Office integration tips & tricks

This blog contains tips and tricks for Microsoft Office integration with SAP applications (mainly SAP GUI). Although SAP is the company backbone for data, many users still love excel and word for pre and post processing of data.

General integration

Integration of office with SAP GUI; support and version information can be found in OSS note 722513 – Desktop Office Integration: Maintenance information. For 64 bits versions: 1442028 – SAP GUI for Windows / Desktop Office Integration: Support for Office 64bit editions. 365 support: 3301985 – Does SAPGUI For Windows support Microsoft Office 365 MSO?.

Unfortunately most integration is only possible with SAP GUI.

Not possible for ITS and JAVA GUI: 822867 – Desktop Office Integration: No support for ITS & Java GUI.

Not possible for WebGUI: 2717865 – WEBGUI: Office Integration is not supported.

Not possible for FIORI: 3322204 – Microsoft Options are not available in FIORI.

Multiple screens and high resolution

For supporting multiple screens and high resolution for office integration, read this OSS note: 3141383 – SAP GUI Desktop Office Integration: Guidelines for Handle high DPI and DPI scaling in Office applications.


For inplace/outplace, read these notes: 2739132 – Office 365 – Excel and Word do not open in place (Inside SAPGUI Window) for some users when using Windows DPI over 100%,using multiple screens or after an Office update and 3350338 – OfficeIntegration opens Excel/Word outplace instead of inplace (inside SAP GUI).

Security patching of office products

In some cases security patching from office products causes issues on SAP GUI integration:

Word integration

Specific issue with word as SAPscript text editor: 2362509 – Performance issue with MS Word SAPscript text editor.

OneDrive limitation

OneDrive usage limitation in combination with SAP GUI: 3280505 – File upload to SAP from OneDrive not working when the file is open.