Interesting SAP Focused Run topics:
- System monitoring overview
- Application monitoring (ADS, BW, cloud connector, content server, ECC, S4HANA, EWM, GTS, gateway, SCM, SLT, web dispatcher)
- Batch job monitoring overview
- Certificate expiry monitoring
- Health monitoring overview
- Interface monitoring overview
- Process chain monitoring
- Fine tuning of monitoring templates
- Creation of custom metrics for system monitoring
- Workmode management
Configuration and security monitoring:
Alert management:
System analysis:
Early watch:
Service availability management:
Real user monitoring (RUM):
Self monitoring:
- Demo system and OpenSAP training for SAP Focused Run
- Housekeeping and technical clean up in SAP Focused Run
- LMDB and landscape management
- SAP Focused Run licenses and usage
- SSI (simple system integration)
Integration to other tools:
SAP Cloud ALM: