SAP Focused Run real user monitoring (RUM) overview

This blog will explain the technical activation and usage of RUM (real user monitoring) in SAP Focused Run.

Basic activation of RUM

First go to the Fiori settings tile:

If the RUM function is not active yet, activate it and Save:

Now go to the FRUN backend ABAP system and start transaction STC01 and select task list SAP_FRUN_SETUP_USECASE and variant SAP&FRUN_AUM (advanced user monitoring):

In the task list setup also select the batch jobs:

Now run the task list. This should not take longer than 1 minute. Result green is ok:

Technical activation of RUM per managed system

Per system for which you want to activate the RUM function proceed as follows:

Go to the SSI Fiori tile:

Select the system:

Now press the Configure manually button and new screen opens:

On top first select Step 2 for Execute configuration. And select the Configure Real user monitoring step. Press the Execute Selected button and wait for the log to show success:

Alternatively you can also do the SSI completely new on the first screen by selecting the Configure Automatically button.

Background: RUM is an intense function. If it is not active, the agent does not have to do anything. The re-do of the SSI is needed to tell the agent on the system to start sending RUM data once it is activated in FRUN configuration.

With this step the managed system is prepared.

Functionality activation of RUM per managed system

Now we can go to the RUM Fiori tile:

After scope selection nothing is active yet:

On top right choose the Configuration button and start with the housekeeping settings:

WARNING: RUM can use a lot of data in your database. It can also consume a lot of your Focused Run licensing. If you use too much; reduce amount of systems for which you activate RUM and reduce the retention periods in the screen above. See blog on Focused Run license measurement.

Go to the Systems section and toggle the Activation for the system to On:

Wait for the configuration and data collection to happen. Take 5 to 10 minutes patience for this step.

After the step, refresh the screen and it should look like this:

Data should appear on the left. On top, select the icon Data Quality. This shows the data collection status per host. The icon will be red at start and turn green after 30 minutes.

Using Real User Monitoring: request tool

Now the setup is done, we can start to use the tool. The main screen is the requests tool:

From the start screen you can zoom into the task type you are interested in. As example we zoom in to the task type Dialog:

Drill down all the way:

Here you can see for which user and when the action was done. Unfortunately the action description is pretty technical: action 2000 in transaction CJ8G still might leave you a bit puzzled.

Using Real User Monitoring: cards tool

The second tool is the cards tool:

Here the entry point is the task type or trend in card format.

Using Real User Monitoring: front end tool

The front end tool gives an overview of front end response times and on clients used on your system:

Using Real User Monitoring: back end tool

The back end tool gives an overview of the back end performance and distribution of the response times:

Using Real User Monitoring: hot request tool

The hot request tool gives a cross section for high usage and performance.

If a part is used more, the block size is larger. In this caser, zooming in on the less used red part might be useful. But is it also interesting to analyze the large used orange blocks, since a lot of users are impacted.

Using Real User Monitoring: 24 hour profile

The 24 hour profile tool can be used to see if there are hours of the day where performance is worse than others. Some might be expected. But also: you might want to put in extra capacity to deal with peak loads. Or schedule some intense batch jobs at different times.

Using Real User Monitoring: topology

The topology tool can help you to analyze where data flow to and from your system are running and with which performance quality:

Using Real User Monitoring: execution flow

In some cases a specific user is complaining about poor performance. You can use the execution flow tool to filter on a specific user ID. After opening the tool, press the filter button to detail the user ID:

More tools

RUM has many more tools. Just explore the menu on the left side if another tool is useful for your situation.

Creating a Custom Metric to Check SAPRouter SNC Certificate Expiry

This metric and script checks the SAPRouter SNC certificate expiry and gives an alert depending on how many days left until expiry.

Define SAProuter in Focused Run LMDB

Prerequisite: Make sure you have installed the SAP Host Agent and performed Outside Discovery on the SAPRouter host.

Go to the LMDB of you Focused Run system, then go to Single Customer Network:

Switch Namespace and go to “Technical Systems” and choose “Unspecific Standalone Application System” from the drop-down, then hit Create.


Enter the Extended SID:

Add Software Component Version:

Search on the software, and then select the correct release, then Add. E.g.:


Add Installation Path and Required LMDB Attributes. NOTE: Find out the relevant software installation path of the SAPRouter on the server.

Perform Simple System Integration.

Configure Script and Custom SAPHostCtrl Operation

Prerequisite: The script requires the SAPRouter SNC Certificate to be properly installed, and the PSE credentials in the cred_v2 file for the account that runs the SAPRouter service.

A script is scheduled to run daily as the same user that runs the SAPRouter service. The script reads the expiry date of the from the PSE and writes it to a file in JSON format so that the FRUN metric can read and interpret it. The script by default has SAPRouter home directory as /usr/sap/saprouter or <drive>:\usr\sap\saprouter, and it can be changed. This will be denoted as <SAPROUTER_HOME>. The PSE file variable can also be changed.


Create a new executable file in the SAPRouter home directory and copy the code in Appendix A. Ensure it is owned and executable by the user that runs the SAPRouter service and belongs to group sapsys. E.g.,

chown <saprouter user>:sapsys
chmod 744

In the script, adjust the following variables:

  • SECUDIR (The SECUDIR folder is where the PSE file resides)
  • PSE

Test the Script. Switch to the user that runs the SAPRouter service, then execute the script:


Look for file NUMDAYS.json. It should contain e.g.:

{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:136}

Schedule script in the root crontab as follows:

# Run SAProuter SNC Certificate expiry check
00 09 * * * su - <saprouter user> -c /usr/sap/saprouter/


Create a batch file (*.bat) in the SAPRouter home directory. In the script, adjust the following variables:

  • SECUDIR (The SECUDIR folder is where the PSE file resides)
  • PSE

Test the Script. Logon as the user that runs the SAPRouter service. Right-click on the bat script and “run as Administrator”. Alternatively, if you are not logged as the SAPRouter service account, you can “run-as” the user that runs the SAPRouter service and execute the script that way.

runas /user:<domain or hostname>\<SAPRouter service user> <SAPROUTER_HOME>\saprouter_expiry_days.bat

NOTE: The SAPRouter service user requires “Allow log on locally” user rights.

Look for file NUMDAYS.json. It should contain e.g.:

{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:136}

Schedule the Script. Open a command prompt as administrator. Execute the command:

SCHTASKS /CREATE /RU <DOMAIN>\<saprouter user> /RP <password> /SC DAILY /TN "Run SAPRouter SNC Certificate expiry check" /TR "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C \"<SAPROUTER_HOME>\saprouter_expiry_days.bat\"" /ST 09:00 /RL HIGHEST

Note: The start time e.g., 09:00 is in 24 hour format. You should see:

Run the new task to test it:

SCHTASKS /RUN /TN "Run SAPRouter SNC Certificate expiry check"

You should see:

Check the timestamp of the file NUMDAYS.json.

Create Custom Operation for saphostctrl

To load these values into Focused Run, a custom operation for saphostctrl needs to be created.


As Root: Create the following custom operations conf file:


Enter the following into the conf file:

Command: cat /usr/sap/saprouter/NUMDAYS.json
Description: Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Unix

Test the custom operation as follows:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function ExecuteOperation -name checksnccert

Result should be:

Webmethod returned successfully
Operation ID: 06C635D6863A1EEDB6BC5C819EE199D7

----- Response data ----
description=Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:169}


Create the following custom operations conf file:

C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\operations.d\checksnccert.conf

Enter the following into the conf file:

Command: FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %x in (<SAPROUTER_HOME>\NUMDAYS.json) DO @echo %x
Description: Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Windows

In a Command Prompt as Administrator, test the custom operation as follows:

"C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\saphostctrl" -function ExecuteOperation -name checksnccert

Result should be:

Webmethod returned successfully
Operation ID: 00155D657F901EEDBCF9E32BC564F964

----- Response data ----
description=Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:360}

Create Custom Alert in Focused Run

Create a new monitoring template for SAPRouter here:

Enter into Expert Mode. Create a new Alert with the following settings:

NOTE: If the tick box “Do not Group Individual Occurrences” is ticked, it will alert at each data collection regardless of its previous rating, and not only at a change of rating.

Create Custom Metric In Focused Run

Create a new Metric with the following settings:

Data Collection

All parameters of the Data Collector which are fixed should have the “Configure” box unticked, and the common parameters pre-filled with the correct values.

The “Custom Operation” parameter is the saphostctrl operation “checksnccert” created earlier. The “Metric Name” parameter is the name of the metric in the JSON output file produced by the script, which is “NumDays”.


The threshold picks up the integer as returned by the script; if it falls to below or equals 10 days, then raise a yellow alert, if below or equals 5 days, then raise a red alert. Choose whatever threshold values suit you.


Assign the Metric to the Alert:

Activate the Alert

Apply SAPRouter Template and Check Monitoring

TIP: Initially set the collection interval to 5 minutes and apply template to see whether it is collecting data. Then you can set the collection interval back to daily.

You should see this in the Monitoring Application:

Appendix A:

# Outputs the expiry date of the SNC Certificate and calculates the number of days
# If the number of days falls below threshold, it sends an alert
# Written by Tony Swietochowski

HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f)

# Check  for saprouter user
[[ ! "$USER"=="$SAPROUTER_USER" ]] && echo "This script must be run using the $SAPROUTER_USER user. Exiting." && exit 1

EXPIRYDATE=$(${SAPROUTER_HOME}/sapgenpse get_my_name -p $PSE -n validity 2>&1 | grep NotAfter | awk -F\( '{print$2}' | cut -c -6)
NUMDAYS=$(echo $(( ($(echo $(date --date="$EXPIRYDATE" +%s) - $(date -d $(date +%y%m%d) +%s)) )/86400 )))
# Above method based on

echo \{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:$NUMDAYS\} > $SAPROUTER_HOME/NUMDAYS.json

Appendix B: saprouter_expiry_days.bat

@echo off

REM Outputs the expiry date of the SNC Certificate and calculates the number of days
REM If the number of days falls below threshold, it sends an alert
REM Written by Tony Swietochowski

set SAPROUTER_HOME=D:\usr\sap\saprouter
set SNC_LIB=%SECUDIR%\sapcrypto.dll
set PSE=local.pse

for /f "tokens=2 delims=\" %%i in ('whoami') do set THISUSER=%%i
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`hostname`) DO (SET HOSTNAME=%%F)


for /f "tokens=2 delims=(" %%a in ('%SAPROUTER_HOME%\sapgenpse.exe get_my_name -p %PSE% -n validity ^2^>^&^1 ^| findstr /l "NotAfter"') do set DATESTRING=(%%a

set expiry_year=20%DATESTRING:~1,2%
set expiry_month=%DATESTRING:~3,2%
set expiry_day=%DATESTRING:~5,2%

set current_year=%date:~-4%
set current_month=%date:~4,2%
set current_day=%date:~7,2%

set "from=%current_month%-%current_day%-%current_year%"
set "to=%expiry_month%-%expiry_day%-%expiry_year%"
echo Wscript.Echo DateDiff("d", "%from%", "%to%") > %TEMP%\tmp.vbs

for /f %%a in ('cscript /nologo %TEMP%\tmp.vbs') do set /a "numdays=%%a"

del %TEMP%\tmp.vbs

echo Number of days to SAPRouter certificate expiry: %numdays% > %SAPROUTER_HOME%\NUMDAYS.log
echo {type:integer, name:NumDays, value:%numdays%} > %SAPROUTER_HOME%\NUMDAYS.json

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Tony Swietochowski (DXC). Repost done with permission. >>

Activating SAP Cloud ALM

This blog will explain the steps to activate SAP Cloud ALM.

Check the use cases of Cloud ALM on the Cloud ALM expert portal.

Organizational preparation

This might be taking the most time in larger organizations. SAP will allow 1 Cloud ALM per customer. But the customer might have multiple SAP systems managed by multiple SAP competence centers. In this case, you need to align who will call off the Cloud ALM system.

Identity provider choice

You can use Cloud ALM with integration to your own corporate identity provider or use the SAP IAS (Identity Authentication Service).

Changing can be done later on. See OSS note 3020352 – How to specify a different IAS tenant for your SAP Cloud ALM tenant. But keep in mind here that there is no migration of user and access data (so you have to redo it manually).

When choosing your own identity provider, you can end up in a weird maintenance issue, that you have to create a SAP support ID and e-mail in your own identity provider to give SAP access to your Cloud ALM system. See OSS note 3032960 – Steps for Providing an SAP Cloud ALM user for Development to Access the SAP Cloud ALM Tenant.

Technical preparation

Read and understand the usage rights of cloud ALM. Most important here is the limit of maximum 8 GB data usage.

Read and understand the “Setup and admin guide for Cloud ALM“.

Setting up multiple admins if required: 3248116 – How can the Initial user who provisioned SAP Cloud ALM setup additional SAP Cloud ALM Admins?.

Actual call off

After the preparation follow the steps in the guide for the actual call off. The process can be completed in a working day.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Cloud ALM positioning 2024

SAP Cloud ALM on the SAP Focused Run blog? Why?

SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Focused Run have a lot of overlapping capabilities.

The goal is not to push a tool, but to monitor, safeguard and secure SAP system running by customers. The tool is a means and not the goal.

What we will discuss:

  1. High level positioning of Cloud ALM, Focused Run and Solution manager
  2. Current status in 2024 for the tools
  3. Possible considerations
This positioning blog is for the year 2024. Next year when new functions and insights are available the positioning and considerations can change.

High level positioning of Cloud ALM, Focused Run and Solution manager

The below picture is the best one and is taken from the Focused Run overview presentation:


  • Solution manager: it works, but no new developments, supported until 31.12.2027
  • Focused Run: suitable for large customer and advanced needs
  • Cloud ALM: standardized setup

Cloud ALM vs Focused Run

Cloud ALM is a standardized SAP service. It has certain capabilities, but no extensions. Due to its standardized setup is can be made working very fast with a few clicks. The functions will work fast, but configuration options are limited to the use cases provided by SAP. Data volumes on Cloud ALM are not to be too high, since the UI’s are still designed for small and medium customers with lower amount of systems, alerts, etc.

Focused Run admins will be quick to adopt SAP Cloud ALM since there is a large similarity in concepts and UI.

Comparison table:

DimensionCloud ALMFocused Run
Technical setup complexityLowMedium for ABAP, High for non-ABAP
Technical setup timeLowLow to medium
Maintenance effortLowMedium
Upgrading to unlock new functionsNo effort, SAP takes careHigh effort to upgrade
Volume of data that can be handledLow to mediumHigh to very high
Complexity of scenario’s that can be handledLowLow, medium, high
Extension possibilitiesVery limitedPossible with API and custom code
Feature extensionsFast, bi-weeklyEvery half year major and minor features will be added
Current featuresLimited, but growing fastExtensive, don’t expect major extensions


Currently running SAP solution manager

If you have functions running on SAP solution manager, first consideration is the move to SAP Cloud ALM. SAP solution manager hosts normally EWA, CHARM, documentation/implementation and/or monitoring functions. An SAP readiness check is available to check your move from SAP solution manager to Cloud ALM. Read this blog on the how.

Currently running SAP Focused Run

If you are currently running SAP Focused Run, you most likely will keep it the next few years. But still do keep track of the SAP Cloud ALM functions, and try them out.

SAP Cloud ALM might be a good solution to monitor less important systems with lower demand like sandboxes, development and test systems. These system typically don’t need intense monitoring, but mostly availability monitoring.

SAP Cloud ALM might be a good solution to monitor your SAP Cloud hosted and SAP BTP scenarios. Setup in Cloud ALM for these scenarios is far simpler than setting these up in SAP Focused Run.

SAP Focused Run will never be enabled for business process monitoring. That functionality is now available in SAP Solution manager and will only be available in the future in SAP Cloud ALM.

Monitoring solutions for running installations

If you have a running SAP installation and are looking for a good monitoring solution, then it is wise to check both SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Focused Run. Depending on your needs you can choose between both.

Check the road map of SAP Cloud ALM as well to see if missing gaps will be addressed in the upcoming year.

The business case for a monitoring solution is different per line of business. The main business case is roughly: “We will avoid or solve much faster Y major incidents per year. Each major incident costs is about USD/EUR”.

New solutions

For new SAP solutions: first consider using SAP Cloud ALM. Only when expecting high volume and high monitoring requirements, set up SAP Focused Run.

Cloud ALM usage rights

Cloud ALM is in principle for free within the usage rights. The usage rights can be found on this link.

Important restrictions: 8 GB in size (in 2024) and only 1 Cloud ALM per customer (see OSS note 3343265 – When provisioning SAP Cloud ALM in SAP for Me your company is “Not Entitled/No Data” and SAP Cloud ALM cannot be provisioned).

Extensions can be procured: SAP blog.

Test driving Cloud ALM

You can use the SAP Cloud ALM demo system to test drive Cloud ALM and see if it would potentially meet your needs. Read more in this blog.

Cloud ALM background material

More background material on Cloud ALM can be found on:


SAP Cloud ALM functions are growing fast and are definitely worth using. SAP Cloud ALM is a highly standardized function. This makes it for SAP possible to deliver new functions fast and easy to integrate and easy to use. The highly standardized functions comes with a setback that the solution cannot be extended to any particular need you might have.

It is out-of-the-box what you get, and nothing more.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run dashboards in alert management

The SAP Focused Run Alert Management application allows us to create a custom dashboard that can help us to report on alerts as per our custom alert reporting needs.

To create a custom dashboard, in the Alert Management App, click on the +sign (Add Custom Page) on the navigation panel.

Upon clicking on Add Custom Page , a blank pane is displayed along with the setup panel to its right.

The first step in setup is to give a name to your dashboard. For this click on Rename button in the setup area Page Management.

In the pop-up provide the name for your dashboard.

You can also give a meaningful Icon to your dashboard that will be displayed in the navigation panel. For this provide the sap icon name in the Icon field. To get a list of available icons you can also look in the SAP Icons link which takes you to the Icon explorer.

The next is to specify the grid layout (Number of rows and columns)in the view management section of setup area. By default it is 1×1 which means you can add only 1 dashboard. If you want to add more dashboards, accordingly you can adjust the grid.

Then you need to select a view, based on what you want to show in the dashboard, by selecting from the list of available views. You can select a view by simply dragging and dropping in the dashboard layout.

In this example we have selected 4 views in the 2×2 grid layout.

  • Top Open Alerts affecting most no. of Managed Objects
  • Open Alerts by Monitoring Usecase
  • Open Alerts by duration
  • Open Alerts by source

By default all the dashboards in your custom dashboard will use the Global Scope, the scope inherited from the scope you selected while opening the Alert Management App. You can also select a custom scope for your dashboard. For example in this case we want to filter for all production system alerts. For this click on the setup button of the dashboard you want to specify the scope.

Then in the setup area, in the scope selection, select your custom scope from the drop down list. Note: You must have already created your custom scope in the Scope management section.

Once you have finalized your dashboard you can publish your dashboard by marking it as public so that others can also use the dashboard.

However, by default the public custom dashboard is not added in the navigation panel of all other users. To be able to view the dashboard a user has to again click on the + sign in the navigation panel, and then in setup area select the public page.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Manas Tripathy (Simac). Repost done with permission. >>

Statistical records in SAP Focused Run

Focused Run has functions to fetch ST03N data from ABAP backend systems and use the data for analysis in SAP Focused Run System Analysis functions.

System analysis SSI activation

First step is to switch on the general functions for system analysis during SSI activation. Full help link from SAP can be found here.

In Focused Run start SM30 for table RCA_SSI_CONF and add entry for activation:

Repeat SSI

For the system that you want to have ST03N data collected, you need to repeat the SSI.

Check the detailed step in the SSI for the Statistical records aggregation:

Activate per system in System Analysis

Next step is to activate it per system in System Analysis:

Go to the settings per system and make sure Performance (aggregated statistical records) is activated:

Overview of all systems

In System Analysis, go to the bottom left tool section to open the Aggregation Configuration tool:

The overview page opens:

Now you can see both configuration and data collection is ok.

Using statistical records

Go to the System Analysis tile and select the scope:

On the left side menu switch to the ABAP performance view:

In the new view in the ABAP frontend workload, push expand the screen button:

Now you get a list of all transactions. To make it simple we filter on EntryID (in this case we filter on ME to search for the procurement transactions):

Top right, there is the download to xls button. This is a very useful tool! In XLS you can post process the data.

You can also filter and sort on other elements like amount of executions.

To get a trend, click on the trend graph, in this example the trend for ME23N transaction:

Raw table data

If you have a specific query that is not met with the out-of-the-box reports, you can use SE16 on the Focused Run backend for table STATDBUSERTCODE. In this table the raw data is stored.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run OCC dashboard

OCC dashboards are the most flexible form of dashboarding in SAP Focused Run. It is completely up to you to define any dashboard based on the available data.

The explanation below will give a quick introduction on how to setup a dashboard with as example a line graph with CPU for one system and amount of short dumps per hour for that system in a bar chart.

Set up new dashboard

Start the OCC dashboard Fiori tile:

Click the add a new dashboard icon on the left:

Now open on the right hand side icon the personalization. Here you can change the default 2 by 1 layout if want as well:

Now per gadget, select the personalization. First choose the type of graph, then select the query details:

Add the query by clicking the Plus sign:

Give the legend a name and press the Change query button:

First select the data source. In this example we choose system monitoring. Select next your system, and select the metric (in this case CPU). Don’t forget to save on top of the personalization!

We repeat for the other gadget, but now select short dumps per last hour as example:

Test your dashboard to see if the results are according to your expectation.

Make dashboard public

If you are happy with your dashboard, you can make it public. To do so, go to the personalization options:

Set the selected page to public, select a proper icon, and rename the default user-edit to a proper name and don’t forget to Save.

Other users can now add you dashboard from their UI personalization menu by clicking the Add Public Page and add your dashboard:

ABAP short dump trend analysis

We can use SAP Focused Run OCC Dashboards to build a ABAP Dump Trend Analysis dashboard.

Using OCC Dashboard we can use the data provider for System Monitoring to pull the data of Short Dumps per day metric in to a trend chart.

In the OCC Dashboard app you can create a new dashboard page by clicking on Add Custom Page in the navigation panel.

By default your new page will be named as custom_page, you can rename your page by clicking on Rename in the settings section and then providing a new name.

In the View Management section of the settings area you can modify the grid layout. By default you have 2 columns in 1 row. In this example we will change to 1 X 1 to keep just the ABAP Dump Trend Analysis dashboard. (Note: we can add a dashboard to each grid in the layout).

Now for adding the dashboard to the pane we just created, we click on the settings button for that pane.

Then in settings area, under View Personalization –> Render we select the graph type. In this case we want to perform a trend chart so we select Line Chart.

Now we need to create a query for the chart that would provide the data for our graph. For this in the Query section we click on the + sign to add a query.

Now in the Query Section, for the newly added row you provide a name under Legend and then click on the change button to start editing the query.

In the Query Editor screen select the data provider System Monitoring.

Now we navigate to the Scope Selection tab to select the managed systems for which the dashboard should display data. In this example we selected System Type as Application Server ABAP and IT Admin role as Production to select all ABAP production systems.

Now in the Default tab , under Extended SID select any ABAP system and then under Metrics tab select the metric Number of Short Dumps (Today). Click on Apply button to activate the selection.

Now you can see the ABAP Dumps trend lines for the selected scope of managed systems in the graph.

Note: By default a graph for System Monitoring data provider will select Auto resolution of data which will show the data for today with hourly frequency.

You can change the resolution in the Time Range Section in the Settings area. For example here we set Period for last 30 days as “l30d” and Granularity for every day or daily as “d”.

Note: OCC Dashboard graphs will always average out the data as per the granularity set for the graph w.r.t actual collection frequency of the selected metric. For instance if the metric Number of Short dumps (Today) has a hourly frequency and we show the daily data in the graph, then the value shown in the graph will be average of all hourly data collected by the metric for that day, which will of course be different from the actual final daily count. Hence to ensure data shown on graph is accurate, ensure that the Number of Short Dumps (Today) metric has a daily frequency. Then the granularity of the graph and the metric data collection frequency being exactly same, both will have the exact same and accurate data.

To know more abut OCC Dashboards and all possibilities with it you can refer to SAP Documentation here.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans and Manas Tripathy (Simac). Repost done with permission. >>

Process Chain Monitoring in SAP Focused Run

Process Chain Monitoring in SAP Focused Run is possible via Job And Automation Monitoring which is available as of SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP02.

You can launch the Job & Automation Monitoring app in the Advanced Application Management section in the Focused Run launchpad.

When you launch the app you will be asked for a scope selection for which you can specify the systems for which you want to activate Process Chain Monitoring.

To start the setup of Process Chain Monitoring click on the settings button.

In the settings popup click on the pencil button under Technical Systems.

In the next popup select the system for which you want to configure process chain monitors by clicking on the area as shown below.

In the next screen , in the Monitoring tab click on the + sign to create a new filter to activate data collection.

Now provide a filter name and then in Job Type select SAP BW Process Chain and save.

After creating the filter move to Alerting tab and click on the + sign to create a new alert.

You can create the following types of alerts.

  • Critical Execution Status: The Execution Status is rated green, if a job finished successfully and red, if the job execution did not finish, i.e., aborted. It is rated yellow, if a job finished with warnings or errors without aborting.
  • Critical Application Status: The Application Status is rated green, if a job successfully processed the application data. It is rated red, if e.g., an ABAP job execution writes errors into the application log and yellow, if there are warnings, but no errors.
  • Critical Delay: The Start Delay rating is rated green, if the technical delay of a job (e.g., in case of an ABAP job the time passed until a job gets a work process assigned) did not exceed the threshold defined.
  • Critical Runtime: The Run Time is rated green, if the runtime of a job did not exceed the threshold defined.  

To create the alert first select the alert type.

Then in Alert Filters section provide the BW Process Chain name for which you want to activate alerting. Also you must provide the job type as BW Process Chain. You can optionally enter further filters like Execution User, Executable Name, ABAP Client and whether it’s a Standard Job or not.

Note: With Job & Automation monitoring you can create alerts for Standard ABAP jobs as well. The filters Executable Name and Standard Job is applicable only for ABAP Job type.

Optionally you can also set Notification Variant, Alert Severity and enable Automatic Alert Confirmation in the Alert Settings section.

Optionally you can also provide Resolution Instructions in the Alert Resolution area.

If you select alert type Critical Delay or Critical Runtime you also have to enter the thresholds.

Finally click on the Save button to save and activate the alerting.

Note: When we activate monitoring of process chain by creating the filter in the Monitoring tab, we activate data collection for Process Chain monitoring. This will enable data collection of all process chains of that managed system. You can see status of all process chain runs for that system in the main page of the Job & Automation Monitoring app. Additionally and optionally you can create/enable alerting in the Alerting tab to alert on specific process chain failures.

Note: Since the launch of Job & Automation Monitoring in Focused Run 3.0 FP2 the old Job Monitoring feature has been renamed to Job Monitoring ABAP Only. The Job Monitoring ABAP Only functionality is completely deprecated as of release of Focused Run 4.0.

For more details on Job & Automation Monitoring you can refer to SAP documentation here.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Manas Tripathy (Simac). Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run certificate expiry monitoring

SAP Focused Run can be used to monitor expiry of a lot of different type of certificates:

  • ABAP PSE certificates (read below)
  • Host agent PSE certificates (read below)
  • SSL certificates (see this blog)
  • Cloud Connector BTP certificate expiry (read below)
  • SNC certificate expiry (read below)
  • SNC expiry in SAP router

ABAP PSE certificate monitoring

In system monitoring you can monitor if ABAP system certificates are expiring or are already expired. SAP provides a standard metric for this based on configuration validation rule SAP ABAP PSE CERTIFICATES CHECK. This rule is taking all certificates that are to be expired in the next 7 days and all expired certificates.

This rule has two setbacks:

  • 7 days upfront warning might be too short
  • It reports all expired certificates that are already years expired and don’t harm the system

New rule for ABAP PSE certificate monitoring

For the improved setup we will defined 2 new rules:

  • To be expired certificates, with date selection -30 till tomorrow
  • Expired certificates, with date selection today till next 30 days.

Start with creating the policy in configuration validation (more on configuration validation in this blog):

Add a new policy Z_ABAP_PSE_TO_BE_EXP for the to be expired, and give it this syntax:

Add a new policy Z_ABAP_PSE_EXP for the expired ones:

Both are basically a copy of the standard SAP one with the changed dates.

Please note you need to change both the dates in the Compliant and Non-Compliant section.

Create custom metric

Now you can create a custom metric using the newly created rule. For full description on how to create custom metrics, read this blog. Create the custom metric in the ABAP system template:

Refer to the newly create custom CoVa (configuration validation) rule:

And set the threshold:

For the to be expired certificates, we only want warning.

We repeat the same for the expired certificates, but now we make it a red alert by setting the thresholds differently.

Make sure both are now activated for monitoring:

Trouble shooting

There might be false alerts raised for this metric. This is for both the custom and standard SAP metric. The source is usually the data collection.

SAP note 3138046 – False Alert ABAP PSE certificates expiring in Focused Run describes the checks to perform.

Go to the configuration and configuration validation FIORI tile and select the system and search for the PSE certificates data collection details:

Monitoring Host Agent PSE Certificate Expiry

You have configured SSL for enabling secure connections to SAP Host Agent. In such a case you need to regularly update or extend the validity of the SAP Host Agent PSE certificate. With Focused run System Monitoring you can create custom metric for monitoring SAP Host Agent PSE certificate expiry.

Setup Monitoring Host Agent PSE Certificate Expiry

Step1: Navigate to Host Template maintenance

SAP Host Agent resides at OS level of each host of systems that you are monitoring using Focused Run. Hence you need to monitor the PSE certificate for SAP Host Agents of each host in your customer network.

In our recent blog we have explained how you can configure URL Certificate monitoring in Health Monitoring in SAP Focused Run. However configuring certificate monitoring for each SAP Host Agent in your customer network using Health Monitoring will be very cumbersome.

An easier way will be to setup a custom metric in the host level system monitoring template which when activated will be automatically applied to all hosts for which the monitoring template is used.

For template maintenance you can navigate to System Monitoring Template Maintenance app on the Focused Run launch pad.

In the template maintenance app navigate down to the Host (Server) node and then to the respective template which you want to edit and click on Edit button.

Step2: Create Custom Metric

In order to create a custom metric you need to activate expert mode. For this click on the Expert Mode button as shown below.

After enabling expert mode you can click on Create button. Select Metric in the drop down from Create button.

In the Metric creation pane, under Overview tab enter the details as shown below.

Then in the Data Collection tab, provide the details as shown below.

For the URL field you need to mention the URL https://$SAP_ComputerSystem.FQDName$:1129/SAPHostControl/?wsdl in which the expression $SAP_ComputerSystem.FQDName$ will dynamically resolve the respective FQDN of the host picked up from LMDB. Hence it is important to select the check box under Placeholder and select LMDB under Placeholder type.

Then navigate to the Threshold tab and provide the threshold as shown below. In this example the threshold is Yellow if certificate is expiring in 30 days and Red if its expiring in 15 days.

Then click on Next button to navigate to the Assignment tab where we assign this metric to an existing alert. In this step just click on the Finish button to save the metric. In this step we don’t assign to any alerts yet as we are yet to create a custom alert for this custom metric.

Step3: Create custom Alert and assign to custom Metric

In the expert mode maintenance go to the Create button and then from the drop down select Alert.

Enter the details as shown below and click on Next button.

Then in the Assignments tab you will see the custom metric you just created. Select the check box for this metric and click on Finish to save the alert.

Now your custom metric is ready together with alerting active.

To activate this template update on all hosts navigate to Managed Objects tab for the template and click on Apply and Activate button.

Upon activation the new metric will be available in system monitoring as shown below.

For more details on how to setup SSL for SAP Host Agent you can refer to the SAP documentation here.

SNC certificate expiry monitoring

SNC Certificate expiry is very critical for ABAP systems where SNC logon is used. As soon as the certificate expires users will no more be able to login to system.

In System Monitoring for ABAP systems SAP provides a standard metric called Expiring PSE Certificates which monitors all PSE certificates that includes SNC certificates. When this metric turns red it will tell how many certificates are expiring/expired but not which one. Hence its beneficial to monitor separately the status of SNC Certificates.

This monitoring can be achieved by using Configuration Validation.

You can create a custom policy with the below XML code that checks the PSE_CERT store to check on status of SNC Certificate.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<targetsystem desc="SNC Certificate about to expire" id="ASML_SNCERT_TOBE_EXP" multisql="Yes" version="0000">
<configstore name="PSE_CERT" system_type="ABAP">
<checkitem desc="Valid in range" id="1" operator="">
<compliant>APPLICATION like '%SNCS%' and CONTEXT like '%' and TYPE like '%' and SUBJECT like '%sapci%' and ISSUER like '%' and SERIALNO like '%' and VALID_FROM like '%' and ( ( ( replace_regexpr ('^$' IN valid_to WITH (replace(current_date, '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '')))) &gt; to_number(replace(add_days(current_date, 30), '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '') ))
or (( replace_regexpr ('^$' IN valid_to WITH (replace(current_date, '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '')))) &lt; to_number(replace(add_days(current_date, 0), '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '') )) )</compliant>
<noncompliant>APPLICATION like '%SNCS%' and CONTEXT like '%' and TYPE like '%' and SUBJECT like '%sapci%' and ISSUER like '%' and SERIALNO like '%' and VALID_FROM like '%' and not ( ( ( replace_regexpr ('^$' IN valid_to WITH (replace(current_date, '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '')))) &gt; to_number(replace(add_days(current_date, 30), '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '') ))
or (( replace_regexpr ('^$' IN valid_to WITH (replace(current_date, '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '')))) &lt; to_number(replace(add_days(current_date, 0), '-', '')||replace(current_time, ':', '') )) )</noncompliant>

Note: In the above XML code, SUBJECT like ‘%sapci%’, you have to replace sapci with a hostname pattern that you use for all your SAP ABAP system hostnames.

Once you have created the policy, you can directly activate alerting on the policy.

For that go to the Configuration and Security Analytics app in the Advanced Configuration Monitoring area.

In the app navigate to Configuration Validation Alert Management under the the Related links tab.

In the Alert Management app click on Create button to create the alerting for the policy you just created.

In the next popup, enter details as shown below and then click on Select policy to select the policy for which you want to activate the alert.

In the next popup select the policy by clicking on the policy name.

Now click on Save to activate the alerting.

Additionally you can also activate email notification on the alert. For this in the Alert Management main screen, select the alert and then click on Notification/Outbound.

In the next popup select the notification variant and save.

Cloud Connector BTP certificate expiry

With SAP Focused Run 3.0 FP 2 SAP has delivered a configuration validation policy using which you can monitor Cloud Connector BTP Certificate expiry.

Note: For using this functionality you just have to ensure that you have registered your cloud connector managed system to your Focused Run System and have performed SSI for the cloud connector managed system.

You can do the monitoring via the Configuration & Security Analytics app in the Advanced Configuration Monitoring area of Focused Run Launchpad.

In the app click on the select button to select the policy to monitor Cloud Connector BTP Certificates.

In the pop-up you can search for SCC and then select the policy SAP_SCC_PSE_CERT. This is the standard policy delivered by SAP that performs configuration validation on Cloud Connector BTP Certificate expiry.

This policy monitors if a BTP certificate in cloud connector system is going to expire in less than 30 days or is already expired.

The first view upon selecting the policy is the Systems view. In this view all SAP Cloud Connector systems registered in Focused Run system are listed. A systems is marked as non compliant if it has any certificate which is going to expire in less than 30 days or has any expired certificates. This view also tells how many certificates are there in the system and how many are non compliant.

You can click on the row to see the details of the certificates which are expiring or expired.

To know more about Configuration and Security Analytics you can refer here.

Also you can find more detail at SAP documentation here.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Manas Tripathy (Simac) and Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run SSI (Simple System Integration)

For activating SAP Focused RUN monitoring functionalities on an SAP ABAP system you need to perform Simple System Integration of SAP ABAP Systems

Simple System Integration, or shortly known as SSI, is a guided procedure similar to the managed system setup in SAP Solution Manager. SSI is used for integrating a managed system to SAP Focused Run system. Unlike SAP Solution Manager managed system setup, SSI is fully automatic and has no manual steps.

In order to ensure SSI is completed successfully we need to ensure all -prerequisites are met.

The term SSI is bit misleading. It is not so simple as it seems. Once you have the procedure known for your landscape it does become simple. The first one is NOT simple.

Focused Run Prerequisites

Before you can perform SSI for any managed system, you need to ensure the basic framework setup prerequisites are met. For this ensure all activities mentioned in section 5.2.4 Preparing Simple System Integration of the SAP Focused Run master guide.

Managed System Prerequisites

1.) Simple Diagnostics Agent deployed on all hosts of ABAP Managed system.

See below for description on how to do this. You can also refer the SAP documentation here.

2.) ABAP Managed system is registered in LMDB and Data Supplier Completeness check is green.

In our future blogs we will explain how to register various types of managed systems into LMDB. And for troubleshooting in case Data Supplier Completeness check is not green, you can follow SAP’s documentation here.

3.) Database preparation is complete.

You need to perform certain database specific pre-requisite configurations in order to perform the integration of the underlying database of the managed system. In this SAP documentation SAP has outlined the steps for various types of databases.

4.a) For ABAP a system user is created in the managed system production/main client. This user will be required for RFC connection to the managed system. We refer to this user as FRUN user. You can refer to this SAP documentation to get the list of roles that needs to be assigned to this FRUN user for an ABAP based system.

4.b) For JAVA a system user is created in the managed system production/main client. This user will be required to authenticate local HTTP and P4 calls by the simple Diagnostics Agent for data collection. We refer to this user as FRUN user. You can refer to this SAP documentation to get the list of JAVA roles that needs to be assigned to this FRUN user.

Deploying Simple Diagnostic Agents on Managed Systems

Deploying Simple Diagnostic Agents (SDA) on Managed System hosts is a prerequisite to performing Simple System Integration (SSI) of Managed systems on focused run system.

The SDA is installed/deployed as an add-on to the SAP host agent. Hence it’s mandatory to install SAP Host Agent on each host of the managed system which needs to be monitored by SAP Focused Run System.

The deployment of the SDA on the managed system system host is carried out from the SAP Focused Run system itself.

Below steps need to be performed for deploying SDAs on managed system hosts.

Download binaries from marketplace

Download the latest version of the binaries SDA and SAP JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from SAP Support Portal as follows:

  • Go to Software Downloads – SAP ONE Support Launchpad
  • Select tab Support Packages & Patches –> By Category –> SAP Technology Components –> Focused Run –> Focused Run 3.0 –> Downloads –> Comprised Software Component Versions
  • Download from SAP JRE 8.1 and SIMPLE DIAGNOSTICS AGENT 1.0

Following platforms are supported:

  • HP-UX on IA64
  • Linux on Power BE & LE
  • Linux x86_64
  • Oracle Solaris SPARC
  • Oracle Solaris x86
  • Microsoft Windows Server on x86_64

You can find all information regarding latest available version of SDA and its compatible JRE version in SAP Note 2369401 – Release Note for Simple Diagnostics Agent 1.0.

Upload Binaries onto SAP Focused Run system

Upload the binaries to SAP Focused Run, by running the report SRSM_AMA_UPLOAD_BINARY, with transaction SA38.

Upon completion of the upload you will see the below output.

Deploy SDA on Managed system host

Register Managed system host on Focused Run system: Before you can deploy SDA on managed system host, the host has to be registered to the Focused Run System. For this execute the following script at OS level as sapadm user from folder /user/sap/hostctrl/exe

./saphostctrl -function ConfigureOutsideDiscovery -enable -sldusername FRN_LDDS_FRS -sldpassword xxxxxxxxxx -sldhost <hostname of FRUN system> -sldport <http/https port of FRUN system>

./saphostctrl  -function  ExecuteOutsideDiscovery -sldreg

Upon executing the above commands at host level, you can see the host listed in Agent Administration of Focused Run system. Navigate to the Agent Administration app in the Infrastructure Administration block of the Focused Run launchpad.

In the Agent Administration App, select the host for which you want to deploy the SDA, select Install/Update Agent and click on Go.

Upon completion of the deployment, you will see the agent version listed in the Diagnostic Agent Version column.

After SDA installation/update is successful you also need to configure the agent. This will enable the agent to receive monitoring definitions from the focused run systems as well as enable Self Monitoring of the agent.

Upon completion of configuration, you will see green icon under availability column. Also Configuration status updated to Confirmed.

You need to follow the same steps for installing and configuring agents on all application server hosts as well as database hosts of the managed system.

Note: You should perform the Simple System Integration of a managed system only after you install and configure agents on all its hosts. You can also list hosts and their agent status of a particular managed system in the By Technical System tab of the Agent Administration app.

Performing SSI of ABAP managed system

For executing SSI navigate to the SSI app in the Infrastructure Administration section of the Focused Run launchpad.

In the SSI app scope selection area you can enter the managed system extended SID individually or you can select a more generic filter to list multiple systems.

SSI is performed in 2 steps for ABAP systems.

Step 1: Edit Configuration

For ABAP systems in this step you need to enter the details of the FRUN user that you created as a prerequisite.

For this select the row for the ABAP system and click on the Edit Configuration button as shown in below screenshot. Next in the pop-up enter the credentials of the FRUN user.

Step 2: Configure Automatically

In this step, select the ABAP managed system for which you want to perform the SSI and click on the button Configure Automatically.

Note: When you perform SSI for the main technical system, it will automatically perform the SSI for all the underlying components in the system hierarchy. That is, if you perform SSI for Application Server ABAP, it will also perform the SSI for the system's database. However the if you perform first the SSI of the system's database it will not automatically perform the SSI of the main technical system and you will again have to perform the SSI for the technical system again separately.

Additional Pre-requisite for JAVA Managed Systems.

Other than the above mentioned pre-requisites, for JAVA systems, you also need to Install BCI Adapter ( CA Introscope Wily Adapter) to collect performance metrics and trace data of the NW Java.

You can also refer to section SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java in this SAP Focused Run expert portal blog for managed system preparation.

Installing CA Wily Introscope BCI Adapter for SAP Java Systems

SAP Focused Run system collects performance metrics and trace data of the SAP Netweaver Java systems through the CA Wily Introscope Byte Code Injection (BCI) Adapter.

Before you perform SSI for a SAP JAVA system you need to install and configure the BCI Adapter on each instance of the Java stack

Upon installing the BCI Adapter, SAP JAVA system reports performance and trace data to the CA Wily Enterprise Manager (Wily EM) and later on SAP Focused Run monitoring will collect the data from Wily EM for the relevant monitoring metrics.

Unlike SAP Solution Manager, for SAP Focused Run BCI Adapter setup for managed system is a completely manual step. This blog is therefore intended for the technical or SAP Basis consultants who are responsible for installation and setup of SAP Focused Run system.

The following steps are required to install and configure the Introscope Agent

  1. Extract the Introscope Agent files
  2. Configure the Introscope Agent
  3. Introscope-enable the application code by setting Java VM parameters
Pre-Requisite for BCI adapter

The BCI Adapter needs to connect to a Wily Enterprise Manager. You must ensure the Wily Enterprise Manager is already connected and configured for your SAP Focused Run system. In our blog we have explained how to configure Wily EM to connect to a Focused Run system.

You can also refer to this SAP Blog.

Extracting Introscope Agent Files

Extract the agent installer file ISAGNTJ5STD*.zip into the Netweaver CCMS directory, usually: :\usr\sap\ccms.

Upon extracting you will find wily directory in the :\usr\sap\ccms directory

Configuring Introscope Agent Settings

For a SAP JAVA System the agent configuration settings are found by default in the file :\usr\sap\ccms\wily\core\config\IntroscopeAgent.profile.

To configure the Introscope Agent you need to locate the following parameter and set the values.

1. = <IP address or hostname of the Enterprise Manager

2. introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.port.DEFAULT = <port on which the Enterprise Manager listens for Agent connection. Default is 6001>

3. introscope.autoprobe.directivesFile = < DEFAULT is sap_typical.jar,sap_ep.jar,sap_ep_iviews.jar,sap_xi_typical.jar > . You may need to add further duirective jar files by adding entries to
the property, separated by comma.

Below table shows the various directive file names for various java application types.

sap_typical.jarMain instrumentation set for SAP
Netweaver. Includes support for generic
Netweaver functionality, like database,
JCO, Web Services. This jar is always
sap_sapvm.jarFor SAP Netweaver 7.10 and higher with
JDK5 or higher. Specific
instrumentation, e.g. memory
allocation. Do not activate for Java
sap_bo_enterprise.jarSAP Business Objects Enterprise 3.x
sap_boe_webapp.jarSAP Business Objects Enterprise 4.x
sap_ep.jarSAP Portal specific instrumentation
sap_ep_iviews.jarAP Portal instrumentation: One node
per iView – should be preferred for
installations with many roles or when
collaboration rooms are used. Requires
sap_ep_iviews_rolename.jarRe-activate metrics for each
iView/rolename combination. Activate
only one of these 2:
sap_ep_iviews.jar or
sap_duet.jarSAP Duet specific instrumentation
sap_hybris.jarInstrumentation for Hybris.
sap_smp.jarInstrumentation for SAP Mobile
sap_omnichannelbanking.jarSMP instrumentation extension for Omni
Channel Banking
sap_xi_typical.jarDefault and mandatory instrumentation
file for PI
sap_xi_adapters.jarExtended instrumentation for PI
sap_xi_passport.jarExtended PI instrumentation to detect
passport propagation.
sap_xi_full.jarExtended instrumentation for PI. Some
of these metrics might have a performance impact
sap_smd.jarSolution Manager self-monitoring
sap_mdm.jarSAP Master Data Management
sap_compliance.jarSAP Compliance (SAP GRC, SAP EC, SAP
sap_epm.jarSAP EPM (SAP SSM, …) instrumentation
sap_retail.jarSAP Retail (SAP POS, SAP Triversity…)
sap_hilo.jarSAP Visual Intelligence instrumentation
sap_srm_crm.jarSAP SRM & SAP CRM (SAP Convergent
Charging, SAG Frictionless
e-Commerce, …)
sap_manufacturing.jarSAP Manufacturing (SAP SAP
Manufacturing Execution, SAP xMII, …)
Sap_hadoop.jarSAP Hadoop instrumentation
sap_partner.jarInstrumentation for SAP partner
products. See SAP Note 1852015.
sap_tomcat_typical.jarDefault and mandatory instrumentation
file for Apache Tomcat
sap_tomcat_full.jarExtended instrumentation for Apache
sap_websphere_typical.jarDefault and mandatory instrumentation
file for IBM WebSphere Application
sap_websphere_full.jarExtended instrumentation for IBM
WebSphere Application Servers
sap_weblogic_typical.jarDefault and mandatory instrumentation
file for Oracle WebLogic Server
sap_cem_integration.jarInstrumentation for integration with CA
product CEM (only for SED)
Activating the Agent: Set Java VM Parameters

You have to add Java VM options to enable the agent. Typically, you will only want to activate the agent on the SAP J2EE server nodes, not on dispatchers.

You need to set the following parameters for the Java VM.

  1. Run the SAP J2EE Configtool.
  2. Navigate to Instance/VM Parameters/System and enter the following new parameters
com.wily.introscope.agentProfile<drive>:/usr/sap/ccms/wily/core/config/ IntroscopeAgent.profile

3. Navigate to Instance/VM Parameters/Additional and enter the following new java parameter


4. Save and Repeat steps 1 to 3 for all instances of the SAP JAVA system.

5. Restart the SAP instances.

To verify that Config tool changes were made, open the file: :\usr\sap\\\j2ee\cluster\ and check for a line beginning with ID.JavaParameters, and see if it contains the lines you entered in the step above.

Configuring Wily Enterprise Manager for monitoring in SAP Focused Run

Configuring Wily Enterprise Manager for monitoring in SAP Focused Run

The BCI adapters send the monitoring data to the central Wily EM . The Wily EM then sends the monitoring data to Focused Run System

Configuring Wily Enterprise Manager (Wily EM) for monitoring in SAP Focused Run is required if you monitor following types of systems where many monitoring metrics data is collected by BCI adapters.

  • SAP Netweaver AS Java
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
  • BOE Web Application Server
  • SAP Data Services
  • Apache Tomcat
  • SAP Archiving and Document Access (ADA) by OpenText for Tomcat
  • SAP Invoice Management (IM) for OCR Option by OpenText
  • SAP Convergent Charging
  • SAP Mobile Platform
  • SAP Hybris Commerce Suite

Unlike SAP Solution Manager, no Wily EM is required for monitoring in Focused Run if none of the managed systems use BCI adapters for their monitoring.

For connecting to a SAP Focused Run System the Wily EM installation should be of version 10.5 or higher and the EM Management Module (MM) Packages shall have minimum version MM 10.5 SP02 Patch 0 or higher.

Note: You can have only one Wily EM per customer network, however, if you install an Enterprise Manager Cluster, you can install any number of Enterprise Manager Collector Instances in the same Customer Network.

You can follow SAP Note 797147 for instructions on how to install Wily EM.

Prerequisite for Wily EM

The only prerequisite for connecting a Wily EM to a Focused Run system is that you should have installed host agent on the host of the Wily EM and have configured outside discovery of the host agent to connect to the Focused Run system.

To configure outside discovery of the host agent execute the following command:

Execute the below script  from /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe:

./saphostctrl -function  ConfigureOutsideDiscovery -enable -sldusername <FRUN LDDS or SLDR user> -sldpassword xxxxxxxxxx -sldhost <FRUN host or SLDR host> -sldport <FRUN or SLDR port>
Configuring the Wily EM

To connect the Wily EM to the Focused Run system perform the following steps.

  1. Update file setting:<virt name>
  2. Restart Wily EM.

Performing SSI of JAVA managed system

For executing SSI navigate to the SSI app in the Infrastructure Administration section of the Focused Run launchpad.

In the SSI app scope selection area you can enter the managed system extended SID individually or you can select a more generic filter to list multiple systems.

SSI is performed in 2 steps for JAVA managed systems.

Step 1: Edit Configuration

In this step you provide the credentials for the SDA agent to connect to JAVA Managed System.

  1. The FRUN User and password you created as a pre-requisite
  2. The HTTP and P4 ports for connecting to the Java managed system.

Step 2: Configure Automatically

In this step, select the JAVA managed system for which you want to perform the SSI and click on the button Configure Automatically.

Note: When you perform SSI for the main technical system, it will automatically perform the SSI for all the underlying components in the system hierarchy. That is, if you perform SSI for Application Server JAVA, it will also perform the SSI for the system's database. However the if you perform first the SSI of the system's database it will not automatically perform the SSI of the main technical system and you will again have to perform the SSI for the technical system again separately.

Mass SSI and Mass Agent Update

Focused Run also provides even higher level of automation by allowing to perform SSI at a time for multiple systems.

Once the SSI automatic activities finish, you can check the logs of the SSI automation steps in the Log Messages area.

SAP Focused Run also provides a mass agent update app in the Focused Run launchpad using which you can update SDAs in all connected hosts of a particular data center on a single go. This is specifically useful for updating the SDA’s for all hosts after SAP releases a new version of SDA.

You can access the Agent Mass Update app in the Infrastructure Administration section of Focused Run Launchpad.

However before you use this app , you have to ensure that you have already uploaded the binaries as we have explained above.

For updating the agent just open the app and select the Data Center for which you want to update the agents and click on Update agents to start the update.

After you start the update, you can monitor the progress with the progress bar where it also lists how many agent installations were successful and how many have failed.

Note: SAP normally releases a new version of SDA every 2 to 3 months. You can download the latest version of SDA from here.

Connecting Managed Systems to Multiple Focused Run Systems

You may need to connect the same managed system to more than one Focused Run System. For instance, connecting a sandbox managed system to a development Focused Run system for test purpose and to a production Focused Run system where it is actually monitored.

For connecting the same system to one more Focused Run system you basically need to perform the same steps again but this time targeting to the new Focused Run systems.

  • Perform host outside discovery to register the host on focused run system. Execute the following commands using the credentials of the new focused run system to which you want to connect the managed system.
    1. ./saphostctrl -function  ConfigureOutsideDiscovery -enable -sldusername FRN_LDDS_<SID> -sldpassword xxxxxxxxxx -sldhost <FRUN Hostname> -sldport <FRUN http port>
    2. ./saphostctrl  -function  ExecuteOutsideDiscovery -sldreg
  • On the new Focused Run system agent administration configure the agent on the host you registered in previous step..
    1. Install/Update Agent

2. Configure Agent

Note: The agent installation will not deploy a new SDI binary to the hostagent in this case as there is already a SDI in the host agent coming from the previous Focused Run system. However the installation step will simply link the new Focused Run system to the existing SDI by pushing its new configuration XML file to the SDI. This you can check by logging on to agent internals.

  • Configure SLDR to send data to both Focused Run Systems. This the most important step that you do differently than connecting the managed system to the first Focused run system. This will ensure data suppliers from managed system get forwarded to both Focused Run systems. Two know more about SLDR setup you can follow the SAP documentation here.

  • Now update the data supplier settings of the managed system to send data to this SLDR .( For example RZ70 in SAP ABAP system and NWA in SAP JAVA system).
  • Now the managed system will be listed in the Simple System Integration app of the new Focused Run system. Configure the SSI of the managed system to enable the managed system in the new Focused Run systems monitoring.

Decommissioning Managed Systems

We need to perform decommissioning of a managed system if

1. The managed system itself has been decommissioned or

2. The managed system is not required to be monitored in the Focused Run system anymore.

Case 1: Managed System is Decommissioned

Step 1: The first step of decommissioning would be to disconnect the Simple Diagnostic Agent from the Focused Run system. For this you can directly uninstall the Host Agent.

You can uninstall by running the following command at OS level

  • UNIX, IBM i: ./saphostexec -uninstall
  • Windows: saphostexec.exe -uninstall

Step 2: Deactivate all monitoring for managed system in Focused Run system

For this in transaction SA38 execute report RSRSM_SSI_CLEANUP

  1. Select a Customer Network
  2. Go to the Cleanup Technical System tab
  3. Select a Technical System
  4. Select the option to Cleanup unused hosts
  5. Press Delete Selected Objects

Case 2: Managed System is not required to be monitored in the Focused Run System

Step 1: You have to ensure the managed system is no more sending landscape data to the Focused Run system. For this disable all SLD data suppliers for the technical system. (In case of ABAP systems its in transaction RZ70 and in case of Java systems its the Data Supplier settings in the NWA.)

Step 2: Disable outside discovery for all hosts of the technical system by executing the following command.

  • UNIX, IBM i: ./saphostctrl -function ConfigureOutsideDiscovery -disable
  • Windows: saphostctrl.exe -function ConfigureOutsideDiscovery -disable

Step 3: Execute the decommissioning report RSRSM_SSI_CLEANUP as mentioned in step 2 of case 1.

For further details you can refer to SAP documentation here.

In addition to the above two cases, you might need to decommission system if the system is being migrated or upgraded to a different or higher version. For example migrating a standard ECC system to S4HANA. Instead of adjusting the monitoring of existing system, you decommission the system and then reconnect the system to Focused Run system. In our future blog we will explain how to decommission in such cases.

Agent Log Configuration – enabling debugging for troubleshooting

In case of data collection issues you will need to troubleshoot Simple Diagnostic agent logs .

In some cases you might need to get further details after you see an error message in the standard SDA logs in Agent Internals. In such cases you will need to enable application specific logging. E.g. activate debug logging in order to analyze issues with a specific application or component of the SDA

For E.g.: You saw an error in agent internals like

2019-08-15 15:48:01,696 ERROR [MAI FRD 5] division by zero

In this case, you will want to put to debug this class:

Following Application components of SDA for which logging can be enabled.

Application / ComponentName (Column in Log Configuration Dialog)

To enable logging you can follow the following steps.

Step 1 : Open Agent Administration

Step 2: Select the agent/host for which you want to enable logs in Debug, on the option Agent Action select “Open Log Configuration” and click on Go.

In the next dialog screen enter the application classes for which you want to enable debug as shown below. After entering the classes click on Save.

In the next execution, the Agent logs will present more details.

You can collect the log files by selecting the Option Download Log File and then click on Go. It will download all SDA logs in a zip file to your desktop/laptop.

Note: Do not forget to remove the log configurations after downloading the logfiles.

Reference SAP Note 2696231 – How to set the Simple Diagnostic Agent to debug.

OSS notes

Relevant OSS notes to check.

Notes for the managed system:

Notes for SNC setup:

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Manas Tripathy. Repost done with permission. >>