Oracle has started to charge companies for using Oracle JRE and JDK. Questions might come to you on the relationship and use of Oracle JRE/JDK in SAP products.
More background information can be found on for example these sites:
All statements and notes below are only generic and not legally checked in any form! It is your job to check your companies situation and contracts. The listing below is only made to help speed up your research. This blog is also not complete. See it as hints and starting point. Use Google and more full search on your specific questions in your specific situation.
SAP has a bit of a hidden program to verify licenses on an ABAP system: RSUVM080. You can use this program yourself as well to prepare for license measurement and discussion on licenses.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
How to set up the User Type validation program RSUVM080?
The actual definition of the file content, you have to do yourself by using common sense! When having discussions with SAP, they might provide the file and ask you to run it.
Now run the tool in productive system. Output looks like this:
Explanation of the checks
In the details of the input you can see we have provided several checks:
Authorization checks: first 4 lines (check for * in users management, or change or create. 4th line is check for development rights)
Transaction code checks: check for VA01, SE38 and SE11
The checks are shown in the columns on top.
You can see that transaction codes VA01, SE38 and SE11 were executed by the users. When you click on the green icon in the AC check column you can see the details for the AC (anti cheating) checks (more on the AC checks in this blog):
You can see that the user did not only execute VA01, but also did updates to VBAK table. So the user did execute the transaction and created records. Therefore for this user the right license type should be assigned. If the user has rights for VA01, and started it, but never made a posting, this is off course different.
If a user has a DEVACCESS entry, it is marked in the SSCR column. If the user was involved in transports, the transport column is marked.
In the #steps column you can see what other transactions were performed by the user:
Selection of users
It is important to realize that the program only selects the user as Green if one or more of the criteria was met. This can help you focus on the discussion points you are having with SAP (for example around use of VA01 for sales order creation).
You can start with a limited set of rules, and then expand.
First you can give all users the lowest classification. Then you start. For example: start with only the rule for transaction VA01. Assign the users the correct license type. On the selection screen, don’t select the users you already classified, by excluding them in the selection. Then focus on the AC checks: learn from them and see which transactions lead to them. Add this to the rules, and again classify the users correctly. In the next run the classified users are excluded again. This you can do until no AC check box is there. Then randomly validate that the actions left, which are executed by the other users, are indeed part of the lowest license type.
Every year SAP measures the licenses. The developer licenses are the most expensive licenses and also the ones which are under continuous debate with SAP.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
What is a developer and why is it so hard to measure?
How can I go back to the DEVACCESS measurement on my non-S4HANA systems?
What are the complexities on S4HANA with measuring developers?
Developer definition
Most likely the definition in your contract clearly states developer is only for creation and changing custom code (Z code). And not for applying OSS notes. The measurement should follow the definition.
Developer measurement on non-S4HANA system
On a non-S4HANA based system, the developer key concept still exists. This means a developer key needs to be called off at sap support site for keys. This mechanism is hackable, but in the end in the system table DEVACCESS is filled with everybody who has filled in the keys.
SAP has given update notes on the USSM user measurement programs that use the S4HANA logic, which is described below.
The measurement of developers has to run on the development system. For security reasons, you should delete all entries in DEVACCESS table in all non-development systems.
When a developer is leaving, you should also delete the corresponding entry in DEVACCESS table to avoid it from being counted in the license measurement.
Read this blog on the deletions of entries in DEVACCESS table.
S4HANA logic (or better no logic)
In S4HANA SAP removed the developer key (see this blog). In the USMM measurement program SAP has put in logic to measure a developer as everybody who creates a transport entry of type Workbench. Text from the word document attached to note 3038370 – USMM2: Development Workbench Check alte Version wieder herstellen:
"In the current version of the check all users are shown that have made an entry of type K (workbench request) or S (development/correction) in the field TRFUNCTION in the table E070 within the last year."
This means also the following actions are counted as developer:
Basis team applying OSS note
Consultant making a client independent customizing
Many more actions that lead to entries in workbench request
This logic of SAP does not make any sense. As customer you can have big debates with SAP on this.
It is really unclear why SAP is not simply checking the REPOSRC changes on S4HANA system done on Z code last year. This will simply give list of real changes done on custom code by whom. That would be fair measurement.
SAP, if you read this, you can take over this idea.
OSS notes with or without manual instructions
Some OSS notes have manual instructions to create SAP Z programs or to alter SAP objects. To avoid discussions with SAP, it is best if you carry out these instructions by an ABAP developers, rather than a basis consultant. Not only does the ABAP developer has a better clue on what the impact is, it also makes sure that the Z coding and changes to standard SAP are registered in the system and transport on the ABAP developers name. This will avoid discussions on developer licenses.
If basis applies the automatic OSS notes, these are not core custom developments. Check if these are counted by the measurement program. Then check the definition in your contract. Most likely the definition in your contract clearly states developer is only for custom code (Z code). And not for applying OSS notes.
SSCR key listing and developer license
You can run program RSUVM080 to quickly get overview of developer SSCR keys in development system or view in table DEVACCESS. More on RSUVM080 in this blog.
The LUI (license utilization information) is a new tool provided by SAP to help you better manage the insights into your current utilization.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
How do I use the LUI tool?
Where do I find more information on the LUI tool?
Does the LUI tool work for on premise systems and cloud systems?
Use of the LUI tool
The LUI tool is part of the support pages of SAP and can be reached using this link.
Open opening the link and logging on, you start with the overview screen:
As you can see the overview is both for On Premise as well as Cloud based solution licenses.
You can zoom into the details per license to see the trend:
This can help you to detect since when (and then you will check why) you are crossing the line of having utilized too much. This enables you to either take actions to go back, or simply procure more licenses.
For the SAP cloud products, the actual usage is automatically added by SAP. If you want to add usage data for the on premise systems, you will need to upload the LAW files.
SAP solution manager licenses have been renewed last few years by SAP.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
Do I need a user license for solution manager users?
If I run solution manager on HANA, do I need to pay HANA database licenses?
How can I get Focused Build and Focused Insights?
What about Focused Run licenses?
User licenses for SAP solution manager
Since 1.1.2018 the requirement of having named users was dropped by SAP.
HANA database licenses
If you want to run HANA database below SAP solution manager as database, you need to procure the infrastructure. The HANA database rights are included in SAP solution manager. This is the only exception SAP has. For all other use case you need to pay for HANA as database as well.
Using SAP solution manager for non-SAP components
You can use SAP solution manager to manage non-SAP components as well. Especially the ITSM service desk component can be used for this. When you use this function for non-SAP components, you will need SAP enterprise support rights for SAP solution manager in stead of the SAP standard support.
Focused Insights and Focused Build
SAP offers Focused Insights and Focused Build as extra options on top of SAP solution manager. Both are installed as add-on. Focused Insights brings extra dashboard building capabilities. With Focused Build you can get an extra grip on your solution build process.
If you want to try out these solutions, you can use the available free SAP demo system. Read more about this in the following blog.
SAP Focused run now also covers the functionality of Focused Insights, but in a far superior and more performing way. Read more in this blog.
Focused Run
Focused Run is separate solution with separate license to optimize the running of large SAP landscapes. Focused run does NOT run on SAP solution manager. It runs on a separate environment and only runs on SAP HANA. You cannot combine a Focused Run and SAP solution manager on one single installation. More information on Focused Run can be found on the SAP site. And on the specialized SAP Focused Run Guru site.
For licenses of Focused Run, read this dedicated blog.
Despite the fact that Focused Run is a paid solution, it offers by far the most sophisticated and added value product.
This blog will analyze some of the tables behind the SAP user license measurement.
Warning: the list of tables below is not complete. Do not base any assumptions on the content of these tables in your system. In updates and newer versions all content can change. The tables and the text in blog is to give you insight into the process. In any contract SAP will claim the right for inspection of actual usage of your system versus the license rights in your contract.
Questions that will be answered are:
How do I know which objects are measured?
How are objects measured?
How can I find actual measured objects?
The general user measurement principles are explained in the blog on USMM.
The tables behind license measurement
The best table to start with is the TUAPP table: measurement of applications.
Example is given below:
Here you can see that Advanced ATP is measured via call function module. In SE37 you can lookup the function module and see inside the code what exactly is measured:
The other entry in TUAPP we will take as example is Procurement Orders. Its application ID is 5000 and does not measure via function module.
First we get the application to unit and unit name from table TUAPP_UNT (units themselves are defined in table TUUNT):
Now we see procurement is counting Inquiry, Purchase order, Contract, Scheduling Agreement and Others.
The actual values read by the measurement for the application counters are stored in table TUCNT:
The tables behind the AC checks
The AC (anti cheating) modules use bit different tables.
Table TUL_AC_UNIT is to denote the table to count on:
Here you see the main procurement table EKKO has ID number 5018.
In table TUL_ACTTC you can lookup this value:
This data will be used in dynamic SQL statement that will list the user name (ERNAM) who did the create or change and uses AEDAT (last change or creation date) for table EKKO to count for check 5018.
Be careful with the interface users. If an external system posts data into SAP system with a single background user, but it is clear that in the source system multiple real users doing the actions, SAP might want to charge you for 'indirect use'.
For live support of an SAP system you typically will have 2 types of support users:
Users for SAP themselves to logon to your system and provide support to you
Fire-call users with elevated authorizations to solve time critical incidents
Both type of users have no direct business goal, but have only support usage. You can mark them as type 91 Test user, as long as you have a clear naming convention for these users and a general rule that they are locked unless they are needed.
User deletion as regular activity
The user measurement program (both USMM and USMM2) checks for deletion of users in the last three months. To avoid discussions on user deletion it is best practice to delete monthly, or bi-monthly, all persons which have left your company.
End validity date
Users who don’t have a current validity date are not counted in the user measurement program. You might want to schedule program RSUSR_LOCK_USERS in a regular batch job to end the validity of users that did not log on for long time automatically. See this blog for more details.
Multiple logon
SAP does measure how many times a user has a double, triple, etc logon. The results are stored in table USR41_MLD. SAP might argue that the same user is used by multiple persons. You can use the contents of table USR41_MLD to prove if this was a mistake only. If the are too many multiple logons you might need to go back to the business to change their behavior.
You can also forbid the multiple logons at system level. SAP system parameter login/disable_multi_gui_login can be set in RZ11 to forbid multiple logons. For some users (like DDIC) you do want to keep multiple logons. These users must be set into system parameter login/multi_login_users=username1,username2,username3,etc.
Proper consolidation
Use the SLAW or SLAW2 tool to execute a proper consolidation of your measured users. This process will de-duplicate your counted users.
License validation program
Read this dedicated blog to know more about license vailidation program RSUVM080.
LUI License utilization information
The LUI (license utilization information) tool is an online SAP tool that has all the information on your on premise and cloud licenses information combined. For cloud the usage is automatically visible. For on premise systems you can upload the usage via the SLAW files. This can give you insights into under-consumption and over-consumption of licenses. Read more in this blog.
Check for bug fix notes in your advantage
SAP might give you a list of OSS notes to apply in your system before the measurement. These notes normally benefit SAP. You can also check for OSS notes that benefit you.
EHP switches can deliver great new functionality. But not all of them are for free. This blog will explain, how you will know which ones are included in the standard license, and which ones not.
Attached to this OSS note is the most recent version of the PDF listing which switches are part of the standard license, and which switches require an extra license.
How to read the document?
The document is sorted per business area. Best way is simply use the find button in the PDF and search for your switch.
Example of 2 switches that don’t have license impact:
The pricing comment and License (material number) column are empty. These switches are part of standard license.
Example of switch with license impact:
For this switch your company should be in possession, or acquire the license mentioned in the last column.
EHP switches best practices
Since EHP switch can have license impact the following best practices is suggested:
Restrict SFW5 EHP switch activation access to basis team only (display for all is ok)
Explain basis team the fundamentals of the licenses and EHP switches
Determine in your company who must approve EHP switch on and make clear to basis team only to execute the activation after this approval
If you have switched on a switch with licenses and don’t want to use it, check if it is a reversible switch. Then simply undo this. If it is not reversible, don’t use the corresponding functionality. The latter is much harder since you need to restrict authorizations to that function very carefully.
In the previous blog the new SAP license model for indirect access. The biggest challenge after reading the blog will be: how can I know the impact for my situation and my SAP system?
For this purpose SAP has developed an estimation tool.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
Which note do I need to apply to get the estimation tool?
How do I run the estimation tool?
Why is the tool estimation only?
Warning: this tool only gives estimation. The tool cannot take into account specific configurations you have done to standard SAP that influence the outcome. Also the tool cannot take into account potentially company specific agreements you have made with SAP.
Digital access report
Start transaction RSUVM_DAC for the digital access report:
Double click on the line will get you to the details.
Depending on your SAP version and support package the tool is already available, or you need to manually install it. In case of manual installation, first manually create package Digital_Access in SE80. The next OSS note to install is depending on your version (S/4HANA or ECC):
The counting estimation in the ABAP is simply executing a select count for the time frame and user on the respective tables for specific document types.
Example below is the counting of purchase order line items:
Here you can see only lines from EKPO with type lc_bstyp_f (which has value ‘F’) are selected. If you have configured your system differently (for example copied F to Z and are using Z) the count program will not find and report this.
This is the reason why the program is only to give you an estimation.
Tool updates
Regularly check the tool OSS note for new updates of the note version. Other relevant notes and bug fixes:
This blog will explain about the new SAP license model for indirect access, also known as Digital Access license.
Questions that will be answered in this blog are:
Where to find reference material on the new SAP license model?
How does the new SAP license model look like?
What are the exact definitions inside the documents for digital access?
The explanation in this blog is to help you understand. This is not a replacement of the official SAP site. Please always check the latest official SAP site on the latest status of licensing. The document to search for in the SAP site is called SAP licensing guide (a guide for buyers).
For measurement of digital access in your system read this blog.
Formal definition:
Digital Access to SAP ERP (“ERP”)
This Package grants (a) humans a license to Use ERP through Non-SAP Application(s) that is/are directly integrated to ERP without the need to be licensed as a “Named User” of ERP and (b) non-humans (e.g. bots, sensors, chips, devices, etc.) a license to Use ERP directly or through Non-SAP Application(s) that is/are directly integrated to ERP and without the need to be licensed as a “Named User” of ERP (collectively, “Digital Access of ERP”).
All Digital Access of ERP will be licensed based exclusively upon the number of Documents created annually by such Digital Access of ERP. Documents are unique records (i.e. unique digital line-items/objects) as defined in the “Document Definitions” column of the below table. Each Document shall count as one (1) Document, except for Material Documents and Financial Documents which shall each count as two tenths (0.2) of a Document. However, where the automated processing in ERP of a Document from one Document Type results in the subsequent creation in ERP of one or more additional Documents of different Document Type(s), such additional Documents shall not be counted.
Where a Non-SAP Application is connected to ERP via a Connectivity App, such Non-SAP Application is still deemed directly integrated to ERP for purposes of this provision. Any humans and/or non-humans using ERP through application(s) (e.g. Ariba, Concur, Successfactors, Hybris) that is/are integrated to a Non-SAP Application that is directly integrated to ERP do not need to be licensed as a “Named User” of ERP.
In practice this should means documents posted via generic interface user, IOT device, 3rd party application, cloud application posting data in SAP system, etc.
By simply counting documents and agreeing on a price per document, this will simplify the ever ongoing discussion on indirect access.
Document definitions
SAP starts with 9 documents. You can find the list and definition in the table below.
Document Types
Document Definitions
Sales Document
A Sales Document is (i) a line item record that represents the material and/or service being sold or quoted and/or (ii) a record that represents an individual order/release against a scheduling agreement which indicates the material and/or service being sold.
Purchase Document
A Purchase Document is (i) a line item record that represents the material and/or service being ordered or requested and/or (ii) a record that represents the release against a scheduling agreement which indicates the material and/or service being procured.
Invoice Document
An Invoice Document is a line item record that represents the material and/or service being billed.
Manufacturing Document
A Manufacturing Document is (i) a record which represents the production-related details associated with manufacturing a material, including: the type, quantity and color of what to produce, when to produce it, where to produce it and/or other distinguishing characteristics, and/or (ii) a record that represents a confirmation which indicates the status of the processing activities associated with manufacturing orders.
Material Document
A Material Document is a line item record that represents a specific material being received, issued or transferred to, from or within a storage location or plant.
Quality Management Document
A Quality Management Document is (i) a record that represents the details of a nonconformance being reported including the information required for problem solving and/or (ii) a record that represents results of an inspection.
Service & Maintenance Document
A Service & Maintenance Document is (i) a record that represents the details of work to be performed including the information needed to plan, execute and bill for a service or maintenance request , and/or (ii) a record that represents the details of a problem being reported including the information required for problem solving and/or (iii) a record that represents the status of the processing associated with service orders and maintenance orders and/or (iv) a record that represents a claim by a customer for repair or replacement or compensation for under-performance, pursuant to terms in a warranty document.
Financial Document
A Financial Document is a record that represents accounting information in a financial journal.
Time Management Document
A Time Management Document is (i) a record that represents an employee’s time worked and assigned to business related objects and/or (ii) a record that represents a confirmation (e.g., a progress update) which indicates the status of the processing activities associated with manufacturing orders.