SQVI: quick viewer

SQVI is a tool to quickly build ad-hoc queries.

Start transaction SQVI:

Enter a QuikView name and press create. Now choose the type (in this case we will make a table join):

First add the table:

And add the second table:

The join between the tables is in this simple cases created automatically. In more complex cases you have to define the join conditions yourself.

Press the back button to go back.

Now enter the output fields:

And the selection fields:

Save the SQVI query.

Now you can start to Execute the query:

Enter the input criteria and press execute to get the wanted results:

Bug fix OSS notes

Bug fix OSS notes for SQVI:

Activate change documents for classification

SAP generates a lot of change documents for a lot of objects. Unfortunately for classification (for example for materials), this is not enabled by default.

The procedure to activate change documents for classification is described in OSS note 1705101 – How to Activate Classification Change Documents.

First you need to run program RCCLUKA2 as described in OSS note 942691 – Information about using RCCLUKA2. Depending on the amount of records this program runs minutes to several hours.

Program RCCLUKA2 convert the key of the classification. Any custom code reading KSSK and AUSP directly might need to be updated!

Once the program is done, you can use transaction O1CL to activate the change documents:

In the material master classification screen the menu option Environment/Change Documents is now enabled and will show the changes to classification done:

Data archiving: production order

This blog will explain how to archive production order data via object PP_ORDER. Generic technical setup must have been executed already, and is explained in this blog.


Go to transaction SARA and select object PP_ORDER.

Dependency schedule is empty, so there are no dependencies:

Main tables that are archived:

  • AFKO (order headers)
  • AFPO (order items)
  • AUFK (order master data)

Technical programs and OSS notes

Preprocessing program: PPARCHP1

Write program: PPARCHA1

Delete program: PPARCHD1

Read from archive: PPARCHR1

Relevant OSS notes:

Guided procedure on production order archiving issues can be found here.

Application specific customizing

For archiving object PP_ORDER there is application specific customizing to perform. Select the order type:

And set the residence times:

Residence time 1 determines the time interval (in calendar months) that must elapse between setting the delete flag (step 1) and setting the deletion indicator (step 2).

Residence time 2 determines the time (in calendar months) that must elapse between setting the deletion indicator (step 2) and reorganizing the object (step 3).

Executing the preprocessing run

In transaction SARA, PP_ORDER select the preprocessing run:

Select your data, save the variant and start the archiving preprocessing run.

The run will show several functional issues: orders that are not completed and could not be marked for deletion with the functional reason.

Executing the write run and delete run

In transaction SARA, PP_ORDER select the write run:

Select your data, save the variant and start the archiving write run.

After the write run is done, check the logs. PP_ORDER archiving has low speed, and medium percentage of archiving (60 to 80%).

Proved a good name for the archive file for later use!

Deletion run is standard by selecting the archive file and starting the deletion run.

Data retrieval

Data retrieval is via program PPARCHR1:

Important here to select the correct archive files.

Output is a list on the left side with details on the right hand side of the screen in table format:

Batch job event triggering

Batch job event triggers can be used in a smart way to trigger a batch job when needed.

Defining the event in SM64

In transaction SM64 you can see the current events and also create a new custom event:

Triggering the event

The event can be triggered from SM64 by selecting the event and pressing the Execute button:

Or you can trigger from an ABAP program with the function module BP_RAISE_EVENT.

      TARGET_INSTANCE = ' ' 

Or you can trigger from OS level with the sapevt program.

Schedule job with event trigger

Now we will schedule the job in SM36 using a test program ZHELLOEVENT. In the job definition we will run the program ZHELLOEVENT. In the scheduling we will use the start condition After Event:

When you trigger the event now in SM36 you see the job will execute nicely. Go to transaction SM37 and key in the Or after event search option:

You will now find the jobs after the event triggering.

Jobs waiting for a trigger

To find batch jobs that are still waiting for a trigger, use SE11 to see the content of table BTCEVTJOB.

Reorganization of batch jobs events

Settings are done in SM64:

Run background program RSEVTHISTREORG for the clean up.

OSS notes

Relevant OSS notes:

Using type-ahead and fuzzy search in F4 help

You can use type-ahead and fuzzy search in F4 help in custom ABAP code. Type-ahead will work with any database. Fuzzy search only with a HANA database.

Test table

First we create a simple test table and fill it with some dummy entries:

Set up Search Help

In SE11 now create elementary search help:

Fill the search help reference to the table and mark the Autosuggest (type-ahead) and mark the full text search:

The fuzzy value of 0,8 allows a similar keyword with a typo to popup. 0,9 be more strict, 0,7 will be less strict. You have to play around. 0,8 is a decent value.

Test program

Now you can test with this test program:



The parameter defined is referring to the search help (matchcode is the old term) we just defined.

Result: if the user starts to key, it will already suggest values:

System wide setup

If it is not working, check with transaction SDSH_CONFIG if the system wide setup is activated or not:

See OSS note 1971775 – Functional or Performance Issues Related to the Type-Ahead Search Functionality.

Migrate TREX to HANA

If you use SAP TREX for search, you might want to switch it to search on HANA. This can be done with HANA as primary database or as secondary database connection.

If you migrate you main database to HANA, the basic steps are described in OSS note 2054157 – How to migrate Enterprise Search from TREX to SAP HANA. Which are in short: delete current model, delete current connection, set up again (see blog).

In case you want to migrate from TREX to HANA search with a HANA database as secondary connection, there are different steps. First setup the secondary database connection. If that works, delete the current model and connection. You can run STC01 task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT. Before executing the task list, tick the box for Set TREX Destination to SAP HANA DB:

Now fill out your details:

Now run the task list. After task list is done, rerun with ESH_COCKPIT the loading of the model and data again.

Bug fix notes

GTS Edition for Hana readiness check

If your company is running a GTS (global trade system) it might consider a conversion to GTS Edition for HANA. The GTS version for HANA has a different functional scope than a regular GTS system. It might be some functions are no longer supported on GTS Edition for HANA, some might be different, but also new functions might be available.

SAP GTS, edition for SAP HANA: Conversion readiness check

To get the right input for your business, you can run the conversion readiness check. Load OSS note 3033398 – SAP GTS, edition for SAP HANA: Conversion readiness check into your development system and transport it to your productive GTS system. The tool you can already run on development to get an impression, but must finally be run in production to make sure the data checks are done properly.

The note delivers program /SAPSLL/READINESS_CHK_V8000. This program you run in the system. The output is directly a list of items that might require your attention:

OSS note 2973223 – SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANA: Conversion readiness check – conflict clarification contains extra explanation on the checks.

Unlike most of the other readiness checks, no upload to SAP is required. You just run the check locally.

Bug fix and clarification OSS notes

SE16N_BATCH program

SE16N_BATCH is a very powerful and dangerous program. You can use it to run SE16 queries for large datasets in batch mode and later pick up the results from the spool.

But it can also be misused to fetch data that you are not authorized to see, but a batch user can see.

Good use

For example you need a lot of records from BSEG:

This might fail online. If you run it in batch mode, you can simply pick up the spool later with the needed data:


The program can be used for hacking purposes as well. Suppose you want to get all user password hashes. SE16N for USR02 is blocked. Now run the program in batch (not with your own user, but with a batch job user with rights to read USR02 data). Now all data is available in the spool for the hacker….

OSS notes

3443282 – “submit se16n_batch exporting list to memory” doesn’t work in background run

Signavio process insights; discovery edition

SAP has acquired Signavio. Signavio provides tool for process insights into SAP ERP systems to help the users and business to optimize their processes.

The Signavio product is licensed. To see if the tool is interesting for you, there is an option to run the discovery edition on your productive system. At time of writing this blog the discovery edition is for free. But please check before submitting. The discovery edition is giving you a look and feel on the tool, but with limited functions and content.

Installation and preparation

Installation preparation consist of applying most recent versions of these 2 OSS notes:

Your ST-A/PI version must be 01V –SP0 or higher.

Running the tool and submitting the data

In your productive system (not a copy, not any other system) start program RC_VALUE_DISCOVERY_COLL_DATA and select the 3rd option (SAP Signavio Process Insights, discovery edition):

Run the program in batch and wait for it to finish.

After finishing run the program again and push the Download Analysis Data button. Store the results file on your laptop.

Now you can submit the file and create your request on the SAP Signavio Process Insights discovery site. It will take 5 to 10 business days before you receive the link with the results.

Results of the Signavio discovery edition

The results can be seen on website of SAP Signavio:

Process flows:

And details for process:

Keep in mind the discovery edition will only have limited content. It is meant to give you and idea on look and feel and see if the tool is usable for your business users.

Office integration tips & tricks

This blog contains tips and tricks for Microsoft Office integration with SAP applications (mainly SAP GUI). Although SAP is the company backbone for data, many users still love excel and word for pre and post processing of data.

General integration

Integration of office with SAP GUI; support and version information can be found in OSS note 722513 – Desktop Office Integration: Maintenance information. For 64 bits versions: 1442028 – SAP GUI for Windows / Desktop Office Integration: Support for Office 64bit editions. 365 support: 3301985 – Does SAPGUI For Windows support Microsoft Office 365 MSO?.

Unfortunately most integration is only possible with SAP GUI.

Not possible for ITS and JAVA GUI: 822867 – Desktop Office Integration: No support for ITS & Java GUI.

Not possible for WebGUI: 2717865 – WEBGUI: Office Integration is not supported.

Not possible for FIORI: 3322204 – Microsoft Options are not available in FIORI.

Multiple screens and high resolution

For supporting multiple screens and high resolution for office integration, read this OSS note: 3141383 – SAP GUI Desktop Office Integration: Guidelines for Handle high DPI and DPI scaling in Office applications.


For inplace/outplace, read these notes: 2739132 – Office 365 – Excel and Word do not open in place (Inside SAPGUI Window) for some users when using Windows DPI over 100%,using multiple screens or after an Office update and 3350338 – OfficeIntegration opens Excel/Word outplace instead of inplace (inside SAP GUI).

Security patching of office products

In some cases security patching from office products causes issues on SAP GUI integration:

Word integration

Specific issue with word as SAPscript text editor: 2362509 – Performance issue with MS Word SAPscript text editor.

OneDrive limitation

OneDrive usage limitation in combination with SAP GUI: 3280505 – File upload to SAP from OneDrive not working when the file is open.