance with system field SY-UZEIT
<STIME>Hour and minute in accordance with system field SY-UZEIT
<HOUR>Hour in accordance with system field SY-UZEIT
<MINUTE>Minute in accordance with system field SY-UZEIT
<SECOND>Seconds in accordance with system field SY-UZEIT
<PARAM_1>External parameter 1 passed in function call
<PARAM_2>External parameter 2 passed in function call
<PARAM_3>External parameter 3 passed in function call
<P=name>Value of a profile parameter in the current system
<V=name>Value of a variable in the variable table
<F=name>Return value of a function module

Transaction SFILE

Transaction SFILE is a new maintenance transaction. It is available as of S4HANA 1610. The main functions are the same as FILE. Main new function is the mass download and upload of definitions.

More background on SFILE: see OSS note 2370836 – FAQ | File access management with transaction SFILE.

Bug fix OSS notes:

SE16N emergency edit mode

For emergency cases you might need to edit table data directly. This blog will describe the emergency edit mode of SE16N.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • How to get the SE16N emergency edit mode?
  • How to enable the SE16N emergency edit mode?
  • How to use the SE16N emergency edit mode?

Getting the SE16N emergency edit mode

The SE16N emergency edit mode is standard installed as of S4HANA 2020. For older versions, you need to apply OSS note 2911103 – SE16N: Alternative edit mode.

Enabling SE16N emergency mode

The SE16N emergency mode is started via transaction SE16N_EMERGENCY. This transaction is locked by default:

Please consult your security team before unlocking this powerful transaction.

Use transaction SM01_CUS to unlock the SE16N_EMERGENCY transaction. Read this blog on the use of SM01_CUS.

Use of the SE16N emergency mode

Use of the emergency mode is pretty simple. Start transaction SE16N_EMERGENCY enter the table and you are launched into edit mode immediately. Example is here for table T001:

Other ways

For more different ways of direct table hacking, read this blog.

Checking usage

Checking SE16N usage is explained in this blog.

Or configure audit log after applying/checking this OSS note: 3140539 – SAL | New event definition for change access in SE16N.

Bug fix OSS notes

Bug fix note: