SAP Netweaver gateway FIORI system performance

SAP netweaver gateway is used to host FIORI apps. Attention must be paid to the generic system performance of the system to avoid FIORI users to complain about performance.

Regular clean up jobs

Run program /IWFND/R_SM_CLEANUP in batch to clean up the application log. See note 2499354 – Report /IWFND/R_SM_CLEANUP. You can run with clean up scenario * for all, or select a specific scenario:

/IWFND/CLEANUP_APPSLOG will clean up the application log.

/IWFND/SUPPORT_UTILITIES will clean up support utilities.

See more on periodic tasks on

See OSS note 2620821 – Periodical jobs and corresponding reports to also run programs /IWBEP/SUTIL_CLEANUP and /IWBEP/R_CLEAN_UP_QRL regularly (daily).

Run report /UI2/PERS_EXPIRED_DELETE weekly to clean up old personalization data (see note 2031444 – Cleanup of expired Fiori personalization data on the frontend server).

Cache settings

Metadata cache settings

In customizing go to this path:

Setting should look like following in a productive system:

In a development system you should de-activate this cache.

HTTP/2 usage

Check if you have enabled HTTP/2 already. If not, activate it. See this blog.

Log level settings

In a productive system you can reduce data footprint and improve performance by reducing the log level settings. Only in case of issues, you can increase the log levels again.

To avoid excessive SLG1 logging of type “MESSAGE_TEXT”, make sure to apply solution from OSS note 3247600 – Fiori: /IWFND/MED170 – No service found for namespace ‘/IWBEP/’, name ‘MESSAGE_TEXT’, version ‘0001’.

Gateway error log

Go to transaction /n/IWFND/ERROR_LOG. Now select menu Error Log/Global Configuration. Now the configuration opens:

Set the Error log level in production to Secure. And check the days to realistic dates (settings above in the screen shot are per SAP advice).

Backend error log

Go to transaction /n/IWBEP/ERROR_LOG. Now select menu Error Log/Global Configuration. Now the configuration opens:

Set the Error log level in production to Secure. And check the days to realistic dates (settings above in the screen shot are per SAP advice).


Make sure you don’t keep all metering data too long. You can aggregate and delete it. See this blog.

Check search settings

Check your FIORI search settings. The setup of search is described in this blog and is very powerful. But search might not be needed at all, or most users want only to search for apps:

See note 2871580 – SAP Fiori Launchpad Settings: new Parameters for Enterprise Search for the settings to optimize, and SAP blog on explanation of the settings.

See note 2885249 – How to disable Enterprise Search in Fiori Launchpad to disable the enterprise search part.

See note 2051156 – Deactivation of search in SAP Fiori launchpad for deactivation.

Amount of tiles assigned to the user

The amount of tiles assigned to a user has a big impact on performance. Try to reduce the amount of tiles assigned to the user as minimal as possible.

See OSS notes 2829773 – Fiori Launchpad performance with a large volume of Tiles and 2421371 – Understanding Launchpad performance Issues.

Tables that are growing

Specific notes and solutions for tables that are growing fast in a netweaver gateway system:


This should be simple one, but it isn’t. Sizing of Netweaver Gateway should not be done based on day or week average. Determine your peak times. And at those peak times check the CPU and memory load. If you take averages that include weekend and night, then system sizing might be totally fine. But to avoid complaints, you must be able to handle the peak load.

Full checklist

SAP has a checklist called “SAP Fiori launchpad best practice verification checklist”. Follow this link for the document.

Good other blog with checklist: follow this link.

List all user documenation

On the SU01 user maintenance screen there is a nice tab to capture documentation for that user. But how to list all documentation for all users?

List of all user documentation

To get the user documentation listing program, apply OSS note 3113345 – SUIM | Reporting for User Documentation. This will deliver program SUIM_SHOW_USDOCU:

Run the program for your selection to get the result list:

Click on a documentation line to see all the history.

Custom code adjustments for HANA database migration

If you convert ECC to S4HANA you need to execute custom code adjustments for both HANA database migration and for functional application changes. This can be read in this blog and this blog.

If you only want to migrate an existing database to HANA for a netweaver ABAP stack (either standalone or for SAP ECC), you will also need to adjust custom code.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Which custom code ABAP changes to I need to perform mandatory for a HANA database migration?
  • Which custom code ABAP changes are highly recommended to perform for a HANA database migration?
  • Which other tools should I use to help to smoothen the HANA database migration?

Mandatory custom ABAP changes for HANA database migration

There are mandatory ABAP changes to be made for HANA database migration. The main ones are:

  • Native SQL statements
  • Use of Database hints
  • Search in pool and cluster tables
  • Use of ADBC interface
  • Search for problematic statements without ORDER BY

The first few will not appear too much and are relatively easy to fix.

The last one: the statements without ORDER BY needs some explanation. Some current custom code might work properly with the current database, since some database will present the data to the ABAP application server in a specific sorted way. When migration to HANA database the HANA database might present the same records to the ABAP application server, but in a different sorting or in a random order. This might lead to issues in further handling in custom code. The solution is to analyze the code and to add explicit sorting as per need of the custom program. To scan the usage in live system, see below chapter on SRTCM.

All these changes can be detected with the SCI variant FUNCTIONAL_DB:

Run this SCI variant via the ATC tool on your custom code:

Wait for the run to finish and go to the results. The best overview is when you click the Statistics View button:

Clicking on an item will drill down to the details.

Performance related coding changes for HANA database migration

The second set of custom code changes is from the performance side. For this set you need to run the ATC tool with SCI variant PERFORMANCE_DB:

The PERFORMANCE_DB variant has 2 main parts: mandatory fixes, good to fix.

The mandatory fix is the unsecure use of SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES. If this is not properly checked, it might blow up the system:

What happens here? If in the current database the SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES for whatever reason is not giving results this might be running fine. But on HANA the entire table is read in this case. To scan the usage in live system, see below chapter on SRTCM.

The other part is the performance best practices for HANA:

This ATC run can yield a very long working list:

Where to start? Since even the priority 1 and 2 can yield a very long list.

Use the SQLM and SWLT tools. These tools will help you to prioritize the ATC run result from the PERFORMANCE_DB variant. SQLM will take statistics data from production. You start with the heavy used programs. SWLT will combine the heavy use with the ATC run. The output is the heavy used program which can be improved.

SRTCM tool

The SRTCM tool is specifically designed to scan for 2 main issues: Empty table in FOR ALL ENTRIES clause and Missing ORDER BY or SORT after SELECT. The tool is run on a productive system and will list the actual usage in a productive system.

To switch on start transaction SRTCM and press the Activate Globally button.

Let the tool run, and later Display Results from either running system or snapshot:

Show results;

Clicking on the line will jump to the direct code point.

Note for Oracle as source database: 3209584 – RTM: RTM_PERIODIC_JOB canceled with runtime error SQL_CAUGHT_RABAX (ORACLE).

Functionality issues after HANA database migration

Functional issues after HANA database migration are rare. Some might occur on an ECC system if there are minor bugs or issues in the HANA database optimized routines.

Example OSS notes:

Custom code decommissioning

SAP solution manager offers a custom code decommissioning cockpit tool. This tool you can use to delete unused custom code. Unused code does not need to be migrated, which will save you effort.

SAP references

SAP Readiness check for Cloud ALM

SAP will stop supporting SAP solution manager by 31.12.2027. All its functions will be migrated to SAP Cloud ALM.

The SAP readiness check for Cloud ALM will check the usage of current functions in your SAP solution manager and will validate if replacements in Cloud ALM are already present.

Since Cloud ALM is constantly growing in functionality you better run this check yearly. It is up to each customer to decide to move to SAP Cloud ALM for part of the functions or to wait until all functions are available.

There are other readiness checks as well:

Preparation in SAP solution manager

Apply the latest version of SAP note 3236443 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM to your SAP solution manager system. Run program /SDF/RC_ALM_COLLECT_DATA in your solution manager production system.

It might be that your RFC for destination WEBADMIN is not setup correctly. That will cause a short dump.

If you are not using Trace Analysis function, you can remove code to this call in the local definition of class /SDF/CL_RC_ALM:

Running the check

Run program /SDF/RC_ALM_COLLECT_DATA in your solution manager production system. Select the option Schedule Analysis:

When the job is finished select Download Analysis Data and save the file.

Upload the result file on the Readiness page in SAP for me on this URL.

Result of the check

After the upload, wait up to 1 hour for SAP to process the results. For full explanation of the checks, read this SAP blog. Short description is below:

Top left you get an overview of the capabilities that were detected that are currently in use in Solution manager, or were used in the past:

Below is the most important overview. This shows if your used functions are available on Cloud ALM or will come in the near future, or only on the far Vision future:

SAP Cloud ALM positioning

Read more on SAP Cloud ALM positioning in this blog.

SAP Cloud ALM activation

Read more on SAP Cloud ALM activation in this blog.

Solution manager clean up

For parts of solution manager that you don’t use, you can perform the technical clean up.