SICF tips and trikcs

SICF is an abbreviation for SAP internet communication framework.

It is used to expose internet services like SAP ABAP webdynpro, ODATA etc.

Checking active services

As per SAP “Note 1555208 – ICF services become inactive after upgrade or SP update” you can find the list of active services with the report RS_ICF_SERV_ADMIN_TASKS (choose option Export of Active Services into CSV file).

On table level: Check the table ICFSERVLOC. All active services are marked with an “X” flag.

Checking SICF security settings

Don’t use the old program RSICFCHK (see OSS note 3300857 – Report RSICFCHK shows incomplete result). Use the new SECSTORE transaction. At the start of transaction SECSTORE choose in the check entries section “ICF Service”:

Now hit execute and check the results:

Mass processing

SICF mass processing is done via program RS_ICF_SERV_MASS_PROCESSING.

Logging of SICF changes

To enable logging of SICF changes: switch on table logging for table ICFSERVLOC.

Various OSS notes around SICF

Integrate SO10 text in webdynpro

This blog will explain how to integrate SO10 standard text in webdynpro. It will also show how to use this to integrate it into page on the right after logon (see also this blog).

Setup SO10 text

Start transaction SO10 and create text for logon:

Now enter the text and save it:

We have entered text (as explained in SO10 blog). Important: add the <br/> tags to create the line break.

Setup webdynpro screen

We will now setup webdynpro screen into which we will integrate SO10 text above.

Go to SE80 and create webdynpro Z_LOGON_INFO and go to the main view context and create this structure:

This is the data container for the string to show on the screen.

In the Layout View add element for logon text of type FormattedTextView:

Bind the text from the data element:

And map the data source:

In the view go to the methods and fill the WDDOINIT method:

Full code:

METHOD wddoinit .

  DATA: lt_table    TYPE TABLE OF tline,
        ls_table    TYPE tline,
        iv_textname TYPE tdobname VALUE 'Z_TEXT_FOR_LOGON', "Text created in SO10.
        lv_string   TYPE string,
        ex_lines    TYPE string.

  DATA lo_nd_data TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA lo_el_data TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
  DATA ls_data TYPE wd_this->element_data.

  CONSTANTS: lc_txtid(4)   TYPE c VALUE 'ST',
             lc_txtobj(10) TYPE c VALUE 'TEXT'.

      id       = lc_txtid
      name     = iv_textname
      language = sy-langu
      object   = lc_txtobj
      lines    = lt_table.

  LOOP AT lt_table INTO ls_table.
    CONCATENATE ex_lines ls_table-tdline INTO ex_lines SEPARATED BY space.

  lo_nd_data = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_data ).
  lo_el_data = lo_nd_data->get_element( ).
    name =  'SO10TEXT'
    value = ex_lines  ).


The code calls with function module READ_TEXT the text set into Z_TEXT_FOR_LOGON and binds it to the SO10TEXT element. Remark: the formatted text in webdynpro now processes the </BR> settings.

And create the webdynpro application:

And test it:


The formatted text is processed by class CL_WD_FORMATTED_TEXT. See on this. Restrictions are listed (like no use of commands), and list of allowed tags.

Adding URL

Adding a URL to the standard text and show it in webdypro is not possible (as far as known). To add a URL, add to LinkToUrl item in the webdynpro.

Insert as launch page

Now we follow the instructions from the blog on the logon text. Start transaction SM30_SSM_CUST and set the parameter SESS_URL:

Now log on again:

Webdynpro unified rendering updates

Webdynpro for ABAP and SAP GUI for HTML use the unified rendering framework as enabler for high performance. Bugs and issues in this framework are solved in unified rendering updates. Also new functions are deployed in this way.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How do I find my current versions for the unified rendering framework?
  • How to see if there are new patches for the unified rendering framework?
  • How to execute patches for the unified rendering framework?

Current version of unified rendering framework?

You can get the current version information of the unified rendering framework by starting program WDG_MAINTAIN_UR_MIMES. Then click on the option Show Extended Info:

In newer versions (pending on support package, see OSS note 2257042 – Support Information in SITSPMON) you can also the versions directly in the ITS monitoring transaction SITSPMON:

OSS note 2936178 – How to check the UR version used by applications and custom themes is describing this process as well.

Patch information

The main note for unified rendering for all technologies are 2500800 – UR: General information about cumulative patches for Unified Rendering and 2090746 – WD ABAP: Unified Rendering Update with TCI – Instructions and Related SAP Notes.

This note refers to the collective note for SAP GUI for HTML (2504011 – SAP GUI for HTML: Unified Rendering Update – Instructions and Forecasts) and the note for Webdynpro for ABAP (2090746 – WD ABAP: Unified Rendering Update with TCI – Instructions and Related SAP Notes).

Applying the updates

In case of a webdynpro for ABAP update, you will have to apply the corresponding OSS note from the previous section via the TCI update procedure (see blog on TCI notes). After applying the note, run program WDG_MAINTAIN_UR_MIMES to check the consistency.

The SAP GUI for HTML patches are delivered on kernel level.

Background OSS notes

Initial ABAP webdynpro activation

This blog will explain the initial activation in SICF needed to make ABAP for webdynpro work in your system.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • What is the short minimum list of services that must be activated?
  • Where can I find the full list of services?

Short list

SICF mandatory services per system:

  • /default_host/sap/bc/webdynpro
  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/ur
  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/icons
  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/icons_rtl
  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/webicons
  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/pictograms
  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/webdynpro/* (ssr, mimes, and so on)
  • /default_host/sap/public/icman

For custom webdynpro for ABAP developments also activate the following services on the development system:

  • /default_host/sap/public/bc/webdynpro/viewdesigner
  • /default_host/sap/bc/wdvd/

Full list

The actual list of SICF services is described in OSS note 1088717 – Active services for Web Dynpro ABAP in transaction SICF. This also contains the services in case of more complex situations for floor plan management, testing and load distribution.