Custom SCI class for checking AUTHORITY-CHECK statement

SAP code inspector

Follow the steps explained in this blog to set up a new custom check. We will use these steps to set up an extra SCI class to check if the AUTHORITY-CHECK statement is added in ABAP code or not.

New SCI check coding

Step 1: create the ZCL_CI_SCAN_AUTH class

In SE24 copy class CL_CI_TEST_FREE_SEARCH to ZCL_CI_SCAN_AUTH. In the attributes of the copied class set C_MY_NAME as variable to ‘ZCL_CI_SCAN_AUTH’. Also set the error code MCODE_0001 to ‘Z001’.

Step 2: redo the CONSTRUCTOR

Goto the constructor of the new class and overwrite the existing code with this code snippit:

   description    'Search authority check statement'(001).  "required
   category       'ZCL_OWN_CHECKS'.         "required
   version        '000'.                      "required
   has_attributes c_false.                        "optional
   attributes_ok  c_false.                 "optional
   DEFINE fill_message.
     CLEAR smsg.
     smsg-test c_my_name.
     smsg-code &1.  "message code
     smsg-kind &2.  "message priority
     smsg-text &3.  "message text
     smsg-pcom &4.  "pseudocomment
     INSERT smsg INTO TABLE scimessages.
   fill_message 'Z001' 'E' 'Search authority check statement'(001' '.

Don’t forget to double click on the 001 to generate the text message.

Step 3: adapt the RUN code

Now the check itself has to be built in the RUN method:

     l_include       TYPE sobj_name,
     l_row           TYPE token_row,
     l_column        TYPE token_col,
     l_tokennr       LIKE statement_wa-from,
     l_code          TYPE sci_errc,
     l_search_string LIKE LINE OF search_strings VALUE 'AUTHORITY-CHECK',
     l_position      TYPE i,
     l_found         TYPE VALUE ' '.
 *  IF search_strings IS INITIAL.
 *    RETURN.
 *  ENDIF.
   IF ref_scan IS INITIAL.
     CHECK get'X'.
   CHECK ref_scan->subrc 0.
 *-- loop at all tokens
   LOOP AT ref_scan->statements INTO statement_wa.
     CHECK statement_wa-from <= statement_wa-to.
     l_position sy-tabix.
     IF statement_wa-type 'S' OR
        statement_wa-type 'P'.
       CHECK comment_mode 'X'.
     LOOP AT ref_scan->tokens INTO token_wa
            FROM statement_wa-from TO statement_wa-to.
       l_tokennr sy-tabix.
       IF token_wa-type 'S'.
         CHECK literal_mode 'X'.
 *-- does ABAP-string contain search-string ?
       IF token_wa-str CP l_search_string.
         UNPACK sy-tabix TO l_code(4).
         l_include get_include).
         l_row     get_line_absl_tokennr ).
         l_column  get_column_absl_tokennr ).
         l_found 'X'.
       ENDIF.     "l_strpos > l_pos
   IF l_found NE 'X'.
     informp_sub_obj_type c_type_include
                 p_sub_obj_name l_include
                 p_position     l_position
                 p_line         l_row
                 p_column       l_column
                 p_kind         'E'
                 p_test         c_my_name
                 p_code         'Z001'
                 p_suppress     '"#EC CI_NOAUTH '
                 p_param_1      token_wa-str ).

Basically the code looks for the statement ‘AUTHORITHY-CHECK’. If it found nothing happens. If it is found, it will generate a message.

Step 4: generating the message

In the method GET_MESSAGE_TEXT overwrite the code with this new code:

     L_CODE type SCI_ERRC.
   if P_TEST <> MYNAME or p_code c_code_not_remote_enabled.
                 exporting P_TEST P_TEST P_CODE P_CODE
                 importing P_TEXT P_TEXT ).
   shift L_CODE left deleting leading SPACE.
   P_TEXT 'No authorithy-check statement found'(101).
   replace first occurrence of '&N' in P_TEXT with L_CODE.

SCI settings

Use steps from blog xxx to add the new check to the SCI variant ZTEST.

SCI variant

Test program

We have written a simple test program without AUTHORITHY-CHECK.

Test program ZTEST

When running the SCI with our test variant, this is the result:

SCI check on AUTHORITHY-CHECK statement


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