When converting from ECC 6.0 EHP8 to S4HANA, you will have to face a significant downtime. In most cases a whole weekend or more.
To get insights into your estimated business downtime, first run the SAP S4HANA Readiness Check.
On the results website, scroll to the Planned Downtime Calculator tile:
Now the details will show the total estimated downtime split into phases:
- System Ramp-Down
- Downtime Preparations
- Technical Downtime (SUM)
- Technical Postprocessing and Data Conversion Preparation
- Finance and Material Ledger Data Conversion
- Application Postprocessing
- Business Validation
- Go/No-Go Decision
- System Ramp-Up
- Fallback Buffer
Each of the phases is described and a amount of estimated hours are put into the estimation. Some are empirical, some are based on your data volume.
You can update the times in the graph by entering the number relevant for your situation and then press Save: