SAP new license model for indirect access

This blog will explain about the new SAP license model for indirect access, also known as Digital Access license.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • Where to find reference material on the new SAP license model?
  • How does the new SAP license model look like?
  • What are the exact definitions inside the documents for digital access?
The explanation in this blog is to help you understand. This is not a replacement of the official SAP site. Please always check the latest official SAP site on the latest status of licensing. The document to search for in the SAP site is called SAP licensing guide (a guide for buyers).

For measurement of digital access in your system read this blog.

SAP offers a free “Digital Access Evaluation Service”. If this service is useful for you, or ‘waking the sleeping dog’ is up to you.


Before starting the explanation these are important and useful references:

The new model

The new model consist of 3 components:

New indirect access model
  1. Direct human access
  2. SAP applications (engines)
  3. Indirect access / digital access
Formal definition:

Digital Access to SAP ERP (“ERP”)

This Package grants (a) humans a license to Use ERP through Non-SAP Application(s) that is/are directly integrated to ERP without the need to be licensed as a “Named User” of ERP and (b) non-humans (e.g. bots, sensors, chips, devices, etc.) a license to Use ERP directly or through Non-SAP Application(s) that is/are directly integrated to ERP and without the need to be licensed as a “Named User” of ERP (collectively, “Digital Access of ERP”).
All Digital Access of ERP will be licensed based exclusively upon the number of Documents created annually by such Digital Access of ERP.  Documents are unique records (i.e. unique digital line-items/objects) as defined in the “Document Definitions” column of the below table.  Each Document shall count as one (1) Document, except for Material Documents and Financial Documents which shall each count as two tenths (0.2) of a Document.  However, where the automated processing in ERP of a Document from one Document Type results in the subsequent creation in ERP of one or more additional Documents of different Document Type(s), such additional Documents shall not be counted.
Where a Non-SAP Application is connected to ERP via a Connectivity App, such Non-SAP Application is still deemed directly integrated to ERP for purposes of this provision.  Any humans and/or non-humans using ERP through application(s) (e.g. Ariba, Concur, Successfactors, Hybris) that is/are integrated to a Non-SAP Application that is directly integrated to ERP do not need to be licensed as a “Named User” of ERP.

In practice this should means documents posted via generic interface user, IOT device, 3rd party application, cloud application posting data in SAP system, etc.

By simply counting documents and agreeing on a price per document, this will simplify the ever ongoing discussion on indirect access.

Digital access based on output

Document definitions

SAP starts with 9 documents. You can find the list and definition in the table below.

Digital access based on documents
Document TypesDocument Definitions
Sales DocumentA Sales Document is (i) a line item record that represents the material and/or service being sold or quoted and/or (ii) a record that represents an individual order/release against a scheduling agreement which indicates the material and/or service being sold.
Purchase DocumentA Purchase Document is (i) a line item record that represents the material and/or service being ordered or requested and/or (ii) a record that represents the release against a scheduling agreement which indicates the material and/or service being procured.
Invoice DocumentAn Invoice Document is a line item record that represents the material and/or service being billed.
Manufacturing DocumentA Manufacturing Document is (i) a record which represents the production-related details associated with manufacturing a material, including: the type, quantity and color of what to produce, when to produce it, where to produce it and/or other distinguishing characteristics, and/or (ii) a record that represents a confirmation which indicates the status of the processing activities associated with manufacturing orders.
Material DocumentA Material Document is a line item record that represents a specific material being received, issued or transferred to, from or within a storage location or plant.
Quality Management DocumentA Quality Management Document is (i) a record that represents the details of a nonconformance being reported including the information required for problem solving and/or (ii) a record that represents results of an inspection.
Service & Maintenance DocumentA Service & Maintenance Document is (i) a record that represents the details of work to be performed including the information needed to plan, execute and bill for a service or maintenance request , and/or (ii) a record that represents the details of a problem being reported including the information required for problem solving and/or (iii) a record that represents the status of the processing associated with service orders and maintenance orders  and/or (iv) a record that represents a claim by a customer for repair or replacement or compensation for under-performance, pursuant to terms in a warranty document.
Financial DocumentA Financial Document is a record that represents accounting information in a financial journal.
Time Management DocumentA Time Management Document is (i) a record that represents an employee’s time worked and assigned to business related objects and/or (ii) a record that represents a confirmation (e.g., a progress update) which indicates the status of the processing activities associated with manufacturing orders.

