SICF tips and trikcs

SICF is an abbreviation for SAP internet communication framework.

It is used to expose internet services like SAP ABAP webdynpro, ODATA etc.

Checking active services

As per SAP “Note 1555208 – ICF services become inactive after upgrade or SP update” you can find the list of active services with the report RS_ICF_SERV_ADMIN_TASKS (choose option Export of Active Services into CSV file).

On table level: Check the table ICFSERVLOC. All active services are marked with an “X” flag.

Mass processing

SICF mass processing is done via program RS_ICF_SERV_MASS_PROCESSING.

Logging of SICF changes

To enable logging of SICF changes: switch on table logging for table ICFSERVLOC.

Various OSS notes around SICF

User based debugging

In some cases you need to debug the session of another user. This can be needed for example when you need to solve an issue in ABAP for a FIORI app. The end user is doing his work until the break point is reached. Then you take over the session using the normal debugging tools. The basic principle is explained in OSS note 1919888 – Debugging the applications of another user, and in this SAP help file.


Then let the user start the work. You will take over as soon as the break point is reached.

Checklist for issues can be found in OSS note 2462481 – External debug / breakpoint is not recognized.

Set the user ID to be debugged

For your user ID choose the menu option Utilities/Settings. Then select main tab ABAP editor and subtab Debugging:

Now replace your user with the user name for which you want to take the session over using the external break point.

Custom SCI class for checking AUTHORITY-CHECK statement

Follow the steps explained in this blog to set up a new custom check. We will use these steps to set up an extra SCI class to check if the AUTHORITY-CHECK statement is added in ABAP code or not.

New SCI check coding

Step 1: create the ZCL_CI_SCAN_AUTH class

In SE24 copy class CL_CI_TEST_FREE_SEARCH to ZCL_CI_SCAN_AUTH. In the attributes of the copied class set C_MY_NAME as variable to ‘ZCL_CI_SCAN_AUTH’. Also set the error code MCODE_0001 to ‘Z001’.

Step 2: redo the CONSTRUCTOR

Goto the constructor of the new class and overwrite the existing code with this code snippit:

   description    'Search authority check statement'(001).  "required
   category       'ZCL_OWN_CHECKS'.         "required
   version        '000'.                      "required
   has_attributes c_false.                        "optional
   attributes_ok  c_false.                 "optional
   DEFINE fill_message.
     CLEAR smsg.
     smsg-test c_my_name.
     smsg-code &1.  "message code
     smsg-kind &2.  "message priority
     smsg-text &3.  "message text
     smsg-pcom &4.  "pseudocomment
     INSERT smsg INTO TABLE scimessages.
   fill_message 'Z001' 'E' 'Search authority check statement'(001' '.

Don’t forget to double click on the 001 to generate the text message.

Step 3: adapt the RUN code

Now the check itself has to be built in the RUN method:

     l_include       TYPE sobj_name,
     l_row           TYPE token_row,
     l_column        TYPE token_col,
     l_tokennr       LIKE statement_wa-from,
     l_code          TYPE sci_errc,
     l_search_string LIKE LINE OF search_strings VALUE 'AUTHORITY-CHECK',
     l_position      TYPE i,
     l_found         TYPE VALUE ' '.
 *  IF search_strings IS INITIAL.
 *    RETURN.
 *  ENDIF.
   IF ref_scan IS INITIAL.
     CHECK get'X'.
   CHECK ref_scan->subrc 0.
 *-- loop at all tokens
   LOOP AT ref_scan->statements INTO statement_wa.
     CHECK statement_wa-from <= statement_wa-to.
     l_position sy-tabix.
     IF statement_wa-type 'S' OR
        statement_wa-type 'P'.
       CHECK comment_mode 'X'.
     LOOP AT ref_scan->tokens INTO token_wa
            FROM statement_wa-from TO statement_wa-to.
       l_tokennr sy-tabix.
       IF token_wa-type 'S'.
         CHECK literal_mode 'X'.
 *-- does ABAP-string contain search-string ?
       IF token_wa-str CP l_search_string.
         UNPACK sy-tabix TO l_code(4).
         l_include get_include).
         l_row     get_line_absl_tokennr ).
         l_column  get_column_absl_tokennr ).
         l_found 'X'.
       ENDIF.     "l_strpos > l_pos
   IF l_found NE 'X'.
     informp_sub_obj_type c_type_include
                 p_sub_obj_name l_include
                 p_position     l_position
                 p_line         l_row
                 p_column       l_column
                 p_kind         'E'
                 p_test         c_my_name
                 p_code         'Z001'
                 p_suppress     '"#EC CI_NOAUTH '
                 p_param_1      token_wa-str ).

Basically the code looks for the statement ‘AUTHORITHY-CHECK’. If it found nothing happens. If it is found, it will generate a message.

Step 4: generating the message

In the method GET_MESSAGE_TEXT overwrite the code with this new code:

     L_CODE type SCI_ERRC.
   if P_TEST <> MYNAME or p_code c_code_not_remote_enabled.
                 exporting P_TEST P_TEST P_CODE P_CODE
                 importing P_TEXT P_TEXT ).
   shift L_CODE left deleting leading SPACE.
   P_TEXT 'No authorithy-check statement found'(101).
   replace first occurrence of '&N' in P_TEXT with L_CODE.

SCI settings

Use steps from blog xxx to add the new check to the SCI variant ZTEST.

SCI variant

Test program

We have written a simple test program without AUTHORITHY-CHECK.

Test program ZTEST

When running the SCI with our test variant, this is the result:

SCI check on AUTHORITHY-CHECK statement


EWA alert solutions

The SAP Early Watch Alert (EWA) report can contain valuable information on specific topics in your system that you must fix.

More information on the EWA workspace can be found in this blog.

General EWA tips and tricks can be found in this blog.

EWA alert solution finder

On the go to the specific page for EWA solution finder:

Action follow up is on the right hand side per alert:

You can choose:

  • Hide the alert (be very careful!)
  • Snooze the alert (see SAP blog)
  • Mail the alert

The snoozing is a very useful function. For example, you detect a red alert on HANA revision, but it will take you a month to implement (due to regression testing, process, etc), you can now snooze the alert for the implementation period:

After the implementation is done, the alert should be gone. If the implementation is delayed, you will be reminded again.

ABAPDOCU: online ABAP documentation

All ABAP documentation is online available in your ABAP system. Start transaction ABAPDOCU:

The most used function is the traditional ABAP keyword documentation.

But the ABAPDOCU is constantly updated and also contains great background information on:

  • CDS views
  • Restful Application Programming model (RAP)
  • Security in ABAP
  • Cloud rules for ABAP
  • Release notes for ABAP releases
  • ABAP examples
  • Tools for ABAP programming

OSS notes

Set up AIF interface error handling

SAP has a nice framework to handle interface errors: AIF (application integration framework).

The framework is quite old already but was not very popular. Not to the fact that it is not good (it is in fact quite good), but it is because it is a licensed product and too expensive for the value it brings.

The framework is now split into 2 parts:

  • Use in combination with standard SAP scenarios (in this case the use of AIF is free)
  • Use in combination with your own custom flows (in this case you need to pay for the AIF license)

Activating AIF error handling content

For reference you can read the formal help file from SAP on activating AIF content.

Extract the content using SE38 report /AIF/CONTENT_EXTRACT.

Then start transaction /AIF/CUST to maintain the customizing for errors. The input is given on this SAP help page.

And define the error handling levels:

Use of AIF

Transaction /AIF/ERR can be used for the error handling monitoring:

ABAP debugger stop at modification

As ABAP developer you can be asked to help out with issues in standard SAP to help debug the issue.

First of all, you normally use the ANST tool to check if there are any standard SAP notes available.

The second step is to search for user-exits and BADI’s for a transaction.

The third step you can do is use the new ABAP debugger script to search for customer enhancements during debugging. To do this, load the new script by applying OSS note 3415810 – New ABAP Debugger Script RSTPDA_SCRIPT_MODIFICATION.

Now start debugging like usual and go to the Script tab:


Then start the script and choose your break-point stop conditions:

Now you can check if there is any modification or custom coding interfering with standard SAP.

When no custom coding involved and issues is still persisting, you can debug, but will still be forced to file a case at for an SAP solution.

SAP Focused Run monitoring applications

This blog will explain specific items to keep in mind when monitoring certain applications.

Applications discussed and explained:

  • Adobe document servers (ADS)
  • BW systems
  • Cloud connectors
  • Content servers
  • ECC and S4HANA servers
  • EWM (enterprise warehouse management) servers
  • GTS (global trade system) servers
  • Netweaver gateway FIORI hub systems
  • SCM (supply chain management) servers
  • SLT servers
  • Web dispatchers

For each system we explain the monitoring of productive and non-productive system.

Adobe document server (ADS) application monitoring

Adobe Document Server (ADS) is used to generate PDF’s for output and/or interactive PDF forms.

Monitoring productive ADS systems

When monitoring a productive system, you will need to finetune the monitoring templates for:

  • SAP J2EE 7.20 – 7.50 Application template, for the JAVA application
  • SAP J2EE 7.20 – 7.50 Technical instance template, for the JAVA application servers
  • System host template
  • Database template

JAVA APPLICATION TEMPLATE for adobe document server monitoring

Make sure you cover in the JAVA application template the following items:


  • JAVA HTTP availability
  • Expiring certificates
  • JAVA license expiry

From the JAVA instance template make sure to cover the following items:

  • J2EE application status
  • Instance HTTP availability and logon
  • JAVA server node status
  • GC (Garbage collection)

Fine tune the metrics so you are alerted on situation where the system is having issues.

ADobe document server template for monitoring

ADS has a specific Technical instance template.

Make sure you activate it:

Most important here is the first one: ADS availability. Please make sure you are alerted when this one is not available.

BW application monitoring

BW systems are at the often used as reporting systems within an SAP landscape.

The basic monitoring of a BW system is the same as for any ABAP based system.

For a BW system some numbers are typically higher than on an ECC or S4HANA system. Response times of 1.5 seconds would indicate horrible performance on ECC, but are normal on a BW system.

Process chain monitoring

BW uses process chains. To monitor process chains, read this dedicated blog.

Cloud connector application monitoring

The Cloud connector is used between on premise systems and Cloud solutions provided by SAP.

Monitoring of cloud connector focuses on availability and connectivity.

Monitoring productive cloud connector systems

The cloud connector template contains all the needed elements out of the box:

If your landscape has only one cloud connector that is also used for non-productive systems, you might find a lot of issues in the non-productive system. Like expired certificates, channels not working, many logfile entries. If the cloud connector is very important for your business, it is best to split off the productive cloud connector from the non-productive usage. This way you can apply sharp rule settings for production: even single issue will lead to alert. While on non-production the developers will be making a lot of issues as part of their developer process.

Monitoring non-productive cloud connector systems

In your landscape you might have a non-productive cloud connector that is used for testing purposes. In the non-productive cloud connectors you might apply a different template with less sensitive settings on certificates, logfiles and amount of tunnels that are failing.

Relevant OSS notes for cloud connector monitoring

3391143 – Cloud Connector system is not coming into SAP Focus Run LMDB

Content server application monitoring

Content servers are often used to store attachment and data archiving files. They are technical systems with usually no direct access for end user. End users normally fetch and store data form content server via an ABAP or JAVA application.

Technical setup for content server monitoring

The technical setup for monitoring content server in SAP Focused Run is described in detail in a PDF attached to OSS note 3151832 – SAP Content Server 6.40/6.50/7.53 Monitoring with SAP Focus Run. There is no need to repeat here.

The main part of content server monitoring is availability.

ABAP connection to content server monitoring

In some cases both your ABAP stack and content server are up and running, but communication between them is failing on application level. This leads to not working system for end users. Root causes can be firewall issues, certificate issues, or somebody altered settings.

To test the ABAP system connection to content server a custom ABAP program is needed. See this blog. You can schedule the program in batch and set up a new custom metric to capture the system log entry written by the program.

System host template for content server monitoring

For system host the regular CPU, memory, disc template is sufficient. Finetune the thresholds to your comfort level.

Database template for content server monitoring

Important items of the database template:

  • Database availability
  • Database health checks
  • Backup

In most installations it is chosen to install Content Server with the SAP MaxDB database (similar to LiveCache).

Relevant OSS notes for content server monitoring

ECC and S4HANA application monitoring

ECC and S4HANA systems are at the core of each SAP landscape, and most vital to the business.

When monitoring a productive system, you will need to finetune the monitoring templates for:

  • ABAP 7.10 and higher Application template, for the ABAP application
  • ABAP 7.10 and higher Technical instance template, for the ABAP application servers
  • System host template
  • Database template

ABAP application template

Make sure you cover in the ABAP application template the following items:


  • Message server HTTP logon
  • System logon check
  • RFC logon check
  • License status
  • Certificates expiry
  • Update status

Performance and system health:

  • Critical number ranges
  • Enqueue lock % filled
  • SICK detection
  • Dumps last hour
  • Update errors last hour
  • Cancelled jobs last hour
  • Long running work processes and jobs (see blog)


  • Global changeability should be that the system is closed
  • Locking of critical users like SAP* and DDIC (see blog)

Fine tune the metrics so you are alerted on situation where the system is having issues.

ABAP application server template

Make sure you cover in the ABAP application server template the following items:


  • Local RFC logon test
  • Local HTTP logon test
  • Local Logon test
  • Message server disconnects (see blog)

Application server performance and health:

  • Amount of critical SM21 messages
  • No more free work processes (see blog)
  • Update response times

You can consider to setup extra custom metrics for the application servers:

System host template

For system host the regular CPU, memory, disc template is sufficient. Finetune the thresholds to your comfort level.

Database template

Important items of the database template:

  • Database availability
  • Database health checks
  • Backup

Functions monitoring

Next to the availability and performance mentioned above, check also for monitoring certain functions:

EWM (enterprise warehouse management) application monitoring

EWM systems are at the often used as stand alone systems that make sure logistics and warehousing can keep running at high availability. If the connected ECC or S4HANA system is down, EWM can continue to support logistics operations.

EWM can be older version based on SCM/BI system core. Newer EWM systems are using S4HANA with EWM activated as standalone.

Extra in an EWM system are the use of qRFC and the CIF (Core interface). And many EWM systems have users that interact with the system via ITS GUI based handheld scanners.

EWM systems are at the often used as stand alone systems that make sure logistics and warehousing can keep running at high availability. If the connected ECC or S4HANA system is down, EWM can continue to support logistics operations.

EWM can be older version based on SCM/BI system core. Newer EWM systems are using S4HANA with EWM activated as standalone.

Extra in an EWM system are the use of qRFC and the CIF (Core interface). And many EWM systems have users that interact with the system via ITS GUI based handheld scanners.

CIF monitoring

The CIF is the core interface between SCM and ECC system. The interface typically uses RFC and qRFC. And it is working both ways.

Setup for the CIF specific RFC’s and qRFC’s the monitoring:

Handheld scanners

Many EWM systems are having interaction with scanners via the ITS server. Basically this is a small web page on a scanning device.

Make sure you monitor the availability of the URL’s that the scanners are using. More on URL monitoring can be found in this blog.

GTS (global trade system) application monitoring

GTS systems are at the not frequent in use. When in use they do play a vital role in import and export business scenario’s when good are crossing borders.

Since a GTS system is normally installed, and often no to little maintenance and software changes are performed on the system. Also basis teams tend not to look at it too often, since it normally runs stable.

In case of non-availability of GTS, ECC scenario’s linked to GTS might fail and can causes severe business disruptions.

For this reason it is important to set up monitoring in FRUN for your GTS system and also configure mail alerts in case of issues. They will not happen too often, but when they happen you can act fast. This will also save the basis team spending a lot of time on checking GTS system for log (most cases, the checks are good).

When monitoring a productive system, you will need to finetune the monitoring templates for:

  • ABAP 7.10 and higher Application template, for the ABAP application
  • ABAP 7.10 and higher Technical instance template, for the ABAP application servers
  • System host template
  • Database template

The next step is to set up interface monitoring for RFC from the ECC system towards the GTS system.

Netweaver Gateway Fiori hub system application monitoring

Netweaver Gateway systems are used to host Fiori applications.

Netweaver gateway template

For Netweaver gateway, also assign and fine tune the Gateway template:

The important custom check on URL availability is best to setup as well: read this blog for instructions.

Consider to setup interface monitoring for RFC‘s from End User to Gateway and Gateway to ECC backends.

SCM (supply chain management) application monitoring

SCM systems are at the often used logistics optimization systems. They are mainly used in combination with traditional ECC systems. They are less needed in combination with S4HANA systems (or you can use the embedded SCM of HANA).

The core of an SCM system is a BI system. Many data is using similar extractors and process chains as a BI system. Hence follow the tuning needed for a BI system.

Extra in an SCM system are the LiveCache and the CIF (Core interface).

The basic monitoring of an SCM system is the same as for any ABAP based system.

For an SCM system some numbers are typically higher than on an ECC or S4HANA system. Response times of 1.5 seconds would indicate horrible performance on ECC, but are normal on an SCM system.

LiveCache monitoring

LiveCache is normally running on a MaxDB database.

So it is important to activate, assign and finetune the metrics for the MaxDB database:

Focus on:

  • Availability
  • Backup
  • Performance

Next to the database, you also need to activate, assign and finetune the LiveCache specific application template:

This template contains the primary elements to monitor for the LiveCache functions like:

  • Availability of LiveCache as a function
  • Structure check for LiveCache
  • Memory issues for LiveCache specifically

Fine tune the metrics so you are alerted on situation where the system is having issues.

CIF monitoring

The CIF is the core interface between SCM and ECC system. The interface typically uses RFC and qRFC. And it is working both ways.

Setup for the CIF specific RFC’s and qRFC’s the monitoring:

Process chain monitoring

SCM uses process chains. To monitor process chains, read this dedicated blog.

SLT system application monitoring

SLT systems are mainly used to replicate data from source systems like ECC and S4HANA towards target systems like Enterprise HANA, HANA cloud and other data pool systems.

SLT DMIS template for SLT system

For SLT systems, apply the SLT DMIS template:

In the SLT system itself, make sure job /1LT/IUC_HEALTH_C with program R_DMC_HC_RUN_CHECKS runs. This will collect data that is needed for SLT itself, but which is also re-used by SAP Focused Run.

OSS notes to apply and check:

Anyhow you should make sure to regularly apply the notes for the DMIS component. See this blog.

SLT DMIS dummy template backend system

For SLT to work, the DMIS component is installed in both the SLT system and the backend system. For the backend system SLT component, Focused Run will pick up the template as well. But this will not make any sense in monitoring, since it is the source system and not the SLT system.

For this reason, set up a dummy empty template with every monitoring item disabled:

Assign this dummy template to your backend system.

SLT integration monitoring

Set up the SLT integration monitoring to monitoring communication.

Web dispatcher application monitoring

Standalone web dispatchers are used to load balance web traffic towards ABAP and/or JAVA systems. Common use case is to have web dispatcher for a large Netweaver Gateway FIORI installation.

Monitoring productive cloud web dispatchers

Monitoring of web dispatchers focuses on availability, connectivity and performance.

The web dispatcher template contains most needed elements out of the box:

Issues with performance are often caused by limitations set in the web dispatcher configuration. Keep these settings active.

You might want to add specific custom metric to monitor the most important URL for your web dispatcher. Read more in this specific blog.

Next to this setup the normal host monitoring to make sure the file system and CPU of the web dispatcher are not filling up and causing availability issues for the web dispatcher function.

Monitoring non-productive web dispatcher systems

For monitoring non-productive web dispatcher systems, it is normally sufficient to restrict to host and availability monitoring.

Relevant OSS notes for web dispatcher monitoring

3373764 – Issue with Content Server on Web dispatcher templates

LMDB OSS notes

3104059 – Troubleshooting ABAP Data supplier populating LMDB

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>