SAP Focused Run LMDB and landscape management

SAP Focused Run LMDB is a great source of technical information. Especially with the new graphical view.

In SAP Focused Run LMDB is now part of Landscape Management.

LMDB administration (up to FRUN5.0)

With the LMDB administration page you can see the LMDB status:

Green is ok:

If not green, check the status for needed actions.

LMDB object maintenance

The LMDB Object Maintenance tile can be used to maintain a single LMDB entry:

Now select the system on the LMDB search screen:

And then push the button Display to go to the details:

On the left side you can choose a specific view on the system, like software, database, technical instances etc. If you click on the left side, the right side will show the details.

LMDB tools and graphical overview

The LMDB tools offer a graphical overview. First open the LDMB tools FIORI tile:

In Focused Run 5.0 there is a new tile for this:

Then select the technical system (in Focused Run 5.0 the main overview opens, and you need to select the technical systems on the left):

Now press the blue Hierarchy button to go to the graphical overview (in FRUN 5.0 simply click on the blue system name):

On the left is the graphical decomposition. On the right the details per object selected on the left side.

FRUN 5.0 landscape management

In Focused Run 5.0 there is a new tile replacing the LMDB and called Landscape Management:

The start page is an overview of all your systems and its status:

The other LMDB functions are still present on the left side of the screen.


The SAP Focused Run LMDB has an API. For more details, read this blog.

LMDB updates

The LMDB updates are triggered automatically. This behavior can be changed in certain situations or even totally switched off. Read more on this SAP Focused Run export portal page. See also OSS note 3376303 – Support switch for disabling Agent deployments triggered by LMDB events for older versions.

SAP Focused Run API’s

SAP Focused Run offers some nice API’s that you can use and re-use.

API’s available:

  • Work mode management API
  • Guided procedure API
  • Advanced analytics API


The LMDB now has a REST API available to read data in structured way. You can search for hosts, technical systems, software components, installed product versions and instances.

The full specification for this API can be found on this link.

Ad hoc work mode creation via function module

Via function module FM_START_ADHOC_WORKMODE you can create an ad-hoc work mode to stop monitoring for a system. You can start monitoring again by stopping the work mode by calling function module FM_STOP_ADHOC_WORKMODE.

The full specification of all the work mode API’s can be found in the PDF attached to OSS note 2508346 – Work Mode Management API Documentation for Focused Run.

Triggering guided procedure via function module

Function module FM_EXTRN_GP_EXEC can be used to call a guided procedure. Unfortunately, you need to pass the GUID of the guided procedure to the function module.

The full guided procedure API can be found on this SAP page.

Advanced Analytics API

The specification for the Advanced Analytics API can be found here.

Service Availability Management API

The Service Availability Management has webservices available as API. The specifications can be found here.

SAP cases (incidents) overview

The has a nice overview for all your SAP cases (incidents).

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How can I get a nice KPI overview in PDF format on my SAP cases?
  • How can I get a list of all my SAP cases?
  • How can I get insights into aging SAP cases?
  • How can I get insights if the SAP cases are on our side, or at SAP side to solve?

Cases (incidents) overview

Go to (part of the EWA workspace).

After opening you reach the dashboard you reach the KPI’s:

If you scroll down you get the easy list overview of all your cases:

From this list you can make an easy download to Excel.

KPI report in PDF format

Top right there is a button PDF report generator:

Follow the wizard and a nice PDF will be generated for you. Mock up of this PDF is so good that you can immediately share it with management.

EWA alert solutions

The SAP Early Watch Alert (EWA) report can contain valuable information on specific topics in your system that you must fix.

More information on the EWA workspace can be found in this blog.

General EWA tips and tricks can be found in this blog.

EWA alert solution finder

On the go to the specific page for EWA solution finder:

Action follow up is on the right hand side per alert:

You can choose:

  • Hide the alert (be very careful!)
  • Snooze the alert (see SAP blog)
  • Mail the alert

The snoozing is a very useful function. For example, you detect a red alert on HANA revision, but it will take you a month to implement (due to regression testing, process, etc), you can now snooze the alert for the implementation period:

After the implementation is done, the alert should be gone. If the implementation is delayed, you will be reminded again.

SAP Focused Run real user monitoring (RUM) overview

This blog will explain the technical activation and usage of RUM (real user monitoring) in SAP Focused Run.

Basic activation of RUM

First go to the Fiori settings tile:

If the RUM function is not active yet, activate it and Save:

Now go to the FRUN backend ABAP system and start transaction STC01 and select task list SAP_FRUN_SETUP_USECASE and variant SAP&FRUN_AUM (advanced user monitoring):

In the task list setup also select the batch jobs:

Now run the task list. This should not take longer than 1 minute. Result green is ok:

Technical activation of RUM per managed system

Per system for which you want to activate the RUM function proceed as follows:

Go to the SSI Fiori tile:

Select the system:

Now press the Configure manually button and new screen opens:

On top first select Step 2 for Execute configuration. And select the Configure Real user monitoring step. Press the Execute Selected button and wait for the log to show success:

Alternatively you can also do the SSI completely new on the first screen by selecting the Configure Automatically button.

Background: RUM is an intense function. If it is not active, the agent does not have to do anything. The re-do of the SSI is needed to tell the agent on the system to start sending RUM data once it is activated in FRUN configuration.

With this step the managed system is prepared.

Functionality activation of RUM per managed system

Now we can go to the RUM Fiori tile:

After scope selection nothing is active yet:

On top right choose the Configuration button and start with the housekeeping settings:

WARNING: RUM can use a lot of data in your database. It can also consume a lot of your Focused Run licensing. If you use too much; reduce amount of systems for which you activate RUM and reduce the retention periods in the screen above. See blog on Focused Run license measurement.

Go to the Systems section and toggle the Activation for the system to On:

Wait for the configuration and data collection to happen. Take 5 to 10 minutes patience for this step.

After the step, refresh the screen and it should look like this:

Data should appear on the left. On top, select the icon Data Quality. This shows the data collection status per host. The icon will be red at start and turn green after 30 minutes.

Using Real User Monitoring: request tool

Now the setup is done, we can start to use the tool. The main screen is the requests tool:

From the start screen you can zoom into the task type you are interested in. As example we zoom in to the task type Dialog:

Drill down all the way:

Here you can see for which user and when the action was done. Unfortunately the action description is pretty technical: action 2000 in transaction CJ8G still might leave you a bit puzzled.

Using Real User Monitoring: cards tool

The second tool is the cards tool:

Here the entry point is the task type or trend in card format.

Using Real User Monitoring: front end tool

The front end tool gives an overview of front end response times and on clients used on your system:

Using Real User Monitoring: back end tool

The back end tool gives an overview of the back end performance and distribution of the response times:

Using Real User Monitoring: hot request tool

The hot request tool gives a cross section for high usage and performance.

If a part is used more, the block size is larger. In this caser, zooming in on the less used red part might be useful. But is it also interesting to analyze the large used orange blocks, since a lot of users are impacted.

Using Real User Monitoring: 24 hour profile

The 24 hour profile tool can be used to see if there are hours of the day where performance is worse than others. Some might be expected. But also: you might want to put in extra capacity to deal with peak loads. Or schedule some intense batch jobs at different times.

Using Real User Monitoring: topology

The topology tool can help you to analyze where data flow to and from your system are running and with which performance quality:

Using Real User Monitoring: execution flow

In some cases a specific user is complaining about poor performance. You can use the execution flow tool to filter on a specific user ID. After opening the tool, press the filter button to detail the user ID:

More tools

RUM has many more tools. Just explore the menu on the left side if another tool is useful for your situation.

Creating a Custom Metric to Check SAPRouter SNC Certificate Expiry

This metric and script checks the SAPRouter SNC certificate expiry and gives an alert depending on how many days left until expiry.

Define SAProuter in Focused Run LMDB

Prerequisite: Make sure you have installed the SAP Host Agent and performed Outside Discovery on the SAPRouter host.

Go to the LMDB of you Focused Run system, then go to Single Customer Network:

Switch Namespace and go to “Technical Systems” and choose “Unspecific Standalone Application System” from the drop-down, then hit Create.


Enter the Extended SID:

Add Software Component Version:

Search on the software, and then select the correct release, then Add. E.g.:


Add Installation Path and Required LMDB Attributes. NOTE: Find out the relevant software installation path of the SAPRouter on the server.

Perform Simple System Integration.

Configure Script and Custom SAPHostCtrl Operation

Prerequisite: The script requires the SAPRouter SNC Certificate to be properly installed, and the PSE credentials in the cred_v2 file for the account that runs the SAPRouter service.

A script is scheduled to run daily as the same user that runs the SAPRouter service. The script reads the expiry date of the from the PSE and writes it to a file in JSON format so that the FRUN metric can read and interpret it. The script by default has SAPRouter home directory as /usr/sap/saprouter or <drive>:\usr\sap\saprouter, and it can be changed. This will be denoted as <SAPROUTER_HOME>. The PSE file variable can also be changed.


Create a new executable file in the SAPRouter home directory and copy the code in Appendix A. Ensure it is owned and executable by the user that runs the SAPRouter service and belongs to group sapsys. E.g.,

chown <saprouter user>:sapsys
chmod 744

In the script, adjust the following variables:

  • SECUDIR (The SECUDIR folder is where the PSE file resides)
  • PSE

Test the Script. Switch to the user that runs the SAPRouter service, then execute the script:


Look for file NUMDAYS.json. It should contain e.g.:

{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:136}

Schedule script in the root crontab as follows:

# Run SAProuter SNC Certificate expiry check
00 09 * * * su - <saprouter user> -c /usr/sap/saprouter/


Create a batch file (*.bat) in the SAPRouter home directory. In the script, adjust the following variables:

  • SECUDIR (The SECUDIR folder is where the PSE file resides)
  • PSE

Test the Script. Logon as the user that runs the SAPRouter service. Right-click on the bat script and “run as Administrator”. Alternatively, if you are not logged as the SAPRouter service account, you can “run-as” the user that runs the SAPRouter service and execute the script that way.

runas /user:<domain or hostname>\<SAPRouter service user> <SAPROUTER_HOME>\saprouter_expiry_days.bat

NOTE: The SAPRouter service user requires “Allow log on locally” user rights.

Look for file NUMDAYS.json. It should contain e.g.:

{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:136}

Schedule the Script. Open a command prompt as administrator. Execute the command:

SCHTASKS /CREATE /RU <DOMAIN>\<saprouter user> /RP <password> /SC DAILY /TN "Run SAPRouter SNC Certificate expiry check" /TR "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C \"<SAPROUTER_HOME>\saprouter_expiry_days.bat\"" /ST 09:00 /RL HIGHEST

Note: The start time e.g., 09:00 is in 24 hour format. You should see:

Run the new task to test it:

SCHTASKS /RUN /TN "Run SAPRouter SNC Certificate expiry check"

You should see:

Check the timestamp of the file NUMDAYS.json.

Create Custom Operation for saphostctrl

To load these values into Focused Run, a custom operation for saphostctrl needs to be created.


As Root: Create the following custom operations conf file:


Enter the following into the conf file:

Command: cat /usr/sap/saprouter/NUMDAYS.json
Description: Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Unix

Test the custom operation as follows:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function ExecuteOperation -name checksnccert

Result should be:

Webmethod returned successfully
Operation ID: 06C635D6863A1EEDB6BC5C819EE199D7

----- Response data ----
description=Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:169}


Create the following custom operations conf file:

C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\operations.d\checksnccert.conf

Enter the following into the conf file:

Command: FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %x in (<SAPROUTER_HOME>\NUMDAYS.json) DO @echo %x
Description: Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
ResultConverter: flat
Platform: Windows

In a Command Prompt as Administrator, test the custom operation as follows:

"C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\saphostctrl" -function ExecuteOperation -name checksnccert

Result should be:

Webmethod returned successfully
Operation ID: 00155D657F901EEDBCF9E32BC564F964

----- Response data ----
description=Check number of days to SNC certificate expiry
{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:360}

Create Custom Alert in Focused Run

Create a new monitoring template for SAPRouter here:

Enter into Expert Mode. Create a new Alert with the following settings:

NOTE: If the tick box “Do not Group Individual Occurrences” is ticked, it will alert at each data collection regardless of its previous rating, and not only at a change of rating.

Create Custom Metric In Focused Run

Create a new Metric with the following settings:

Data Collection

All parameters of the Data Collector which are fixed should have the “Configure” box unticked, and the common parameters pre-filled with the correct values.

The “Custom Operation” parameter is the saphostctrl operation “checksnccert” created earlier. The “Metric Name” parameter is the name of the metric in the JSON output file produced by the script, which is “NumDays”.


The threshold picks up the integer as returned by the script; if it falls to below or equals 10 days, then raise a yellow alert, if below or equals 5 days, then raise a red alert. Choose whatever threshold values suit you.


Assign the Metric to the Alert:

Activate the Alert

Apply SAPRouter Template and Check Monitoring

TIP: Initially set the collection interval to 5 minutes and apply template to see whether it is collecting data. Then you can set the collection interval back to daily.

You should see this in the Monitoring Application:

Appendix A:

# Outputs the expiry date of the SNC Certificate and calculates the number of days
# If the number of days falls below threshold, it sends an alert
# Written by Tony Swietochowski

HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f)

# Check  for saprouter user
[[ ! "$USER"=="$SAPROUTER_USER" ]] && echo "This script must be run using the $SAPROUTER_USER user. Exiting." && exit 1

EXPIRYDATE=$(${SAPROUTER_HOME}/sapgenpse get_my_name -p $PSE -n validity 2>&1 | grep NotAfter | awk -F\( '{print$2}' | cut -c -6)
NUMDAYS=$(echo $(( ($(echo $(date --date="$EXPIRYDATE" +%s) - $(date -d $(date +%y%m%d) +%s)) )/86400 )))
# Above method based on

echo \{type:integer, name:NumDays, value:$NUMDAYS\} > $SAPROUTER_HOME/NUMDAYS.json

Appendix B: saprouter_expiry_days.bat

@echo off

REM Outputs the expiry date of the SNC Certificate and calculates the number of days
REM If the number of days falls below threshold, it sends an alert
REM Written by Tony Swietochowski

set SAPROUTER_HOME=D:\usr\sap\saprouter
set SNC_LIB=%SECUDIR%\sapcrypto.dll
set PSE=local.pse

for /f "tokens=2 delims=\" %%i in ('whoami') do set THISUSER=%%i
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`hostname`) DO (SET HOSTNAME=%%F)


for /f "tokens=2 delims=(" %%a in ('%SAPROUTER_HOME%\sapgenpse.exe get_my_name -p %PSE% -n validity ^2^>^&^1 ^| findstr /l "NotAfter"') do set DATESTRING=(%%a

set expiry_year=20%DATESTRING:~1,2%
set expiry_month=%DATESTRING:~3,2%
set expiry_day=%DATESTRING:~5,2%

set current_year=%date:~-4%
set current_month=%date:~4,2%
set current_day=%date:~7,2%

set "from=%current_month%-%current_day%-%current_year%"
set "to=%expiry_month%-%expiry_day%-%expiry_year%"
echo Wscript.Echo DateDiff("d", "%from%", "%to%") > %TEMP%\tmp.vbs

for /f %%a in ('cscript /nologo %TEMP%\tmp.vbs') do set /a "numdays=%%a"

del %TEMP%\tmp.vbs

echo Number of days to SAPRouter certificate expiry: %numdays% > %SAPROUTER_HOME%\NUMDAYS.log
echo {type:integer, name:NumDays, value:%numdays%} > %SAPROUTER_HOME%\NUMDAYS.json

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Tony Swietochowski (DXC). Repost done with permission. >>

Activating SAP Cloud ALM

This blog will explain the steps to activate SAP Cloud ALM.

Check the use cases of Cloud ALM on the Cloud ALM expert portal.

Organizational preparation

This might be taking the most time in larger organizations. SAP will allow 1 Cloud ALM per customer. But the customer might have multiple SAP systems managed by multiple SAP competence centers. In this case, you need to align who will call off the Cloud ALM system.

Identity provider choice

You can use Cloud ALM with integration to your own corporate identity provider or use the SAP IAS (Identity Authentication Service).

Changing can be done later on. See OSS note 3020352 – How to specify a different IAS tenant for your SAP Cloud ALM tenant. But keep in mind here that there is no migration of user and access data (so you have to redo it manually).

When choosing your own identity provider, you can end up in a weird maintenance issue, that you have to create a SAP support ID and e-mail in your own identity provider to give SAP access to your Cloud ALM system. See OSS note 3032960 – Steps for Providing an SAP Cloud ALM user for Development to Access the SAP Cloud ALM Tenant.

Technical preparation

Read and understand the usage rights of cloud ALM. Most important here is the limit of maximum 8 GB data usage.

Read and understand the “Setup and admin guide for Cloud ALM“.

Setting up multiple admins if required: 3248116 – How can the Initial user who provisioned SAP Cloud ALM setup additional SAP Cloud ALM Admins?.

Actual call off

After the preparation follow the steps in the guide for the actual call off. The process can be completed in a working day.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Cloud ALM positioning 2024

SAP Cloud ALM on the SAP Focused Run blog? Why?

SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Focused Run have a lot of overlapping capabilities.

The goal is not to push a tool, but to monitor, safeguard and secure SAP system running by customers. The tool is a means and not the goal.

What we will discuss:

  1. High level positioning of Cloud ALM, Focused Run and Solution manager
  2. Current status in 2024 for the tools
  3. Possible considerations
This positioning blog is for the year 2024. Next year when new functions and insights are available the positioning and considerations can change.

High level positioning of Cloud ALM, Focused Run and Solution manager

The below picture is the best one and is taken from the Focused Run overview presentation:


  • Solution manager: it works, but no new developments, supported until 31.12.2027
  • Focused Run: suitable for large customer and advanced needs
  • Cloud ALM: standardized setup

Cloud ALM vs Focused Run

Cloud ALM is a standardized SAP service. It has certain capabilities, but no extensions. Due to its standardized setup is can be made working very fast with a few clicks. The functions will work fast, but configuration options are limited to the use cases provided by SAP. Data volumes on Cloud ALM are not to be too high, since the UI’s are still designed for small and medium customers with lower amount of systems, alerts, etc.

Focused Run admins will be quick to adopt SAP Cloud ALM since there is a large similarity in concepts and UI.

Comparison table:

DimensionCloud ALMFocused Run
Technical setup complexityLowMedium for ABAP, High for non-ABAP
Technical setup timeLowLow to medium
Maintenance effortLowMedium
Upgrading to unlock new functionsNo effort, SAP takes careHigh effort to upgrade
Volume of data that can be handledLow to mediumHigh to very high
Complexity of scenario’s that can be handledLowLow, medium, high
Extension possibilitiesVery limitedPossible with API and custom code
Feature extensionsFast, bi-weeklyEvery half year major and minor features will be added
Current featuresLimited, but growing fastExtensive, don’t expect major extensions


Currently running SAP solution manager

If you have functions running on SAP solution manager, first consideration is the move to SAP Cloud ALM. SAP solution manager hosts normally EWA, CHARM, documentation/implementation and/or monitoring functions. An SAP readiness check is available to check your move from SAP solution manager to Cloud ALM. Read this blog on the how.

Currently running SAP Focused Run

If you are currently running SAP Focused Run, you most likely will keep it the next few years. But still do keep track of the SAP Cloud ALM functions, and try them out.

SAP Cloud ALM might be a good solution to monitor less important systems with lower demand like sandboxes, development and test systems. These system typically don’t need intense monitoring, but mostly availability monitoring.

SAP Cloud ALM might be a good solution to monitor your SAP Cloud hosted and SAP BTP scenarios. Setup in Cloud ALM for these scenarios is far simpler than setting these up in SAP Focused Run.

SAP Focused Run will never be enabled for business process monitoring. That functionality is now available in SAP Solution manager and will only be available in the future in SAP Cloud ALM.

Monitoring solutions for running installations

If you have a running SAP installation and are looking for a good monitoring solution, then it is wise to check both SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Focused Run. Depending on your needs you can choose between both.

Check the road map of SAP Cloud ALM as well to see if missing gaps will be addressed in the upcoming year.

The business case for a monitoring solution is different per line of business. The main business case is roughly: “We will avoid or solve much faster Y major incidents per year. Each major incident costs is about USD/EUR”.

New solutions

For new SAP solutions: first consider using SAP Cloud ALM. Only when expecting high volume and high monitoring requirements, set up SAP Focused Run.

Cloud ALM usage rights

Cloud ALM is in principle for free within the usage rights. The usage rights can be found on this link.

Important restrictions: 8 GB in size (in 2024) and only 1 Cloud ALM per customer (see OSS note 3343265 – When provisioning SAP Cloud ALM in SAP for Me your company is “Not Entitled/No Data” and SAP Cloud ALM cannot be provisioned).

Extensions can be procured: SAP blog.

Test driving Cloud ALM

You can use the SAP Cloud ALM demo system to test drive Cloud ALM and see if it would potentially meet your needs. Read more in this blog.

Cloud ALM background material

More background material on Cloud ALM can be found on:


SAP Cloud ALM functions are growing fast and are definitely worth using. SAP Cloud ALM is a highly standardized function. This makes it for SAP possible to deliver new functions fast and easy to integrate and easy to use. The highly standardized functions comes with a setback that the solution cannot be extended to any particular need you might have.

It is out-of-the-box what you get, and nothing more.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Frank Umans. Repost done with permission. >>

SAP Focused Run dashboards in alert management

The SAP Focused Run Alert Management application allows us to create a custom dashboard that can help us to report on alerts as per our custom alert reporting needs.

To create a custom dashboard, in the Alert Management App, click on the +sign (Add Custom Page) on the navigation panel.

Upon clicking on Add Custom Page , a blank pane is displayed along with the setup panel to its right.

The first step in setup is to give a name to your dashboard. For this click on Rename button in the setup area Page Management.

In the pop-up provide the name for your dashboard.

You can also give a meaningful Icon to your dashboard that will be displayed in the navigation panel. For this provide the sap icon name in the Icon field. To get a list of available icons you can also look in the SAP Icons link which takes you to the Icon explorer.

The next is to specify the grid layout (Number of rows and columns)in the view management section of setup area. By default it is 1×1 which means you can add only 1 dashboard. If you want to add more dashboards, accordingly you can adjust the grid.

Then you need to select a view, based on what you want to show in the dashboard, by selecting from the list of available views. You can select a view by simply dragging and dropping in the dashboard layout.

In this example we have selected 4 views in the 2×2 grid layout.

  • Top Open Alerts affecting most no. of Managed Objects
  • Open Alerts by Monitoring Usecase
  • Open Alerts by duration
  • Open Alerts by source

By default all the dashboards in your custom dashboard will use the Global Scope, the scope inherited from the scope you selected while opening the Alert Management App. You can also select a custom scope for your dashboard. For example in this case we want to filter for all production system alerts. For this click on the setup button of the dashboard you want to specify the scope.

Then in the setup area, in the scope selection, select your custom scope from the drop down list. Note: You must have already created your custom scope in the Scope management section.

Once you have finalized your dashboard you can publish your dashboard by marking it as public so that others can also use the dashboard.

However, by default the public custom dashboard is not added in the navigation panel of all other users. To be able to view the dashboard a user has to again click on the + sign in the navigation panel, and then in setup area select the public page.

<< This blog was originally posted on SAP Focused Run Guru by Manas Tripathy (Simac). Repost done with permission. >>