USMM2: new user license measurement program

This blog will explain on the new USMM2 user license measurement procedure.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • When do I get the new USMM2?
  • How to technically activate the new USMM2?
  • How to run the new USSM2?

In the previous blog on USSM the user classification principles are explained. These principles are still valid for USMM2. If you want to know more about the technical working and mechanics behind the user measurement, read this blog.

Activation of USMM2

USMM2 is activated if you install a recent support package: SAP_BASIS release 7.50 (SP 11), 7.51 (SP 06) and 7.52 (SP 02). With the import of the support package the old USMM is simply replaced with the new one. Official background document from SAP: please follow this link.

The old transaction USMM is still available using transaction USMM_OLD. The only action to do is to activate the new SICF nodes:

USMM2 SICF nodes

New USMM master data

After starting USMM you reach the new start screen:

USMM new start screen

The basic options are still the same. Here you set the basic master data for the user measurement.

Newer feature is the rule-based classification:

USMM rule based classification

More information from SAP on this feature: follow this link.

Executing the new system measurement

From the USMM start screen hit the system measurement button. The new web part of USMM will start.

USMM check notes

The first part is to update the USMM tool and measurement programs.

Yes, also the user measurement programs are written by SAP and are definitely not bug free.
If the measurement program measures too much, apply the notes you find. If the measurement program measures not accurately and SAP does not inform you to apply the note, then you cannot help it that SAP makes a mistake and charge you too little. 
When SAP asks you politely to apply the OSS note best to comply to the request.

In the second step you can do the user classification check and adjust when needed:

USMM user classification

The third step will fire the regular measurement jobs:

USMM peform measurement

In the last step you can transfer the results or download the LAW file:

Result transfer

Further processing in SLAW2: read this blog.

Printed format

You can use transaction USSM_PDF to get a PDF format of the user measurement.

License measurement tips & tricks

For license measurement tips and tricks, read this dedicated blog.

LUI License utilization information

The LUI (license utilization information) tool is an online SAP tool that has all the information on your on premise and cloud licenses information combined. For cloud the usage is automatically visible. For on premise systems you can upload the usage via the SLAW files. This can give you insights into under-consumption and over-consumption of licenses. Read more in this blog.

Developer licenses

USMM2 runs typically on a productive system. For developer licenses the process is more tricky. Also due to the fact that SAP in S4HANA removed the simple DEVACCESS measurement. Read more in this blog.

Bug fix OSS notes

Following list contains recent bug fix OSS notes:

SLAW2: license measurement consolidation

This blog will explain about the SLAW2 tool as successor of the SLAW tool used for license measurement consolidation. For background information on SLAW tool, see this blog.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to technically activate SLAW2?
  • How to setup system master data in SLAW2?
  • How to consolidate user measurement data in SLAW2?
  • How to use the SLAW2.0 information system?
  • Differences between SLAW and SLAW2?


Depending on your system, when you start the SLAW transaction, you might be mandatory routed to SLAW2.

SLAW1 replaced by SLAW2

In this case you are forced to use SLAW2.

Basic activation of SLAW2

Before you can use SLAW2 web part you have to enable the corresponding SICF nodes:

LAW2 SICF nodes

SLAW2 system settings

If the basic activation is done, start SLAW2 by using the transaction SLAW2. This will open the SLAW2 start screen:

SLAW2 start screen

In the master data you start first with checking the already present systems (if you were using SLAW before) or adding a new system.

SLAW2 create new system

In this screen you can also go to the general SLAW2.0 settings:

SLAW2 settings

Running the consolidation in SLAW2

The basic principle of SLAW2 and SLAW are the same. The buttons are in different place. SLAW2 is helping you in bit more fancy roadmap style.

If your system data is properly set up, you can select the Start new or Change Consolidation button in the start screen:

SLAW2 consolidation

The roadmap on top shows in which part of the process you are.

You can show the results and start the Combine Users process.

SLAW2 combine users

Next step is the Consolidate users step:

SLAW2 consolidate users

As last step you can see the results and submit to SAP.

In contrast to the old SLAW, the consolidation is done. If you want to repeat, you have to create a new consolidation.

SLAW2 information system

On the start screen of SLAW2 you can go to the LAW2.0 information system.

SLAW2 information system

From here you can create lists and filter them. The results can be exported to excel for further processing, analysis and clean up.

SLAW versus SLAW2.0

The features in SLAW2.0 and SLAW are basically the same. The positives of SLAW2.0 are the information system and roadmap support. The old SLAW is easier if you have more iterations in cleanup.

As said before, depending on your version, SAP forces you to use SLAW2.0.

License measurement tips & tricks

For license measurement tips and tricks, read this dedicated blog.

LUI License utilization information 

The LUI (license utilization information) tool is an online SAP tool that has all the information on your on premise and cloud licenses information combined. For cloud the usage is automatically visible. For on premise systems you can upload the usage via the SLAW files. This can give you insights into under-consumption and over-consumption of licenses. Read more in this blog.

Relevant OSS notes

If you are facing bugs or issues, you can check these OSS notes:

SAP user measurement consolidation for multiple systems: SLAW

This blog will explain how to consolidate multiple SAP user measurements into 1 combined measurement using the SLAW tool.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • How to use the SLAW tool?
  • Which options and help does it bring for consolidation of user measurement?
  • How to consolidate if users have different user ID’s across the systems?


The SLAW tool has a successor in the SLAW2 tool. See this blog to see how SLAW2 works.

Preparation of consolidation

In each of the systems where you have run USMM user measurement, you have to export the data in the LAW file format. To do this go to USMM and select menu option System Measurement and Export to LAW file:

Export of LAW file

Save as local file is the most common and easy option. Repeat this for all your systems.

LAW consolidation

You need to select one system for consolidation. This can be your main ECC productive server or for example your solution manager system.

In the consolidation system start transaction SLAW:

SLAW start screen

The consolidation process consists of 4 steps:

  1. Load all the LAW files
  2. Combine the users
  3. Consolidate
  4. Send consolidated results

First load all of your LAW files, before going to the user combination.

In the step Combine Users you have several options to combine the users:

Combine users

The best option for your consolidation is dependent on the differences per system. If you user name is the same per system, then this is good option. If the username is different per system, but your email is kept consistent per system, then this is a better option. Last resort is to do by name.

After the combination you can start the consolidation. Result of the consolidation for test users on name looks as follows:

Consolidation on name

If you see cleansing opportunities, do use them. After the cleansing start USMM again, export LAW file and rerun the consolidation.

Tips & tricks for license measurement

For tips and tricks for license measurement read this dedicated blog.

Bug fix notes

SAP user license measurement

This blog will explain about SAP user license measurement.

Important: this blog will explain in general terms. Your own company might have bit different agreements in their contract! Especially for larger companies no SAP contract is ever the same.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to measure users in the SAP system?
  • How can the USMM tool help in the clean up?
  • How does it work when I have same user in multiple productive system?

General tips and tricks on user measurements can be found in this blog.


In newer systems USMM is replaced by USMM2. For more information on USMM2 see this blog.

USMM user measurement tool

The user measurement tool USMM is the starting point. Start transaction USMM and you will come to the tool launch page:

USMM start screen

Important first step is to go to the tab User Types and activate the types according to your contract:

USMM active user types

Reminder: these types can be different company depending on the contract.

These activated types will now be visible in the SU01 License tab:

License tab in SU01

User classification check

In the USMM tool the first thing to do before running the measurement is to validate the user classification. From the USMM start screen click the user classification button. This will now list all the users in your system and the assigned or determined user classification:

User classification overview

If you want to change a classification you can do that in SU01 license tab, or directly from this screen by selection of the record(s) and pressing the Classify Selected Records button.

General rules for classification:

  • Background users (type B and S) typically count as Technical users
  • Non-classified dialog users will be set to Default (meaning SAP will count them as the most expensive type of users)
  • Locked users will be counted as well
  • Users outside of validity period will not be counted in the measurement
Deleted users and users outside of validity date will not be counted in the measurement, but the statistics of these actions will be!
If you execute regular clean up (every month or quarter) this will be seen in the statistics. If you do clean up just before the measurement it will be seen as well, and might lead to discussion. If you do monthly clean up discussions will end fast.

Executing the user measurement

After you have classified and checked all the users,you can start the user measurement in USMM by hitting the System Measurement button.

The USMM tool will now run by firing a huge amount of SM37 jobs. Wait until the jobs are finished (typically max 10 min runtime). Then you can see in USMM the result of the run in the log:

USMM run log results

The USMM tool will both do the user and automated engine measurement.

The USMM tool can be run as frequently as you want. The Send to SAP button is a real send and cannot be reverted.

Improving the USMM results

You can improve the USMM results via the User Data Analysis button:

User data analysis

Here there are several lists to help you find why certain elements are reported.

You can use this lists to find errors in the classification and do extra cleanup. Then you can rerun USMM before you submit the data to SAP.

Multiple productive systems

If you have multiple productive systems a lot of users will be present in both systems. Example: user is present in the core ECC system and runs reports in the BI system.

For the SAP user measurement you want to count the user only once.

To help you in this administration activate in USMM the Multi-Client/System type:

Multi client system user type

In SU01 license tab you can now refer to this type, and set the main system for user measurement:

Multi system user in SU01 tab

If you have multiple systems you run USMM per system. For consolidation of the runs per system you can use the SLAW tool (license administration workbench), or it successor the SLAW2 tool.

LUI License utilization information

The LUI (license utilization information) tool is an online SAP tool that has all the information on your on premise and cloud licenses information combined. For cloud the usage is automatically visible. For on premise systems you can upload the usage via the SLAW files. This can give you insights into under-consumption and over-consumption of licenses. Read more in this blog.

SAP user measurement background information

The most current SAP user measurement background information can be found on the SAP support pages for user measurement.

For  tips and tricks on user management see this dedicated blog.

For the new license model for digital access, read this blog.

For more technical background on how the measurement is performed, read this blog.

For more background on licenses for SAP solution manager, read this blog.

For more background on FIORI ODATA usage, read this blog.

For more background on EHP switches and licenses, read this blog.

Bug fix notes:

Set up CTS project

This blog will explain on how to setup a CTS project.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • How to setup CTS project?
  • How to test if CTS project can be used in SE10 transports?

Set up of CTS project

Start transaction SPRO_ADMIN.

SPRO_ADMIN start screen

One TEST project is already created. We will now create new project TEST2. Hit the create button and give the project a technical name:

Create project in spro_admin

In the overview screen you now can give a long description name:

Create project screen

Goto the Transp.Requests tab to activate the CTS functions (save first is required):

Activate CTS functions

Alternative way of creating the project for CTS only is via SE38 program RSWBO_AUX_PROJECT.

Testing the project

To test if the project is created correctly go to SE10 and create a transport. The project should be visible now:

Project in SE10 project assignment

Basic activation of webservice SOAP runtime

This blog will explain how to activate the SOAP runtime inside the ABAP stack. This is a mandatory step before you can set up web services in transaction SOAMANAGER.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • What steps are required for the setup?
  • How can I check if the setup is done properly?
  • What are potential issue solving actions?
  • What other tools are available?

Setting up the SOAP runtime

Setting up the SOAP runtime is extensively explained in OSS note 1043195 – Configuration of Web service runtime. The basic steps below have to be repeated twice: first you execute the actions in client 000, then in the main data client again.

Start transaction SRT_TOOLS for reaching the main tool set:

SRT_TOOLS start screen

In the Technical Configuration section select the tool for Technical Web Service Configuration. This will bring you to the main activation program:

Automated technical configuration

Hit Execute to start the automatic configuration. For more information see OSS note 2347013 – Configuration of the ABAP Web Service Runtime with transaction SRT_ADMIN.

In case of issues with the creation of user DELAY_LOGON, check this OSS note:

2848763 – Creation of DELAY_LOGON user using SRT_ADMIN does not work reliably.

Checking the configuration

To check if is ok go back to the main screen and select the Check Technical Web Service Config tool. This is the start screen:

Check technical configuration

Start the check. Result should be like screen shot below:

Technical check check result

For the background jobs check OSS note 2231932 – ESI – How to schedule the SAP_SOAP_RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT standard background job.

Issue solving during setup

During setup things might go wrong. If you run without SAP_ALL, please check the notes that you have sufficient authorization. In the process both a background user (SAP_WSRT and DELAY_LOGON) and RFC (BGRFC_SUPERVISOR) are created. If you don’t have authorization for that, issues will happen.

Use transaction code SU01D to see if the users are created properly with the correct roles.

Use transaction code SBGRFCCONF and check the last tab that the supervisor destination is assigned. In systems with CUA there might be an issue with creating the supervisor destination. In this case follow the steps of OSS note 2775490 – Error in customizing while creating supervisor destination.

Issue solving program (run in SE38): WSS_SETUP.

Issue solving transaction: WSIDPADMIN.

Issue solving after setup

If you have issues after setup, run the above check tool via SRT_TOOLS, or directly via transaction SRT_ADMIN_CHECK.

Common root causes: changes in authorization, overzealous user admin deleted SAP_WSRT or DELAY_LOGON user, or somebody deleted the supervisor RFC destination, etc.

SOAP consistency check: see oss note 2353589 – Consistency Check for Soamanager.

Consistency check for Business application ID: see oss note 2347852 – Consistency check for usage of Business Application Id within Web Service Configuration.

Other notes:

SOAMANAGER and issue solving

In SICF activate the services /sap/bc/srt and /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/appl_soap_managements.

After the steps above and the general activation, the transaction SOAMANAGER should start up properly.

If you have issues with SOAP webservices, you can check the reference OSS note 2553979 – SOAP Web Services ABAP – Guided Answers.

The generic troubleshooting note for security issues is 2321968 – SOAP Web Service Security Troubleshooting.

Issue solving tools are described in OSS note 3038290 – Tools for analyzing problems in Web Service framework.

Other testing issues:

Other tools

The SRT_TOOLS transaction also lets you jump to other useful tools such as the WS message monitor and the web services utilities tool.

Webservice issues after system copy and other system changes

After a system copy you might be confronted with data inconsistencies. Upon start of SOAMANAGER you might get this screen:

Webservice setup issue after system copy

Follow the instructions from OSS note 2353589 – Consistency Check for Soamanager. It might mean you need to run program SRT_WSP_INITIALIZE_WS_CFG to re-initialize the complete setup and reconfigure all the webservices again.

Background: 2348042 – Web Service Configuration and system copy/refresh, and 3263624 – ESI – SOAMANAGER error: Read error in secure link ID.

In case of host name changes read OSS note 3235977 – Implications on Web Service Configuration in case of hostname change.

Removing a system from the configuration, read OSS note 3238552 – Removing a system from a local configuration.

Related bug fixes:

Retention of SOAP messages

Start transaction SRT_UTIL to go to the Web Service Utilities screen. From the menu now select the option Tools, Global Configuration. Here you can set the retention times (in days) to keep the SOAP messages:

OSS notes 2611962 – WS retention period and 3024345 – ESI – How to change the retention period for Web Service messages contain the background.

If table SRT_MMASTER is growing fast, it is time for clean up of web service data: see OSS note 2231932 – ESI – How to schedule the SAP_SOAP_RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT standard background job.

Idoc webservices

Some web services will use idocs. To use this feature basis first needs to enable this option by registering this service.  This registration is performed via transaction SRTIDOC.

Bug fix and explanation notes SRTIDOC:

SAP background wiki

Please follow this link to the SAP background wiki on basic SOAP runtime activation.

Activating web services

Oss note 2175422 – Web service provider configuration in transaction SOAMANAGER [Video] contains an excellent video with all the step to activate and configure a web service on the ABAP stack. See also this blog on how to convert any remote function module into a web service. And this blog on how to consume a web service in ABAP.

Use of logical ports is explained in this OSS note: 3237511 – Using default logical ports in Web Service scenarios.

Monitoring web services

For more information on monitoring web service message read this dedicated blog.

ST03N time profiling

If you are running a global system you want to see the usage of the system round the clock. Unfortunately the standard delivery of SAP is summing up the early morning and night hours in the ST03N time profiling.

This blog will explain you how to change this to 24 hours statistics recording.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How to switch to 24 hour time profiling?
  • How does the result look like?

General information on ST03N can be found in this blog.

Switching to 24 hour time profiling

To switch to 24 hour time profiling start program SWNC_CONFIG_TIMEPROFILE:


Select the Calculate All Hours Separately option and hit the execute button. Done.

The end result

Before you can see the end result you best wait one week for the changed statistics to record.

After 1 week go to transaction ST03N and select the Time Profile option in the expert section:

Time profile selection in ST03n

The end results is a breakdown in all 24 hours:


More background information can be found in OSS note 910897 – ST03N: Configuration of the time profile.

Transport check tool

SAP has delivered a new transport check tool. Goal of the check tool is to make sure your imports are done successful. The tool is designed to answer the following questions:

  • Do I import transports in the right sequence?
  • Do I have dependency on other transports, which are not yet imported?
  • Are there objects in the transport also used in other transports, which I should also import now, or when I do later make a downgrade?
  • How long will the import time take?

SAP transport check tool

The transport check tool is a program with name /SDF/CMO_TR_CHECK, or transaction code /SDF/TRCHECK. It is delivered in updates of ST-PI component. You can run this program in the normal system or from SAP solution manager.

If you start you get the following initial screen:

Transport check tool overview screen

Here you see that you need 2 RFC’s: one to the source system where the current transports are and one to the target system where the imports will happen.

Tip: make 2 variants for this program. One is called quality import with RFC source is development and target is quality system. Second is called production import with source is quality and target is the productive system.

In the transport details you can enter 1 or more transport numbers you want to validate. Enter in the transport list the sequence of wanted import.

Important for multiple transports: sequence does matter! If you enter transports in sequence A1, A3, A2 this will give different result from A1, A2, A3.

Cross reference check

The cross reference check will take all the objects in the transport and will execute a where used list in the target system and will check their versions. If any strange thing is found in missing items, or potential version conflicts, you will be alerted. If check is ok the list of items will be empty.

For the cross reference check to work, the transports need to be released. See OSS note 3382914 – /SDF/TRCHECK Cross Reference Check error.

Sequence check

The sequence check will check the sequence of your transports if they are in the right order. It will also check other transports as well for containing the same objects, which have not yet been imported to the target system. If any strange thing is found in missing items or potential version conflicts you will be alerted. If check is ok the list of items will be empty.

Import time in source system

This check will add up the import times of the transport in the source system. This will be a good indication for import time needed in the target system. Example: if import to quality system took 2 minutes, you can expect productive import to be about 2 minutes as well. If the import to quality took 2 hours, you might want to decide more carefully on the exact time of import to productive system.

Online import check

The online import check is for checking critical objects inside the transports. This needs to be configure in the target system of the transport. Read more in this dedicated blog.

History of transport check tool runs

If you use the option Save Results, the results of the analysis will be saved for future reference. These can be retrieved via the History button on the first screen of the transport analysis tool or via program /SDF/CMO_TR_CHECK_HISTORY.

More information

More information on the check can be found by hitting the I (information) button on the program itself. Features of the tool including the PDF explaining the setup of the Online Import Check feature can be found in OSS note 2475591 – Transport Check Report.

Generic SAP blog on the transport tool and its usage can be found here and here.

Specific SAP blog on cross reference check can be found here.

Limitations of the cross reference check are listed in this OSS note: 2964512 – Limitations of the Cross Reference Check.

Bug fixes

This tool is also subject to having bug fixes. The bug fixes can be needed centrally on the SAP solution manager system and on the SAP systems that are being checked for transport imports.

List of bug fix OSS notes:

Print list archiving

This blog will explain how to setup print list archiving.

Questions that will be answered are:

  • What is use case of print list archiving?
  • How to setup print list archiving?
  • How to test print list archiving?
  • How to troubleshoot issues with print list archiving?

Goal of print list archiving

The business sometimes needs to store report output for a longer period of time. They can print the information and put it in their archive. This leads to a big physical archive.

You can also give the business the option store their output electronically in the SAP content server.

Set up or check content repository

First check which content repository you want to use to store the print lists. The type of content repository must be “ARCHLINK”. Menu path in customizing is as follows:

Set up content repository

Or you can go there directly with transaction OAC0.

Content repository A2 is default present in the system and is used in the example below. A2 is pointing towards the SAP database for storage. For productive use a SAP content server in stead of SAP database.

Customizing for print list archiving

In the following customizing path you find all the actions required for the print list archiving:

Print list archivng customizing

First check that print list document type D01 is present and is using ALF as document class:

Print list document type

In the Edit links section, you can set for document type D01 which content repository is should use.

Print list to content repository link

Then check if the number ranges for archivelink are properly maintained (if empty create new number range):

Archivelink number ranges

Then activate the print list queues:

Setup print list archive queues

Next step is to select the action to schedule the storage job. This job should not run faster than every 15 minutes.

Final step is to setup the archive printer. You can later on see it with transaction SPAD as well.

Important here: short name must be ARCH. Device type and device class must be set to archiving.

Set up archive printer screen 1

On the access method tab also set access method to archiving.

Set up archive printer screen 2

Now the setup is complete.

Testing print list archiving

The test procedure is described in OSS note 1792336 – Test if a Print List is being Archived.

If you follow this procedure you will initially run into this strange screen:

Error screen

You didn’t do anything wrong yet. The problem is that the option for print to archive is not displayed by default. First go to the properties of a working printer to enable the archiving output option:

Print request properties screen

The rest of the note is self explaining:

  • Start SE38 and run program SHOWCOLO
  • Print the output list to printer ARCHIVE and archive mode selected
  • Goto SP01 find the spool, select menu path Print with changed parameters
  • Hit the Archive button
  • Start transaction OAM1 and hit the execute button next to Archive queue
  • Start transaction OADR to read from the archived print lists
  • From the list take the document and select the button “Display from storage system”


If you have issues, please check the troubleshooting OSS note  1775577 – How To and Troubleshooting guide for storing print lists in ArchiveLink.

Other OSS notes: