Interesting basis topics:
- ADS (Adobe Document Server):
- Basis:
- ABAP update administration
- Browser support
- Daylight saving time
- Enque and lock table analysis
- Kernel patching
- Linux versions and support
- Number ranges tips & tricks
- Profile parameters
- Program RSMEMORY
- qRFC tips & tricks
- SAP IGS (internet graphics server)
- SAP message server
- Screen Personas installation and basis configuration
- Setup operation modes
- Setup parallel processing
- TCP/IP ports for SAP
- Batch jobs
- Configuration:
- Content server:
- Database growth control and archiving:
- Analysis of SYS_LOB tables
- Controlling amount of parallel batch jobs for data archiving
- Custom program for mass cancellation of work items
- Data archiving business discussions
- Data archiving technical setup
- Data archiving execution runs
- Archiving CATS time writing data
- Archiving change documents
- Archiving CO line items
- Archiving CO order data
- Archiving customer and vendor master data
- Archiving deliveries
- Archiving financial documents
- Archiving material documents
- Archiving material ledger data
- Archiving MM interfacing postings
- Archiving profit center accounting documents
- Archiving purchase documents
- Archiving sales orders
- Archiving SD invoices
- Archiving SD transports
- Archiving WM transfer requirements and orders
- Data archiving data retrieval
- Data archiving infostructures
- Data archiving content server
- Data archiving 2018 improvement notes
- FIORI app for monitoring data archiving jobs
- Getting insight
- HANA data aging
- Oracle statistics update
- PDF converter in SAP kernel
- Print list archiving
- SAP office document deletion
- Storing SAP office documents in content server
- Table AQLDB clean up
- Technical clean up
- Fun:
- GUI:
- Interfacing
- ABAP Push Channels (APC)
- AIF interface error handling
- API business hub
- Basic webservices SOAP activation
- Consuming web services
- Idoc tips & tricks
- ODATA exposing
- ODATA V4 activation
- JCO 3.1
- REST interfacing
- RFC interfacing
- RFC with fast serialization
- SICF tips and tricks
- Trusted RFC setup
- Web service exposing
- Webservice message monitoring
- Mail:
- Netweaver gateway / FIORI:
- FIORI app recommendations
- FIORI app support
- FIORI in app extensibility
- FIORI in app extensibility transport setup
- FIORI notification setup
- FIORI search setup
- FIORI tips & tricks
- FIORI user measurement and usage
- Http/2 support for FIORI
- Netweaver gateway performance
- Setting FIORI gateway timeout and timeout warning
- Testing FIORI apps for slow network or high latency
- Network performance tips and tricks
- Performance
- Advanced table buffer analysis
- Application server performance: ABAPMETER
- First aid kit for performance issues on ABAP stack
- Load balancing analysis tool
- Load balancing settings
- Reporting performance issues to SAP
- SAP ABAP runtime analysis
- SAT ABAP runtime analysis for web applications
- SAP buffers and buffer reset
- Snapshot monitoring
- Snapshot monitoring display tool
- ST05 SQL tracing
- ST07 application monitor
- ST12 performance trace
- SQLM SQL monitor
- Printing:
- S/4HANA:
- Activating embedded BI in S4HANA
- Activating embedded FIORI in S4HANA
- Activating search in S4HANA
- Activating workflow in S4HANA
- Adjusting standard SAP in S4HANA
- Compatibility packs for S4HANA
- Conversion downtime for S4HANA
- Enabling ABAP backend for Eclipse
- SAP Activate methodology for S4HANA implementations
- Setup FIORI KPI tiles
- Setup FIORI MyInbox tile
- SMENQ new enqueue manager
- Standard batch jobs in S4HANA
- Rapid activation of FIORI lighthouse apps
- S/4HANA conversion and upgrade:
- ABAP where used index
- Blacklist in S4HANA
- Code analysis before upgrade with CDMC toolset
- Custom code migration FIORI app
- Downtime minimization app
- Embedded livecache activation
- File interface discovery tool
- Including customer transport in SUM upgrade procedure
- Process discovery
- Readiness check for S4HANA conversion
- Readiness check 2.0 for S4HANA conversion
- Readiness check for Cloud ALM
- Readiness check for ERP usage and data profiling
- Readiness check for GTS Edition for HANA
- Remote ATC S/4 HANA readiness check
- S4HANA conversion preparations
- S4HANA DTV tool (data transition validation)
- S4HANA upgrade preparations
- S4HANA upgrade readiness check
- Setting up S4HANA custom code adjustments
- Set up parallel landscape
- SIC: online simplification item check
- Sizing
- Usage data in S4HANA custom code migration app
- Upgrade preparation general
- Upgrade preparation steps for simplification items
- Upgrade aftercare
- ZDO: zero downtime option
- Search:
- Security:
- Audit logging
- Check HTTP usage in system
- Check RFC usage in system
- Check SE16N usage in system
- Cross client access hacking
- CUA: central user administration
- Debug scripting to bypass authority checks
- Direct table hacking
- Password hacking BCODE
- Password hacking PASSCODE
- Password hacking PWDSALTEDHASH
- Password hacking rule based attack
- Password hacking optimization of the attack speed
- Password hash strengthening
- RFC callback hacking
- RFC security checking
- SAIS_MONI: audit report on system changes
- SAP menu
- SAP security baseline standard
- SAP standard users
- SAP* new method of activating
- SAP support portal security: mail filtering
- SAP trust center
- SE16N emergency mode
- Security optimization service
- Security OSS notes via system recommendations
- Security patch day
- Security policies in user maintenance
- SUIM user information system
- System hacking using RFC jump
- S4HANA security baseline changes
- Table logging
- Transaction locking
- User role comparison
- Table maintenance:
- Tools:
- ANST (automated notes search tool)
- ANST for FIORI and webapplications
- (new) client copy tools
- Checking third party tools and integration
- Cloud ALM demo system
- Code and table generation
- Compare and copy table entries from client 000
- Custom ABAP set original system
- Custom program for monitoring web service availability
- Database and dictionary inconsistencies
- DB01 Oracle lock monitor
- Demo systems
- Digitally signed oss notes
- EWA alert solutions
- EWA tips & tricks
- EWA workspace
- I18N internationalization
- Logical file names
- MASS transaction
- Note search for messages
- Office integration tips and tricks
- OS commands
- Period end shift
- Reading content data from batch jobs variants
- Retrieving actual detailed SAP component information
- SAP cases (incidents) overview
- SAP for me
- SAP support backbone update
- SAP pathfinder
- SAP roadmap explorer
- SAP ABAP runtime analysis
- SAP solution builder
- SAP support log assistant
- SAT ABAP runtime analysis for web applications
- SE16H: HANA specific implementation of SE16
- SE16S: generic table and value search
- SE95 modification browser
- SGEN code generation
- Shared objects memory
- Signavio process insights, discovery edition
- SLG1 application log
- SM02 system message
- SM02 system message suppression
- SM05 HTTPs session management
- SNOTE revamp
- SNOTE tips & tricks
- SO10 standard text
- Solution manager demo system
- SPOOL transaction
- SQL commands via ST04
- SQLM SQL monitor
- SQVI quick viewer
- SREPO: compare code across systems
- ST03N time profiling
- ST05 SQL tracing
- ST06 OS host monitoring
- ST22 Short dump analysis
- Support tool for MRP
- SWLT performance tuning worklist
- System log messages
- System usage: SCMON ABAP call monitor
- System usage: ST03N
- TAANA improvement to count dynamic subfields
- Time zone settings
- Transaction variant
- WLF_IDOC: swiss knife for idocs
- Transports:
- Upgrades / support packages:
- BI queue deletion
- Including customer transport in SUM upgrade procedure
- Keep end users out of system during maintenance
- SAP GUI patching
- SPDD handling for upgrade / support package
- SPAU and SPAU_ENH handling for upgrade / support package
- Stop and start batch jobs for maintenance
- TRDIR and TADIR: tables behind programs and tables
- Upgrade preparation
- Upgrade aftercare
- ZDO: zero downtime option
- User measurement & licensing:
- ABAP system license verification program
- Developer license measurement
- EHP switches and licenses
- Indirect access license model
- Indirect access measurement estimation tool
- License measurement tips & tricks
- LUI: license utilization information
- Mass locking users and end validity date
- Mechanics behind user measurement
- SAP and Oracle JRE/JDK
- SAP solution manager licenses
- SAP user measurement consolidation using SLAW2
- SAP user measurement using USMM
- SAP user measurement using USMM2
- Web parts:
- Workflow: