SAP FIORI is used more and more. In some cases you need information about how much the FIORI tiles are actually used.
This might be interesting for IT management, but also for license measurement.
SAP background blog can be found here.
Listing users that have used SAP FIORI gateway
Weird but true, SAP does not out-of-the-box delivers a program to list the users that are using SAP FIORI. Install the Z program delivered in OSS note 2446887 – How to get a list of users that have used SAP Gateway to get this report.
FIORI metering
SAP netweaver gateway comes with an onboard set of metering transactions and programs. These are unfortunately not widely known. Background OSS note is 2237375 – SAP Netweaver Gateway Metering FAQ.
Program /IWFND/R_METERING_VIEW can be used to view the metering data for FIORI ODATA calls:
This measures which calls are made, duration of the calls, size of the calls, user that made the call, browser type from which the call came, etc.
Report /IWFND/R_METERING_AGGREGATE is used to aggregate this data. /IWFND/R_METERING_DELETE can be used to delete old data.
User measurement on FIORI
User measurement program USMM is firing function module /IWFND/METERING_AUDIT to retrieve information about usage of FIORI in your system.