SAP Focused Run system analysis overview

System analysis is part of the Root Cause analysis functions of Focused Run. It can be used for issues analysis of current issues and for longer term trending.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How can I start execute System Analysis for a system?
  • Which type of systems can be analysed with System Analysis?
  • How can I use the System Analysis tool for immediate analysis of issues with a system?
  • How can I use the System Analysis tool for getting insight in the longer term trends inside a system?
  • How to set up System Analysis for performance analysis?

System analysis

Start the system analysis function by clicking on the Fiori tile for System Analysis:

Select the system you need to analyze for issues in the scope selection screen. In the first case we take an ABAP stack with time frame of the last 6 hours:

This overview might be bit overwhelming the first time. But you can see the performance was bad in the middle of the day (see top middle graph on average response time). Bottom middle graph shows CPU of some application servers was at 100%. And at the same time there were many dumps (right middle graph). This gives a clear direction were to look for issues.

The system analysis overview adjusts the information automatically to its content. This is the information for a HANA system:

Note here that the time frame here is from the last month. This is for getting longer term overview of the system behaviour. You can get this longer term overview by changing the time frame of the system analysis tool.

Page catalog

You can select a specific view from the page catalog list on the left button bar on the screen:

So you can easily filter the specific page for the type of system you need to analyze.

Performance analysis in System Analysis

In the system analysis function there is a special function to monitor system performance based on ST03 system data from the managed system.

Choose the menu option for ABAP performance:

The performance overview will now open:

You can click on many items now to get to the details.

Setup of Performance Analysis

To make the above function work;, click on the settings wheel and click on the Configure Collection of ABAP performance data:

Make sure the system you need analysis data from is activated correctly.

If the data collection is not ok, check the Collector Status button and Agent logs. Also check the backend system user used to see if this user has sufficient authorization to fetch the required data.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run license and usage

SAP Focused Run is a licensed product. The metric is amount of GB stored in the application.

If you have more systems, more detailed metrics, with short measurement times and many functions, the more GB you will use.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to check the current license usage?
  • What drives the usage?
  • How can I get a cost estimate?
  • How can I create a business case for Focused Run?

Checking the license usage

In SE38 start program FRUN_USAGE_UPDATE:

Now you can see which Focused Run function uses how many MB’s.

Read this note that explains the slower clean up on system analysis data: 3478938 – Housekeeping of System Analysis data in SAP Focused Run.

What drives the usage?

Usage is driven by:

Getting a cost estimate

Your SAP account manager or the Focused Run team in Germany can give you a good cost estimate. Material number for Focused Run in the price list is 7019453.

Input for cost estimate: sizes and numbers of systems, functions of Focused Run you want to deploy, and the retention period of the data.

Output: cost estimate.

Creating the business case

The business case has 2 aspects:

  • Cost: infrastructure, license, implementation
  • Benefits

Benefits is easier to quantify if your IT service is more mature.

Elements to consider:

  • How much does an hour of outage cost on your main ECC or S4HANA core system? For lager companies, this is easily 10.000 Euro per hour or more.
  • How much does your complaint handling cost per ticket?
  • How much time is currently spent on manual monitoring?

Benefits of SAP Focused Run are then in avoiding half the outages by faster insights and reducing the outage costs. You cannot avoid all outages, but you can act faster.

Benefits of Focused Run are in improved clean up and issue solving. This will both reduce issues in your systems and reduce complaints and tickets you need to handle.

For larger system landscapes (more than 50 systems) the business case is quite easy to create and will be positive fast.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run interface monitoring overview

The integration and cloud monitoring function of SAP Focused Run consists of 2 main functions:

  • Interface monitoring between SAP systems
  • Cloud monitoring between on premise and cloud SAP products (see blog)

This blog will give an overview of the interface monitoring between SAP systems.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How does the interface monitoring in SAP Focused Run look like?
  • How much details and history can I see in SAP Focused Run interface monitoring?
  • How can I enable my systems for interface monitoring?
  • How do I set up a scenario to monitor?
  • How do I setup alerting for an interface scenario?
  • How do I setup Idoc monitoring?
  • How do I setup ODATA monitoring?
  • How do I setup qRFC monitoring?
  • How do I setup webservice monitoring?
  • How do I setup RFC monitoring?
  • How do I setup SLT monitoring?

Interface monitoring

To start the interface monitoring click on the Fiori tile:

In the next screen you now select one or multiple integration scenario’s:

Then you reach the scenario overview screen:

You can immediately see with the red colored scenario’s that there is an issue.

Click on the red scenario to open the details of the scenario topology:

The topology indicates most of the interfaces are correct. To see the detailed issue, click on the red line:

Click on the red error for the details:

On the right side of the you can click on the Dashboard icon to get an historical overview:

Link with alert management

Interface errors can be the trigger for an alert in the Alert Management function.

Technical scenario setup

e concept for interface monitoring is unfortunately a bit confusing at first.

There are 2 main things to remember:

  1. Systems data collection and alerting: this is where the action happens
  2. Graphical representation: this is where you make it visible

Unfortunately this means you have to do lot of double work.

Set up systems

Go to the Integration and cloud monitoring Fiori tile. On top right click on the configuration icon to change or add a scenario:

First add the systems:

Select the system:

Select the configuration categories:

Select the monitoring:

Here you must add the connections you want to monitor.

The alerting configuration is empty initially:

We will fill this later if we want alerts for a specific interface connection.

Save this system and repeat for the rest of the systems.

The system determines the actual data collection and actual alerting. The system can be re-used in multiple scenarios.

Scenario configuration

On the configuration screen now add the new scenario. Add a name and description for the scenario:

In the topology screen now add the systems in the drop down for Node Selection and use the + icon to add them to the screen:

Now select the source system (we will have 1 CUA central and 2 child systems) and select the Action box:

Select Add link to and then select the system.

Now add a filter to the link by clicking on the line:

In the dialog screen on the right now add the details:

Start by giving the group a name. Now add the filter. Give the filter a name (in this case RFC1). Select the central component and the category (in this case Connection monitoring SM59). Now add the RFC connection type (3) and connection name to be monitored.

Very important here: press Ok first to transfer the data. Only then press Save. Otherwise your data is lost. SAP UI is not ok for this area.

Repeat for the second scenario. The end result is that the dotted lines are replaced by straight lines:

Then Save.

The scenario is active now:

Reminder: you did have to add the same information in the system level as well in the Technical System as well: this will perform the data collection itself. If this is not done, then the scenario overview will show grey results for missing data collection.

The scenario is used to make the interfaces graphically visible.

Adding alert

When you have monitored the scenario long enough to see it is stable, the next step is to setup alerting so you get notified in the central alert inbox.

First add the alert in the Technical System as shown above. This will be the actual alert definition.

To add an alert to the graphical overview, go to the scenario definition and select the source system. Press the button alerts for component:

On the right hand side now add the alert by clicking the + button:

Then select the wanted Alert Category. And select the filter options. Add the connections for which you want to alert:

Give the filter also a name.

On the Description field you can set the alert to active:

You can also set the frequency of checking, and if an notification is to be send as well (via mail or towards outbound connector).

Also important here: first press Ok, then Save. Otherwise the data is lost. 

Set up Summary and final check

After you have finished the graphical topology, you need to go back to the Systems overview to validate if everything is activated ok for both monitoring and alerting:

Reminder: there is a split in graphical representation in the topology and scenarios and the actual system monitoring and alerting in the Technical System overview.

Interfaces that can be monitored

Full list of interfaces that can be monitored is published on the Focused Run expert portal.

Specific interface monitoring topics are explained below:

  • Idoc monitoring
  • ODATA Gateway monitoring
  • qRFC monitoring
  • RFC monitoring
  • SLT monitoring
  • Web Service monitoring

Idoc monitoring

SAP Focused Run can both report on idoc errors and delays in idoc processing. Delay in idoc processing can cause business impact and is sometimes hard to detect, since the idocs are in status 30 for outbound, or 64 for inbound, but are not processed. SAP Focused Run is one of the only tools I know which can alert on delays of idoc processing.

The monitoring starts with the Integration & Cloud monitoring tile. Then select the modelled idoc scenario (modeling is explained later in this blog):

On the alert ticker you can already see there are alerts for both idocs in error, but also alerts for idocs in delay:

In the main overview screen click on the interface line to get the overview of idocs sent:

You can now see the amount of idocs that were sent successfully, which are still in transit and which ones are in error. Click on the number to zoom in:

Click on the red error bar to zoom in further to the numbers:

Click on the idoc number to get further details:

Unfortunately, you cannot jump from SAP Focused Run into the managed system where the idoc error occurred.

Documents monitor for idocs

A different view on the idocs can be done using the documents monitor. You can select the documents monitor tool on the left side of the screen:

Now you goto the overview:

You can click on the blue numbers to dive into the details. Or you can click the Dashboards icon top right of the card to go into the dashboard mode:

This will show you the summary over time and per message type. Clicking on the bars will again bring you to the details.

Data collection and alerting setup for idoc monitoring

In the configuration for interface monitoring in the Technical System settings, goto the monitoring part and activate the data collection for Idoc monitoring:

In the monitoring filter, you can restrict the data collection to certain idoc types, receivers, senders, etc. Or leave all entries blank to check every idoc:

The graphical modelling for idocs is similar to the explanation of the example above.

Alerting for idoc errors

First alert we set up is the alert for errors.

Create a new alert and select the alert for idocs in status ERROR for longer than N minutes:

Now we add the filter. In our case we filter on outbound idocs of type DESADV:

A bit hidden at the bottom of this screen is the setting for the N for the minutes:

The time setting is depending on your technical setup of idoc reprocessing jobs (see for example this blog), and the urgency of the idocs for your business.

In the description tab add the notification variant in case you want next to the FRUN alert also mail to be sent (setup is explained in this blog).

You can set up multiple alerts. This means you can have different notification groups for different message types, different directions, different receiving parties.

Save the filter and make sure it is activated.

Idoc alert for backlog

Next to alerting on errors, Focused Run can also alert on delay of idocs. This can be done for both inbound and outbound idocs.

To set up an alert for backlog choose the option idocs in status BACKLOG for longer than N minutes:

In the filter tab set the idoc filter and at the bottom fill out the value for N minutes of backlog that should be alerted:

And in the final tab set the notification variant if wanted:

Save the filter and make sure it is activated.

Definition of delayed and error idocs

On the SAP Focused Run expert portal on idocs, there is this definition of the determination of idocs in delay and error:

Data clean up idoc monitoring

If you get too much data for idoc monitoring, apply OSS note 3241688 – Category wise table cleanup report (IDOC, PI). This note delivers program /IMA/TABLE_CLEANUP_REPORT for clean up.

ODATA gateway monitoring

We assume in this use case that end users are using the ODATA in FIORI apps. In case ODATA is consumed by external applications like Tibco, Mulesoft, Mendix, etc., you have to replace USER with the corresponding application.

Model end users in LMDB

Before we can start the scenario modelling, we first need to model the end users in LMDB as a Unspecific Standalone Application System), just like we did for TIBCO in this blog.

Name the ‘system’ USER:

Make sure the status is Active.

Add this new system USER to the Technical System list in the Integration Monitoring setup.

The system will be display only.

Data collection and alerting setup for ODATA interfaces

In the configuration for interface monitoring in the Technical System settings, goto the monitoring part and activate the data collection for Gateway Errors:

In the monitoring settings, you can filter on specific items if wanted, or leave everything blank to report on any error:

In the tab alerting setup the alerting:

The filter for monitoring and alerting can be different. It cloud be you want to monitor all errors, but only activate specific important ones.

Save your monitoring data collection and alerting settings.

Graphical modelling of ODATA interfaces

In the graphical modelling add the backend system and the system created for USER:

Now add the link starting with USER towards the backend system:

Save your changes.

Also here: first scroll down to see the OK button. Press first OK before pressing Save, or you might loose the data and have to re-enter it. This it bit annoying in the UI.
Monitoring usage of ODATA interfacing

The end result in operations looks as follows:

In the graphical overview click on the red line. The screen with the exceptions opens. Click on the red number to see the overview:

Here you can see the trends and zoom into the specific errors:

qRFC monitoring

qRFC connections are frequently used in communication from ECC to EWM and SCM systems. For generic tips and tricks for qRFC handling, read this blog.

OSS notes for bug fixing qRFC monitoring

Please make sure bug fix OSS note 3014667 – Wrong parameter for QRFC alerts is applied before starting with qRFC monitoring.

Other OSS notes:

Data collection and alerting setup for qRFC monitoring

In the configuration for interface monitoring in the Technical System settings, goto the monitoring part and activate the data collection for qRFC Errors:

In the monitoring settings, you can filter on specific queues, direction and RFC name, or leave everything blank to report on everything:

In the alerting part check you can choose between age of qRFC entries and number of entries:

And set the filters for which ones, and the metric threshold for CRITICAL errors:

The filter for monitoring and alerting can be different. It could be you want to monitor all errors, but only activate specific important ones.

Save your monitoring data collection and alerting settings.

Queued RFC’s are normally back and forth between 2 systems. If this is the case you have to make the settings for both systems.

Graphical modelling of qRFC interfaces

In the graphical modelling add the filter between two systems for the qRFC monitoring:

Also here: first scroll down to see the OK button. Press first OK before pressing Save, or you might loose the data and have to re-enter it. This it bit annoying in the UI.

Queued RFC’s are normally back and forth between 2 systems. If this is the case you have to make the settings for both systems. You model first one direction and then model the direction back:

Monitoring qRFC usage

The end result in operations looks as follows:

You can see here qRFC is modelled back and forth between 2 systems. The blue line indicates messages in process. The red line is clicked on. Here you can see both messages in process and errors. Click on the red error number gives the details:

Monitoring RFC’s between SAP systems

RFC’s with fixed user ID

See the example above on CUA idoc monitoring.

Trusted RFC’s

If you have to setup an RFC monitoring for a trusted RFC (for example between Netweaver Gateway system and ECC system), then you have to take care of the user ID’s and rights. The system from which the SM59 test will run, will use that Focused Run user ID to log on to the other system. If your user ID’s are unique for each system you have to create the user ID in the other systems with the rights to be able to execute a ping and logon for the test.

End result RFC checks

The end results of the RFC is list of RFC’s with the latency time, availability and logon test overview:

Transactional RFC towards external system

To monitor transactional RFC (type T) towards an external system like TIBCO, Mulesoft, etc, you first need to model the external system in the LMDB. To do this goto the LMDB maintenance Fiori app:

Then select Single Customer Network and select the option Technical Systems. In this section choose the Type Unspecific Standalone Application System:

And press Create:

Fill out the details and Save. Make sure the status is Active.

Now the system can be added in the configuration of technical systems in the Interface monitoring configuration:

Now you can model the tRFC interface connection monitoring:

OSS notes for RFC monitoring

Relevant OSS notes:

SLT integration monitoring

This blog focuses specifically on SLT integration monitoring. Monitoring an SLT system itself is explained in this dedicated blog.

Set up SLT integration scenario

Start the integration and exception monitoring FIORI tile:

On the configuration add the SLT system:

Select SLT as specific scenario:

On the Monitoring part you can filter on a specific source system and/or SLT schema:

On the 3rd tab you can set the Alerting in cases of errors:

Now save and activate. The monitoring is active now.

Next step is to use this system in a model for your scenario:

Using the SLT integration monitor

If you open the Fiori tile and you have selected your scenario, you still need to perform an extra click to go to the SLT monitor:

First you get overview of your system(s):

You need to click on the blue numbers to drill down:

This gives overview of errors, source connection status and target connection status.

You cannot drill down further on this tile. If you see an error, you need to go to your SLT server and start transaction LTRO to see all detailed error and start fixing from there. Transaction LTRO can have errors shown that are not visible in transaction LTRC. Focused Run uses LTRO data.

Web service monitoring

Web services monitoring automates the monitoring in transaction SRT_MONI, which is extensively explained in this blog.

This monitoring does not check the connection availability of the web service. To make that happen, you would need to install a custom program from this blog, that writes an entry to SM21. From the SM21 entry, you can create a custom monitoring metric that alerts on the connection issue. How to setup custom metrics is explained in this blog.

SAP reference for web service monitoring can be found here.

Data collection and alerting setup for web service monitoring

In the configuration for interface monitoring in the Technical System settings, goto the monitoring part and activate the data collection for Web Service Errors:

In the monitoring settings, you can filter on specific criteria, or leave everything blank to report on everything:

In the alerting part check you can choose between amount of entries and number of error entries:

And set the filters for the alerting:

The filter for monitoring and alerting can be different. It could be you want to monitor all errors, but only activate specific important ones.

Save your monitoring data collection and alerting settings.

Graphical modelling of web services monitoring

In the graphical modelling add the filter between two systems for the web service monitoring:

Also here: first scroll down to see the OK button. Press first OK before pressing Save, or you might loose the data and have to re-enter it. This it bit annoying in the UI.
Monitoring usage of web services

The end result looks as follows:

You can click on the errors or success messages and zoom all the way down to individual messages:

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run security baseline validation

With the help of Security and Configuration validation you can quickly get an overview of the security compliance of your systems.

Questions that will be answered in the blog are:

  • How to convert your security baseline into a SAP Focused Run Policy XML file?
  • Does SAP provide best practices for security baseline?
  • How can I run a check against many systems?
  • How can I see which security parameters are ok and which ones are not ok in one overview?
  • Can I apply a temporary exemption to the policy?
  • Can I be alerted if a security parameter is changed from compliant to non-compliant value?
  • How many security policies should I create?

SAP Security baseline

SAP publishes a generic SAP security baseline template. For more information on this template, read this blog.

On the SAP github for Focused Run, SAP has put the XML policy files that correspond to this security baseline:

The formally published version of the SAP security baseline is version 2.4.1. The published github files are only updated until version 2.4.0.

Company security baseline

The SAP security baseline can be used as a quick start. But it still needs to be tailored to your company:

  • Values might need to be altered (example; length of password)
  • Values might not be relevant for you (this normally not the case, but it could be)
  • Extra checks that are not in the SAP baseline need to be added


We will explain later below in the blog how to deal with exemptions. A good example of an exemption is that you have a rule, but cannot apply it to all systems. Example is the login/disable_multi_gui_login parameter. By definition you want to set it to 1 to forbid multiple logons. But for 1 older system this is not possible and you have agreed with security team on an exemption. In this case, you don’t want to have a new policy. You keep the single policy but apply the exemption.

Creating the policy file(s)

With the help of the examples in the SAP security baseline, you can build your own company security baseline policy XML file.

In this file I have made an example which contains a lot of password and logon parameter related checks for the ABAP stack:

Goto the Policy Management FIORI tile:

Create a new policy and give it a meaningful name and description:

Now press the edit button and copy and paste the content:

Now Save the policy, Check and Generate. Now you are ready to run.

You can modify the existing values in the XML sample to your need. After it is changed, Save, Check and Generate again.

Running the baseline policy

Start the Configuration and Security Analytics tile:

Select the Policy, and let the system run to get the results:

By clicking on the tab Checks you can zoom in on which items are not ok:

By clicking on a specific check you get the details for that check, which systems are not ok, and what the current value is in the system:

In this case the value 0 for special character is not ok. It should have been 1.

The tab System/Checks gives you an overview of all systems and all checks in one shot (you do need to expand the columns to more values):

Applying an exemption

Ideally you want to solve all the issue by changing the security parameters to meet the security baseline. This is not always possible. After agreement with your security team an exemption can be applied.

When you have done the security baseline run, click on the bottom left the Links icon and select Exemptions for Policies:

In the next screen press the create button to create an exemption:

Select the policy and the specific check you want to exempt (in our case we use the logon password compatibility as example) and set a due date or date range for which the exemption is valid. By setting the due date, it is valid for all systems.

With a date range, you can make the exemption applicable for selected system(s):

Remark: this one is using date range!

Now you can run the security policy again:

You can see in the text exemption have been applied. Also the tick box for Apply Exemptions has appeared. You can untick the box to run the policy without the exemptions.

Alerting on non-compliant changes

Once you have everything under control and all green (meaning all systems are compliant to baseline, or exemptions are applied), you can set up alerting to inform you that a security parameter was changed into a non-compliant value.

When running the check, go to Links on bottom left of the screen and select the Configuration Validation Alert Management option:

In the next screen now create a new alert:

Important here: carefully set the frequency. Do select the System Scope. If you want to check ABAP systems for production only, do set this into the scope section. And Set it to Active. And Save.

Every day the check will run and you will get an alert upon detecting a new non-compliant item for this policy.

More information on using the alert management function can be read in this blog.

How much policies should I create?

You can have as much policies as you like.

As a best practice, create one big one for your companies security baseline per system type:

  • All ABAP security parameters
  • All JAVA security parameters
  • All HANA security parameters

The initial setup might be quite some work, but once setup and cleaned up, the system will do all the work for you, and you need to check the alerts only.

For ABAP OSS notes you can also create policy files. See this dedicated blog.

For special cases you can create dedicated policies.

Use case for checking existance of client 001 and 066

Security & configuration validation can be used to check for the existence of clients 001 and 066.

The 066 early watch client and old delivery clients 001 are only security risks (unless in rare cases 001 has been chosen as execution client). Best to delete them from security point of view (see reference blog).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<targetsystem xmlns:xsi="" desc="Test CLIENTS Store" id="TEST_CLIENTS" multisql="Yes" version="0000" xsi:schemaLocation="csa_policy.xsd"> 
  <configstore name="CLIENTS"> 
    <checkitem desc="CLIENTS_CHECK" id=""> 
        MANDT = '000' or MANDT = '010' or MANDT = '100'
        MANDT = '001' or MANDT = '066' 

In the compliant section add more clients that are valid and/or change the numbers to your own situation.

Basically the rule says: 001 and main client(s) listed are compliant. 001 and 066 are not compliant.


<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run security notes validation

In the blog on security and configuration validation overview, we have explained to run a validation of ABAP security notes against your systems using Focused Run configuration and security validation.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How can I quickly run an entire year of security OSS notes versus my systems?

SAP github with security policy source files

SAP publishes files for the ABAP security notes each month on the SAP Focused Run Best Practices GitHub:

Here the policy files for the ABAP security notes are stored per year and per month.

Not all security notes for ABAP stack are in these files: only the ABAP notes which can be applied via SNOTE. Security notes for ABAP stacks which require parameter changes or patches are not part of this check!

For convenience I have collected the files per year.

These files are for convenience only. It can be I made a mistake in assembling them.

Uploading the files

Goto the Configuration validation policy maintenance Fiori tile:

Create new policy and copy paste the text from the file:

Do this by choosing Edit and copy and paste the text in the editing section:

Now Save the policy. Check the XML. Generate the policy and check it by pressing Test Policy. Note that these are large files with many checks, so the testing can take some time. Run can be done via the Validate button or by following the instructions below.

Running the Security notes checks against the connected systems

To run the checks, goto the Configuration and Security Analytics Fiori tile:

Select the policy file to run:

Now be patient until the results are ready.

Make sure you expand the amount of columns.

If an ABAP notes is not applied it does not mean your system is not safe. You have define for which CVSS score and which systems you want to apply the security OSS notes, within which timeframe.

More on CVSS score see OSS note 2463332 – Security Note CVSS vector computation – SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and 7.2 and this SAP blog explaining the CVSS scoring in general.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run alert management overview

The alert management function is a central alert inbox function for SAP Focused Run. All alerts from all tools are coming together in the alert inbox.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How does the alert inbox work?
  • How can I get a good overview of all the alerts?
  • How can I mail an alert?
  • Which actions can I perform on an alert?
  • Can I set up my own alert dashboard?
  • Can I have Focused Run automatically confirm some of the alerts, when the system detects all is ok again?
  • Which alerts are sent to the Alert inbox?
  • How to organize alert handling?
  • How to execute alert review?
  • How to reduce the amount of open alerts?
  • How can I configure Focused Run to send mails for specific alert situations?
  • How can I setup multiple mail receivers?
  • How can I setup multiple mail groups?
  • How can I change the layout of the mail?

Alert inbox

To open the Alert Inbox, click on the Fiori tile:

Don't let yourself be distracted by the high number. This is the total unfiltered amount of alerts. It will contain alerts from production and non-production systems. It will be important and non-important alerts.

Now the open alert overview dashboard will open:

There is a lot of information on this screen.

Top left are the open alerts by source. This means the open alerts by application, instance, database. In the middle top are the open alerts by category (like availability, exceptions, etc.). Top right is the open alerts by current rating. Bottom left is the top type of open alert by type of metric that is causing the alert. Bottom right is the distribution of open alerts by age.

The alerts are centralized and can have diverse sources:

Processing an alert

From the overview you can choose two ways to start:

  1. On the top right section click on the Critical alerts that are currently still open.
  2. On the left, select the open alert list icon:

Both options will bring you to the list of open important alerts:

The sorting is done from Very High and then High, etc, already. The most important open current alerts are on top. This list can also be exported to Excel.

Clicking on an alert will open the details:

Here you can see the history and current status. It can be that the alert is till red, but it can also be that Focused Run detects that the current situation is now ok. It will still leave the alert open for you to analyse and confirm.

You can click on the Actions button to get the follow up action menu:

  • Confirm the alert will close the alert.
  • Add a comment: add text to the alert.
  • Add or change a processor: assign a user ID who should pick up the alert and is responsible for the alert.
  • Trigger an alert reaction (for example to SAP solution manager IT service desk or outbound integration to for example ServiceNow)
  • Send notification will give you the option to mail the alert:

Using the action log button:

you can see the action log for the alert:

Alert handling

An alert is sent to the alert inbox. But for each alert you can configure as well if an alert is e-mailed, and/or send to external tool like ServiceNow.

The alert inbox has a scope filter just like all the other Focused Run tools. Use it to filter the alerts for you most important systems (most likely the productive systems, or even filter on the core S4HANA and/or ECC systems).

Depending on your organizational structure and amounts of systems, you need to agree on how you handle the alerts. Aspects to be taken care of:

  • Prioritization of alerts; which ones go first? Solutions:
    • Use filters for important systems
    • First red alerts, then yellow alerts
      • Fine tune alert thresholds to reduce invalid red alerts
  • Assign processor or not: for larger teams do assign a processor to keep track
  • Fill out comments for alerts that take longer to solve, so you track what has been done
  • Consider to postpone alerts that require a change to get fixed (and the change takes a longer time to implement)
  • Using the SLA functions or not?
  • Who is allowed to confirm an alert?

Alert review

You can use the initial alert dashboard, or the alert reporting overview, or create your own dashboards:

The overview shows the open alerts:

Clicking on any colored bar will bring you to the detailed list. From the list you can filter down to the details.

At the start of your SAP Focused Run implementation you should at least weekly review this. It gives you insights into:

  • The type of alerts most frequently popping up
  • The systems that generate the most alerts
  • The average time an alert is open

When you are getting more mature and used to solving the issues

Open alert reduction

To reduce the open alerts consider this sequence:

  • Solve the issues in the systems: clean up, apply permanent solutions
  • Fine tune the metric thresholds for false alerts, and classify not so important alerts as yellow: keep red for the important alerts
  • Work on the resolution time: also here, focus on the red alerts which are important

Bad practices (often deployed by KPI drive service providers):

  • Increase thresholds, without clean up or without solving the issues permanently
  • Simply close each repetitive alert fast without checking and solving the root cause for repetitive failure
  • Only look at subsection of the alerts
  • Don’t look at self monitoring items (without solving self monitoring issues)
  • Blame Focused Run for having bugs (without looking for OSS notes and without reporting issues)
  • Don’t confirm the alerts (so they keep open and don’t send new mails, or don’t create new ServiceNow tickets)

If you are confronted with such a service provider, use the alerting reporting tools also for the closed alerts to find evidences of such behaviors.

Missed alerts

After incidents you have (mainly in your productive system), check if Focused Run generated the proper alert or not.

Cases that can happen:

  • Focused Run did alert the situation, but it was not picked up fast enough by the processors: organizational measures, or consider the mail sending option
  • Focused Run did measure the situation, but the alert was not configured (for example batch job alert was not set)
  • Focused Run did measure the situation, but the threshold was not reached: lower the threshold in the template
  • Focused Run did measure the situation, but it was not specific enough. This can happen with SM21 system messages. Consider creation of very specific custom metrics for specific messages (for example for application server connectivity loss to database).
  • Focused Run did not measure the situation: check if you can activate an out-of-the-box monitoring item for the situation. Not all measurements are active in the templates by default. If no out-of-the box exists, consider creating a custom metric. Or check if you can monitor side-effects of occurring bad situations.

The goal of this analysis is to keep improving the alerting accuracy: alerts should not be missed and valid (not false).

Automatic confirmation of alerts

For some type of alerts, you might want to activate the automatic confirmation. This automatic confirmation is set at template level. Read this blog on the details. If it is set, the alert will still be created. The alert will remain open until the system detects the issue is gone. If gone, the system will automatically close the alert.

Alert management search

With the looking glass left you goto the Alert search overview. Here you can search in any way you want on the alerts, including free text search:

Top right you select extra specific filter criteria:

Custom alert page

By clicking on the + icon on the left button bar, you can add your own alert page:

The UI is the same as for the tactical dashboards.

More on the Alerting dashboards in this dedicated blog.

Mailing alerts

Setting up alert consumer

First we will set up the alert consumer. Goto the Alert Consumer Variant configuration tile:

In the next screen click on the Plus symbol to create a new Alert Consumer:

Initially there is no mail template and no recipient list.

We will create these in the steps below. When these are created, they can be used in the drop downs. Save the consumer and don’t forget to put the status to Active.

Maintain recipient list

From the alert consumer screen create a new recepient list:

Give it a name and add the e-mail addresses for the group. There can be one or multiple. Save the list.

Maintain e-mail template

Create a new e-mail template:

On the left hand side you can see the variables you can use. On the right hand side you construct the mail template. Preview is possible but shows limited functionality only. Save after you are happy with the mail.

Using the alert consumer

Now we have created the alert consumer with the mail template and recipient list. We can goto the monitoring template maintenance to assign the alert consumer. In the alerts tab of the template that you want to alert on, goto the Alerts tab:

For the type of alert switch the Automatic notification to Use Variant. In the Notifications tab below, you can now assign the created variant. Save the settings.

After the template change: do not forget to Apply and Activate the template for use.

Testing and mail sending

To test your settings: use a development system or sandbox to test your event. Then check in SOST that the mail is properly created:

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run system monitoring overview

This blog will give you and overview of the functional capabilities of the System Monitoring in SAP Focused Run.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • What are the main functions of System Monitoring?
  • How to zoom in on systems and specific metrics?
  • How to optimize the scope selection?
  • How to use the tabular view?
  • How to check a specific metric across multiple systems?
  • How can I quickly get an overview of all my systems that are down?
  • How to set IT admin role of systems in LMDB?
  • How to store specific metric data longer?
  • How to use the aggregation framework?

System monitoring top down approach

From the Advanced System monitoring group in Fiori launchpad, select the System Monitoring tile:

Now select the systems in the Scope Selection block, for which you want to see the monitoring data:

Select Go when you finished your filtering. You now reach the overview screen:

If you want to zoom in click on one of the numbers, or select the Systems button from the left hand toolbar:

The traffic lights indicate where the issue or issues are: availability, performance, configuration or exceptions. If you want to go directly to an alert click on the alert number. Alerts are explained in full in this blog.

Click on a single system in the left column to open the system monitoring view for a single system:

On the left hand side, you can see the application (in this case ABAP) on top. You can also see the database (HANA) and application server, CI and their hosts. On the right hand side in a tree structure you can see the diverse checkpoints and issues in the system. The checkpoints are called metrics and they are clubbed together into logical blocks (like system exceptions, performance, availability). In this case there is a system exception due to too many short dumps today.

You can open the graph for this metric to see the details in time:

By clicking on the start and to date, you can select the date/time range or use the Select Time Frame button for a predefined time range:

Optimizing scope selection

In the scope selection of systems, you can create a few variants to speed up your work.

In this example we will setup a variant to quickly select all productive systems. In the scope selection block select the IT Admin Role for Productive System:

Now select the down arrow next to Standard in the top left corner and select Save As:

You can choose to set this variant as default. Setting it as public will make the variant available for all users. Selecting the Apply Automatically tickbox will apply this specific variant immediately. This might be preferable, or annoying. Just try it.

Upon pressing Save you will get a request for transport popup or save it as local request.

You can also create a similar view for non-production systems.

In the end you can always press the Manage button to change the variants and texts:

Now you can easily switch between scopes for production and non-production:

How to set IT admin role of systems in LMDB

This chapter will show how you can set the IT Admin role of a system in LMDB. Goals is that you can use it easily as described above in the scope selection.

Go to the LMDB Object Maintenance Fiori tile:

Search for your system:

Select the system and press Display to open the detail screen:

Press Edit to change. Now change the IT Admin Role and press Save.

Using the tabular view

In stead of using the hierarchy view, you can also switch to the Tabular View:

In this view you can for example sort the items on a column like the traffic light:

Or you can apply a text filter to search for a specific metric:

Checking a metric across multiple systems

If you have an issue in one system, you might want to quickly validate if you have similar issue in different systems, or you simple want to compare with different systems. From the monitoring of a system select the metric.

For this example we selected Short Dumps:

Select the i button to get the explanation text:

This gives the exact name:

Now goto the metric tool:

If you don’t see the correct metric, use the metric selection filter on the top right of the screen:

Press Apply, and you get the overview of this specific metric across all systems in your selected scope:

Storing metric data longer

Focused Run stores the monitoring data 28 days. If you need the data for specific metrics and systems longer, you can make use of the aggregation framework.

Start the Fiori application for Advanced Configuration of System Monitoring:

On the left hand side choose the option Aggregation Framework:

Choose the button Create Variant to create a new variant:

Fill out the name and basic description and press the Continue with next step button:

The next screen is bit more complex:

In sequence: first search for the extended system ID and press go in the top left section. In the bottom left section, select the system you want. In the top right section now select Add filter from the left button. And press the Add selected objects for aggregation button on the bottom right part. Now press the Continue with next step button:

Select the metrics on the left hand side and add the filters on the right hand side. When done press the Continue with next step button:

Using the aggregation framework

For using the aggregation framework there are no special requirements. Whenever you use an aggregated metric in system monitoring, you can simply use the details with a long period.

Settings for the aggregation framework

In the aggregation framework configuration screen, you can click on the configuration wheel top right to set the retention period for Short/Medium/Long:

System down monitor

A special function is System Monitoring is the System Down Monitor. This overview directly gives an overview of the systems that are considered down by SAP Focused Run and the systems which are set to having maintenance.

In the system monitoring screen select the System Down monitoring icon on the left icon bar (here indicated with the arrow):

You can see systems that are down and which ones that are having planned maintenance. If you have set up the SLA management, it will also show that aspect.

If you want to zoom in on the issues, press the i icon right of the system. Then select Links to go to the respective tool for further investigation:

For systems down the best tools are usually the System Analysis and the Alert Event management.

Changing settings

You can change the layout settings with the glasses icon:

You can show/hide the SLA and charts section as per your need.

Definition of down

The definition of down is in Focused Run: any red alert in the availability metrics. This can be:

  • Complete system down
  • One of the application servers is down
  • A core function is down (for example ABAP stack is up and running, but the Https port is not available)
  • Important subfunctions are not working (for example in the SLT system 1 or more source systems can not be reached)

Relevant OSS notes


The overview above gives the top – down approach in full: from the total landscape, to single system, to group of metrics to single metric.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP password hash hacking Part VI: extended wordlists

As explained in the previous blogs many people use a word followed by a rule like add special and digit. Or use a word and replace character with digit or special character.

In the first blog the 10.000 word list was used.

This blog will make you aware of the existence of far more word lists and how to counter these.


Wordlists available:

  • Dictionaries for each language, like Webster for English. Each language has their own preferred dictionary
  • Keyboard walk list: contains fragments like QWER, UIOP, ASDF etc. These fragments are used in so-called combination attacks by using multiple fragments like: Qwer1234!@#$ (which is 3 keyboard walks)
  • Wikipedia list; this list is huge and simply contains a list of ALL words ever used on Wikipedia
  • Public site or intranet site keywords; comparable to Wikipedia, but targeted towards a single organization. Many people use the company name, department name, project name or another internal name as part of their password
  • All placenames (cities, provinces, states, countries, rivers, etc) in the world
  • All movies, actors, actrices, characters
  • Sport names and sports players
  • Lists from previous password hacks: like the LinkedIn list, RockYou list, etc.

The creator of John The Ripper offers them for money on their site (for cracking, still use hascat…).

Counter measures for attacks done by word lists

Counter measures:

  • User education to use not a single word, but two or more words in the password
  • Use single sign on in stead of passwords
  • Use generated passwords in secure storage

ABAP2XLS framework

The ABAP2XLS framework is a nice framework to speed up the development time and options to work with XLS from ABAP.


Follow the instructions on the ABAP2XLS github site to download and install. Also install the demo programs.

Demo programs

Run program ZABAP2XLSX_DEMO_SHOW to see the demo programs:

Double clicking on a program will show the coding on the right hand side and also start the demo program. In this case generating xls with multiple tabs with just a few lines of coding.

There are many options possible. Just look at the demo programs and re-use the coding.

Data archiving: production order

This blog will explain how to archive production order data via object PP_ORDER. Generic technical setup must have been executed already, and is explained in this blog.


Go to transaction SARA and select object PP_ORDER.

Dependency schedule is empty, so there are no dependencies:

Main tables that are archived:

  • AFKO (order headers)
  • AFPO (order items)
  • AUFK (order master data)

Technical programs and OSS notes

Preprocessing program: PPARCHP1

Write program: PPARCHA1

Delete program: PPARCHD1

Read from archive: PPARCHR1

Relevant OSS notes:

Guided procedure on production order archiving issues can be found here.

Application specific customizing

For archiving object PP_ORDER there is application specific customizing to perform. Select the order type:

And set the residence times:

Residence time 1 determines the time interval (in calendar months) that must elapse between setting the delete flag (step 1) and setting the deletion indicator (step 2).

Residence time 2 determines the time (in calendar months) that must elapse between setting the deletion indicator (step 2) and reorganizing the object (step 3).

Executing the preprocessing run

In transaction SARA, PP_ORDER select the preprocessing run:

Select your data, save the variant and start the archiving preprocessing run.

The run will show several functional issues: orders that are not completed and could not be marked for deletion with the functional reason.

Executing the write run and delete run

In transaction SARA, PP_ORDER select the write run:

Select your data, save the variant and start the archiving write run.

After the write run is done, check the logs. PP_ORDER archiving has low speed, and medium percentage of archiving (60 to 80%).

Proved a good name for the archive file for later use!

Deletion run is standard by selecting the archive file and starting the deletion run.

Data retrieval

Data retrieval is via program PPARCHR1:

Important here to select the correct archive files.

Output is a list on the left side with details on the right hand side of the screen in table format: