SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades

The SAP readiness check is normally used to asses the impact of an ECC to an S4HANA system upgrade or conversion (read this blog).

It can also be used to asses the impact of an upgrade of a lower S4HANA version to a newer S4HANA version.

Preparation for the S4HANA readiness check

First apply the notes listed in master note 3059197 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades. If you have a short dump after start of program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA, follow the instructions in OSS note 3093810 – Executing report RC_VALUE_DISCOVERY_COLL_DATA immediately results in an ABAP Dump CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_FUNC.

Also apply the notes mentioned in OSS note 3061414 – Enabling extended integration impact analysis for SAP Readiness Check, if you want to include ALE scenario’s in your analysis.

If you have to upgrade to a newer version, apply the latest version of the 305197 note and afterwards start program /SDF/RC_START_CHECK and use the “Update latest version form SAP catalog” button.

Running the check


Start the batch job and wait until it is done.

Start program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA again and push button Download Analysis Data.

This file you need to upload on the SAP Readiness check site.


After you have uploaded the results SAP needs about 1 hour to process the results. Then you can look at the items you need to consider for your S4HANA release upgrade:

Remark: the amount of items will be far less than the ECC to S4HANA conversion readiness check.

Bug fix notes

Bug fix notes:

3 thoughts on “SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades”

  1. Hello,
    Many Thanks for this blog.

    the readiness check note says the following:
    -You should have 6-8 weeks of transaction history (tcode ST03) in the production system or the system in which you want to execute the application analysis-
    How can I increase the transaction history in St03n ?

    In ST03N->Expert mode->Go to Collector and Performance DB > Workload Collector Database > Reorganization->Control
    Which area should be increased in the ST03N (WG-Transaction details, WM-User, transaction profile) ?

    Does only (TOTAL Monthly Aggregates Retention Per.) to 90 days have to be increased?

    Many Thanks

    1. That is the right spot indeed. Typically you keep last 7 days daily, then 4 weeks weekly, and then 6 months.

  2. Hello saptechnicalguru,
    Many Thanks for your help !!!

    Which area should I activate there (In ST03N->Expert mode->Go to Collector and Performance DB > Workload Collector Database > Reorganization->Contro)?
    There are many areas () ? Should I activate all for S4 Readiness Check?
    Many Thanks

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