SAP Menu

In some cases you might be asked on the SAP menu. How it is build up, which transaction codes are in there, who is using SAP menu, and how is using the company created menu. And other questions.

Getting menu data can be done in several ways.

Who is using which menu

Check who is using SAP menu is explained in OSS note 3074602 – How to check who are using user menu and who are using SAP menu for all users.

Structured download of menu

Start transaction SE43N and select the menu and press display. In our example S001 for ABAP workbench:

For the main menu in ECC or S4HANA, check for SAP1 as the entry.

You now see the menu in not-expanded mode:

If the tree is large, you get a warning that the full tree is not exploded:

Make sure all the nodes you need information from are expanded.

Now select the menu option Area Menu and then Print to switch to the print mode:

With function System / List / Save / Local file, you can download the list to CSV or TXT file. And import that again to Excel if needed.

ABAP or function module to get data

You can run program SSM_LIST or check Function Module MENU_GET_MENU_TREE_NEW or MENU_R3_SSM_LOAD_MENU_DATA.

This gives list of transaction codes. The texts for the transaction codes are stored in table TSTCT.

Solved: How to download list of transaction from SAP area … – SAP Community

SAP cases (incidents) overview

The has a nice overview for all your SAP cases (incidents).

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How can I get a nice KPI overview in PDF format on my SAP cases?
  • How can I get a list of all my SAP cases?
  • How can I get insights into aging SAP cases?
  • How can I get insights if the SAP cases are on our side, or at SAP side to solve?

Cases (incidents) overview

Go to (part of the EWA workspace).

After opening you reach the dashboard you reach the KPI’s:

If you scroll down you get the easy list overview of all your cases:

From this list you can make an easy download to Excel.

KPI report in PDF format

Top right there is a button PDF report generator:

Follow the wizard and a nice PDF will be generated for you. Mock up of this PDF is so good that you can immediately share it with management.

SAP compatibility packages for S4HANA

In the EWA alert solutions or EWA workspace, you might get warnings from SAP regarding usage of S4HANA compatibility packs.

These alerts can look like below:


The background explanation

Both lead to the same background OSS note: 2269324 – Compatibility Scope Matrix for SAP S/4HANA.

From the note: “Through the Compatibility Packages (CP) listed in the attachment “Compatibility Scope Matrix”, SAP provides a limited use right to SAP S/4HANA on-premise customers to run certain classic SAP ERP solutions on their SAP S/4HANA installation. Condition is that these customers have licensed the applicable solutions as set forth in their License Agreements. Compatibility Pack use rights may apply to selected private cloud deployments as well, without the prerequisite of an on-premise classic license.”.

Basically it means SAP did not have time enough to redo all the old solutions for S4HANA, but reserved the rights to do so later.

In the first years of S4HANA this did not used to be a big issue. Now SAP is catching up and will remove compatibility functions in upcoming versions, or will stop support.

Next steps

What do you need to do:

  1. Check if you have any systems with this alert in your EWA. The EWA is detecting this based on system usage/configuration settings.
  2. If you have them, read OSS note 2269324 – Compatibility Scope Matrix for SAP S/4HANA carefully. There are good attachments to the note that explain for each use case.
  3. Determine the impact of the note for your situation with both the functional team and your management (since it can have license impact as well)
  4. Create action plan for your situation

Since the compatibility packs are coming from diverse functional background with diverse solution routes, there is no generic advice possible.

Except one advice: don't ignore this alert, but pick it up seriously. Investigate and take appropriate action in time to avoid license rights discussions and/or support issues.

File interface discovery tool

The file interface discovery tool is a nice tool to find out which file processing is happening on your productive system.

The tool is part of the S4HANA readiness check, but can also be used as a standalone tool.

File interface discovery tool background

All the background of file interface discovery tool is described in OSS note 3322944 – File interface discovery for SAP Readiness Check – incl. corrections for ST-A/PI 01V* SP01 or SP02 (or SP03 if AIX).

The tool re-uses the STUSERTRACE trace function.

Launching the file interface discovery tool


Start screen:

Before you start using the Activate traces with filter, please make sure you have sufficient authorizations as described in OSS note 3322944 - File interface discovery for SAP Readiness Check - incl. corrections for ST-A/PI 01V* SP01 or SP02 (or SP03 if AIX).

To start the trace, you have to follow a roadmap guided by the Activate traces with filter button:

Activate the traces:

A switch to RZ11 happens:

Rz11 warning:

Make the setting in RZ11:

Jump back to the roadmap screen (click enter and back). Roadmap will launch trace tool:

Entries will be added:

Reconfirm again RZ11 and finalize the roadmap:

The trace is active now.

File interface discovery tool results

After activation you need to wait for the system to record all actions.

When sufficient time has passed, go back to the ST13 tool FILE_INTERFACE_DISCOVERY and select the function to display the results:

Results list:

You can see:

  • Entry point (in this case LSMW)
  • ABAP include that does the actual file call
  • Activity (R = read, W = write)
  • File names involved

Flat file interface as part of S4HANA readiness check

The file interface discovery tool is part of the S4HANA readiness check. If you did not run the tool, you get an errror:

After you run the tool, download the results and upload in the readiness check portal, the results will be available:

EWA alert solutions

The SAP Early Watch Alert (EWA) report can contain valuable information on specific topics in your system that you must fix.

More information on the EWA workspace can be found in this blog.

General EWA tips and tricks can be found in this blog.

EWA alert solution finder

On the go to the specific page for EWA solution finder:

Action follow up is on the right hand side per alert:

You can choose:

  • Hide the alert (be very careful!)
  • Snooze the alert (see SAP blog)
  • Mail the alert

The snoozing is a very useful function. For example, you detect a red alert on HANA revision, but it will take you a month to implement (due to regression testing, process, etc), you can now snooze the alert for the implementation period:

After the implementation is done, the alert should be gone. If the implementation is delayed, you will be reminded again.

Advanced table buffer analysis

SAP has a new program /SDF/ST10 to execute advanced table buffer analysis.

This is a great new program that finally gives a good overview of the buffer status on high level, without swarming immediately into all the details.

Installation and documentation of /SDF/ST10 advanced table buffer analysis program

Apply OSS note 3478095 – Advanced Table Buffer Analysis to get the new /SDF/ST10 program installed.

This note also contains the documentation of the program itself.

Running advanced table buffer analysis

In SE38 on your productive system start program /SDF/ST10. If you have multiple application servers, run it per server, since the buffering can be locally different per application server.

Start screen:

After pressing execute you are reminded this is an expert transaction and you must read the note 3478095 – Advanced Table Buffer Analysis.

Result screen:

By default the screen is unsorted. Sort on the item you think is interesting to analyze in more detail.

Note: on the bottom you can see the double click links to more detailed tools.

Actions that can be done to improve

All the actions below are Expert actions. Don’t execute or propose them if you do not have in-depth understanding of SAP table buffering.


De-buffering of custom or even standard SAP tables can be a solution. For SAP tables, notes can be found for certain use cases.

Example notes:

Change table buffer parameter

OSS note saptechnicalguruPosted on Categories BufferTags Leave a comment on Advanced table buffer analysis

SAP and Oracle JRE/JDK

Oracle has started to charge companies for using Oracle JRE and JDK. Questions might come to you on the relationship and use of Oracle JRE/JDK in SAP products.

More background information can be found on for example these sites:

All statements and notes below are only generic and not legally checked in any form! It is your job to check your companies situation and contracts. The listing below is only made to help speed up your research.
This blog is also not complete. See it as hints and starting point. Use Google and more full search on your specific questions in your specific situation.

Potentially relevant OSS notes and blog

General notes and blogs



Use of JRE in SAP GUI

146505 – SAP GUI for the Java environment (Platform Independent GUI)

Compatibility issues

STUSERTRACE: User trace for authorization checks

ST01 and STAUTHTRACE transactions can be used for short term in-depth authorization traces. The problem is that these traces are very detailed and generate a lot of data.

For some use cases, you need to know what authorizations are needed for a user for longer period of time. Example: you have some background users with too many authorizations and your are tasked to reduce this. Then you want to enable a long term trace that records which authorizations are used by this user ID. You are not interested in how many times and when, but just need a complete list over a very long time (for example 2 months). Another example is when you are tasked to S_TABU_NAM full * authorization with actual table names. How to find out which tables are actually needed?

This is the goal of the STUSERTRACE: long term recording of authorization checks called including detailed table level.

STUSERTRACE enabling settings

The activation is described in OSS note 2220030 – STUSERTRACE: User trace for authorization checks. The first step is to switch parameter auth/auth_user_trace to value F. There is an option to set to Y for full, but don’t do this since then you might run into performance issues. F is the value where filtering happens.

As explained in OSS note 2220030 there is a minor performance impact. To limit the impact, use filtering.

Now start transaction STUSERTRACE to set the filters:

Choose the Change Filter button to add filters:

In this case we add the standard SAP workflow user to trace.


After you let the trace run, you can use the STUSERTRACE transaction to see which authorization checks were executed for this user ID:

STUSERTRACE will also capture detailed table access down to actual table level:

This means this transaction STUSERTRACE can also be used help replace * values in S_TABU_NAM with the actual tables.

Reorganization of data

Reorganization of data to clean up can be done using menu function Goto/Reorganize:

Relevant OSS notes

SIC: Online Simplification Item Check

SAP has an online simplification item check available. This can be used for both a conversion to S4HANA as well as an upgrade of S4HANA to a higher version.

The readiness check inside the system focuses on data used and on mandatory items.

The online check also gives information on changes and potential new features you can use.

Online simplification item check

The online simplification item check can be found here. On the screen select your target version:

Here we simply take the highest version: S4HANA 2023. A new screen comes where you can select the source version and details of the feature pack of the target:

Click on Go to get the result list:

This check does not replace the mandatory readiness check inside the system. It can help you to prepare in planning phase of an upgrade.